Author Topic: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power  (Read 3091 times)

Offline Barodahn

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Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« on: May 07, 2010, 03:24:52 AM »
Here are my ideas for making items of power based on the elements, not sure of some of the catch values, and catch's.  What do you all think? Works? Doesn't work? What needs to be different?  Items in bold i am having the hardest time with.  Are these good representations of the elements?  Didn't stat up the "it is an item bonus's" but those are easy to figure out.

Shield of Water-Total           -6   (+2 rebate already applied)   
supernatural recovery      -4   
catch    (Earth)               2   
aquatic                      -1   
mimic appearance              -3   able to change appearance (mimic form, does not need part of person)
inhuman strength              -2   
Sword of Fire- Total             -6   (+2 rebate already applied)   
Inhuman Recovery      -2   
catch    (water)           1   
inhuman strength              -2   
breath weapon   fire           -2   
flaming aura              -3   works as venomous (from claws) and can extend around a                 .                                                body and weapons
Armor Boots of Air-Total   -6   (+2 rebate already applied)   
Inhuman Recovery             -2   
catch    (fire)                -1   
Supernatural Speed      -4   
Flight                              -1 (no wings needed flight)   
Staff of Earth-Total                -6  (+2 rebate already applied)   
Supernatural Toughness        -4   
catch                        3   air doesn't work which was my first thought, wood? not sure
supernatural strength      -4   
hulking size                      -2   
long life                      -1   somewhere between wizards constitution and inhuman recovery, earth .                                                should not recover fast, but should have long life...
Helm of Spirit-Total            -6 (+2 rebate already applied)
Inhuman Recovery      -2   
catch    no idea            1   help?
spirit form/gaseous form    -3   which works better? not sure
glamours               -2   

edit:  Tried to get this to format right, but it didn't, if it is too hard to read let me know and i will try again.

Offline Esoteric

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Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 03:29:24 AM »
I think if the anti-aging power on the staff of the earth is only increasing a character's lifespan, then it should be counted as a +0 power (unless you plan on having a campaign that lasts decades or even centuries, otherwise its really just a cosmetic change).

Offline Cajun Guy

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Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 04:29:19 AM »
Only thing is I don't know if the helm would rate  +2 I definitely think boots would not. The idea is it has to be very obvious and able to be taken fairly easily , like an OAF (obvious accessable focus) in champions..  A sword, staff and shield would do that, but it would be pretty hard to get someones shoes or helmet off. I'd think they would be +1 because ithey wouldn't be easily accessible and unless you have them glow or something who would think the shoes or helm are a focus at all.

Also fire and water would be good, but maybe +3 as they are common and pretty easy to get. The earth and air not so much as only a caster would be likely to be able to do anything and they are pretty rare. Wood would work pretty good though, worked for the orginal GL after all. Instead of earth pick a type of metal the more common the higher number like +3 iron, +2 copper, +1 obsidian or platinum or the like..

Other than that very cool stuff. Do you have a backstory? Also you as item of power you need to think about linking it to an aspect. What non -power effects does it have on the person. having the wearer take on similar personality traits to the element would work fire = temper, water = laid back, air=flighty, earth =stubborn.

Offline Falar

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Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 04:33:22 AM »
You know that you can only have one Item of Power on at a time or otherwise the power covers all the separate IoPs you have on them, so you only get the +1/+2 once, not multiple times?

I ask this because it seems to be designed for someone to be having with wearing all of them, which would, at the very least, drive the price up by 8.
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Offline Barodahn

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Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 05:11:02 AM »
On the anti-aging, i wanted something between the two, so he could recover fully, and have the inhuman level of lifespan (which is longer then wizard constitution from what i can tell, but i didn't say that fully).  Should i just do wizards con and leave it at that?

On item rebate.  Yeah, i see what you mean, i was thinking size, not take/away ability.  On the boots i was really thinking like armor plate large boots, not just short boots.

I'll work on the catches again, I have them as +1 because they only have a inhuman recovery, so you can't have catch of +3.

On the back story/aspects etc.  This grew out of just wanting to have a character with a "Blade of Wind".  Ancient, old old sword master embodied by power of wind. But when i was thinking about decided would be cool if they all existed.

On issue of one at a time vs all.  I was thinking that NEVER should one person have them all.  More a concept of something like the swords of the cross, where these items exist in the world to represent the elements and are carried by different people.

Any idea's of a catch for spirit?

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Opinions Requested on Elemental Items of Power
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2010, 07:37:36 PM »
you could do something more ethereal as a catch for spirit like "deniel" maybe.

and on the long life span i would just go wizards constitution and say it lets them not age(if they dont heal any faster it isnt worth spending points on)
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