Author Topic: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)  (Read 8104 times)

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2010, 05:49:44 AM »
It one of the abilities that one of the Ordo Lebes women, Abby, has in 'Our World'.  It probably is slightly overpowered though.

Though it's 2 stunts not 3.  Skill substitution for defense x2.
You are right.  I thought I saw it also Mental defense to Lore (which would've been the third trapping).  The idea of seeing glimpsing into the future is pretty nifty, but I don't really see where to cut refresh (other than the nifty staff).

So I am going to stick with some sort of penalty somewhere.  Either:
- Lore at -1 for both.
- Using Lore against a given attack causes a penalty on your next action (just like how supplemental actions can cause a -1 on your "main" simple action).

But this thread has given me a lot of nifty ideas for new Stunts.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2010, 07:02:34 AM »
You're forgetting that it's a power, not a Stunt. There's a 2 Refresh surcharge on all powers, they are thus better. I calculated it out and Inhuman Strength is worth at least 6 mortal Stunts, this one being worth 2 is no big deal compared to every other power there is.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 07:11:04 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline neko128

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2010, 12:57:45 PM »
Maybe "Protocol Impasse?"  "Ruled by Rules?"  "Warden (Morgan?) Tunnel Vision?"

Victim of the System?

Offline Brock

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2010, 05:51:30 PM »
I think the aspects are little too long, too clunky.  The point is to come up with an idea (which yours were excellent) and expand on them, condense them in to something that's frequently usable. 

Here's my suggestions that should help make them more tagable for players and GM's.

Byron Hall
High Concept: Wizard from the ‘hood
Trouble: Power has a purpose
P1:  Miser
P2:  It’s better than prison
P3:  Swing Right
P4:  goodness ain't always badness
P5:  alpha dog

Xiao Jing-Wei
High Concept: Warden Enchantress
Trouble: You dont always get what you pay for
P1:  Shattered dreams
P2:  Miracles happen / Unimpossible / How the ... ?
P3:  I call the shots / My life is my own / I am who I choose to be
P4:  A fist full of boom
P5:  Miles to go before I sleep

Matthew Rhodes

High Concept: Faithful Wizard
Trouble: Higher Expectations
P1:  All American Kid
P2:  In pieces, not peaces
P3:  Made mighty by sacrifice
P4:  Fear is the mindkiller
P5:  Not dumb enough to run / Not dumb enough / Too smart to flee / I want the last laugh

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2010, 09:48:45 PM »
I felt like I should share the final stats of the Warden Pup I've talking about but still unable to play atm.

Johann Sebastian "Pup" Basset

High Concept:
(Probationary) Teenage Warden  [Specifically 19]

Trouble: "I Have a Social Life, DAMMIT!!!"

Other Aspects: Military School Fixed Me...Sort of.; Magic is Like Music; Jabberwock's Bane - The Vorpal Sword; I Can't Find Mana on The Periodic Table; The Spokane Scoobies

Phase 1: 

J.S. Basset was the mild mannered son of a pair of Music Professors. Because of his blood bourne Orchestra Geek-dom. At his old school he was picked on by the school bully...Once. An improvised weapon to the face ended that. Unfortunately, the bully was also the principal's son, so the only way out for J.S. was Military School. Specifically The Army/Navy Academy [It's the closest one I could find to Spokane, WA].

Phase 2:

J.S. found the Magic during a Grenade Toss event when he made the ground beneath the simulator EXPLODE. He was approached by a Wizard of the Council and recruited immediately. He took to his training quickly because of his background as a Cellist.  He even managed to get into the Wardens because of his phenomenal Evocating ability. However, Wizards LaFortier and Peabody didn't like the idea of a Wizard so young without Thaumaturlurgical ability to be a full-wizard(but needed the thug power) so they made him a "Probationary" Warden. Meaning that until he passes his Thaumaturgy Exam, he is technically a Warden but not a full Wizard. Meaning he doesn't get things like a paycheck, voting rights, a stipend for expenses or things like that...

Phase 3:

First Adventure:
A Warden's Sword

During his training at Camp Kaboom, J.S. made waves among the younger Wardens, but the older Wizards like Harry and Carols thought he was just a hotshot and earned him the nickname, "Pup" after an Epic Wiseass remark from Warden Dresden. He wanted to prove his worth and thought Warden's swords were cool so he did some research. He found the fairie retelling of Warden Alighieri's battle against the Jabberwocky and the Sword he left behind. When he set out to retrieve the lost blade, he found it in the care of the Jabberwocky that killed the old Warden, the one left out of the story....

Other Phases are currently unwritten.

Skills: 30 points
Superb:  Conviction, Discipline
Great:      Weapons, Athletics
Good:      Endurance, Alterness
Fair:        Lore, Scholarship
Average:   Guns, Performance


-3   Evocation (Earth [Control +1], Air, Water)

-1   The Sight 
  His Sight tends to revolve around musical structures to depict things. Everything has a theme song basically.

-0   Soulgaze

-0    Wizard's Constitution

-2   The Vorpal Sword (Item of Power)

  The Sword can only be wielded by someone sworn to uphold the Laws of Magic, Obey the Will of The White Council and Protect The Innocent in that order. The Sword can be unmade if it is used to intentionally break one of The Laws.

[+2]  Obvious:
It's a 48" Sword. He keeps it in his Cello case.

[-1]  Warden's Sword
(made with 4 Enchanted Item Slots) Allows the use of only the dispel ability(it doesn't get the stress 6 attack because of Sharp) 5/session.

[-1]  Sharp 
   +2 Stress Damage (making it a Stress 5 Sword, eek...) but,  only when it is being used to cut. If you bash someone with the hilt, that Vorpal Blade don't go Snicker Snack, it go WHACK!

[-2]  Worldwalker

Total Refresh:
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 09:56:27 PM by Lanodantheon »  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2010, 09:54:22 PM »
thats a very cool character.  I'm not sure how I feel about using a warden sword's enchanted item mechanics as an item of power.  I think if you are doing it that way, it should cost more than -1 refresh.
Lawful Chaotic

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2010, 10:18:23 PM »
Well, it's effectively a level of Refiement in a sword, so it works out fairly well.

I'm more thinking that any Warden needs at least Ritual if not full on Thaumaturgy to have passed the White Council's Wizard trials.

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2010, 04:53:53 AM »
thats a very cool character.  I'm not sure how I feel about using a warden sword's enchanted item mechanics as an item of power.  I think if you are doing it that way, it should cost more than -1 refresh.

Well, it's effectively a level of Refiement in a sword, so it works out fairly well.

You are correct, I built that -1 refresh with 1 level of Refinement to buy 4 enchanted items slots.

2 for the Warden's Sword and 2 for extra uses. Though now that I do the math, it would be Base 3 uses (2 EI slots) + 2 X 2 extra uses(2 additional uses per enchanted item slot) = 7 uses/session. But only the dispel effect because of Sharp. Sharp is meant to represent the fact it's the Fracking Vorpal Sword. Sharp's effects are comparable to a Stunt. And I specify, only when cutting.

I'm more thinking that any Warden needs at least Ritual if not full on Thaumaturgy to have passed the White Council's Wizard trials.

That's the thing, he hasn't passed the trials yet. He is only a Warden on paper. He is still technically an apprentice.

Why is that? He is a damn good Evocator, military school made him easy to train for Fire discipline(military speaking, not magic fire) and for the war they need everyone they can get. Yes, he can't put up Wards or use divinations or anything like that yet, but he has mighty magical thews.

Plus, the practical reason for that is because the game I designed him for is only Refresh 8. At refresh 10 he gets Thaumaturgy for a total of -9, making him a full Wizard/Warden.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2010, 06:36:08 AM »
You are correct, I built that -1 refresh with 1 level of Refinement to buy 4 enchanted items slots.

2 for the Warden's Sword and 2 for extra uses. Though now that I do the math, it would be Base 3 uses (2 EI slots) + 2 X 2 extra uses(2 additional uses per enchanted item slot) = 7 uses/session. But only the dispel effect because of Sharp. Sharp is meant to represent the fact it's the Fracking Vorpal Sword. Sharp's effects are comparable to a Stunt. And I specify, only when cutting.
Don't forget that you can use an enchanted item an extra time per session for the low cost of 1 mental stress.

So at some point, it might not be worth having 7 uses.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.