Okay, you kids make my head hurt. There are a lot of the same questions being asked.. so I'm gonna try and cover them here.
For all intents and purposes (hehe) I am GM.. (That's GeekoMancer to you, not Game Master, get it right). However.. I'm crazy flexible and I'm new to the FATE system myself. Never fear... we'll muddle through this together. It'll be an adventure all on its own.
There are a -lot- of people who are showing up and interested in playing. More than I had expected (Which is rocking awesome and exciting!)! So I am preparing myself for the inevitability of having to run two games. Any more than that and I might have to summon up a new GM... or cut sleep out of my life all together.
I do not mind if people want to play two characters, in either game, but I require that you rotate them enough so that both get play and one isn't just wasted time for me or anyone else.
I'm still reading through my PDFs, like most of you are too. So please hold your questions (write them down somewhere) until Sunday or Tuesday.. that way I have time to catch up and do my own homework.
Power level! I know you all want to know it! I've decided to go with Chest Deep as it opens up the most options for us. Please bear in mind that I love love love love love diversity.. and if I start getting too many of one character type I might start asking people to make an alternate character or if they choose not to.. to pick a different type(This will be on a purely first come first serve basis too). But that's only if.. say.. we have one wizard and a were-thing (Aine... I'm still considering spiders... ugh) against a whole hoarde of sorcerers or something. Never fear.. I'll work with everyone to insure your happiness.
Character creation!!!! Please start getting ideas together! Far be it from me to stop you! But remember we're also going to be working through them together too. That way you can do Phase Four and Five, and maybe round out your character a little more so that we don't have too many alike characters (Given the high number of players interested I am expecting a couple).
Whew... my wrists hurt from typing this much...
oh yes! City creation! Guys we have some options here. Lots and lots of options. A whole world and faerie world of options.. We don't have to stay in the United States! But truth be told we're not going to see your suggestions unless you post them here for us.. or at least we are unlikely to remember them. And I say again.. come prepared to make compromises. If your city isn't picked (We'll probably do things the old dictator way...er..... democratic.. easy mistake to make......) please don't storm off and throw a tantrum.. We'll be doing a lot of our game sessions within our "Home" city, but we can always travel too!
We also haven't really talked about just using the ones laid out for us already.. that -is- an option for us too. Just to note.
On the topic of Knights............... There are 3 swords. 3. In the whole wide fricken world. I'm iffy on using them for starter characters, but I'm not ruling them out right away either.
Can I get any more long winded? Oh you bet your sweet ass I can.
For city suggestions I'm going a little out of my way to do some research beforehand about ley lines and sites of reportedly high mysticalness. Because I can. I'm not yet prepared to give you guys my suggestions, but I'm sure I will be by Sunday... unless work kills me which is actually a possibility.
Okay. I think.... that is about all right now.