Hello all!
We just had our first session (2 players, one GM and none with experience with FATE). The following are questions that were raised during the game sessions.
1) When, following one of your action, a target gets a consequence, can you tag that consequence for free as if you "created" it?
2) Is it abusing the rule to have a very strong character, which is represented by the Might skill, use that skill to complement weapon and fists actions, essentially increasing damage by 1 stress? To me it does not make sense to have a kid hitting with a dagger doign as much as a pro wrestler.
3) For initiative, is it in the order of Alertness score, or the result of an Alertness skill roll?
4) As a GM, if a PC took the mild consequence "Dizzy", can every attackers tag his aspect, even in in the same exchange? So if he is attacked by 3 people, he would get 3 fate points...?
Similarily, can the same aspect be used, in different ways, more then once per exchange? For example, can it be compeled and then invoked in the same exchange?
5) If a character suffer from the Prone aspect, does he require a manoeuver himself to remove that aspect, essentially using an action to stand up? Or could it be considering moving one zone and therefore only imposing a -1 on the next action? I guess it depends if the souce of the prone aspect is actively trying to maintain the situation.
6) For Thaumaturgy/Ritual magic, once you have accumulated enough COMPLEXITY you get to roll your discipline to actually fuel the spell. How long are each rolls?
And how long does it take to create a thaumaturgical/ritual effect, when a) The control is lower or equal to your Lore, b) the control is higher then your Lore. Essentially, the qustion is if Thaumaturgy/ritual could be used in a combat situation (a quick ward for example). I understand that if you require research to meat the control requirement, the required time is much longer, but how long would it take to create a ward 3, if you have Lore 3...essentially doing a quick chant and drawing a circle around you.
7) How do you deal with MOOKS? Do they have Consequences? Are they out of combat (dead?) once their stress track is busting?

If you consider mooks to NOT have consequences, do they DIE when out of stress? This si espericllay important with regards to the first law of magic.
That's pretty much it for now.
Thanks for the help!