Author Topic: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?  (Read 4096 times)

Offline Ran

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Hi! I've been reading over my preorder PDF's and was really interested in running a game; I've run a few D&D (2nd and 3rd) edition games before, likewise BESM (also 2nd and 3rd tristat), but ever since finishing College, it's been all online.

I was hoping to get a group together using meetups or somesuch, but my house is much too small to host a group with anyone larger than, say, pre-Changes Toot; can anyone recommend a good venue for this sort of thing? It seems too loud for a library and too private for a coffeeshop.

I currently live in a big city (San Francisco), so I imagine I have a lot of options... if I just knew where to look. I read some gaming stores let people game in the store as well, for instance. Anyway, any advice is really appreciated.

Offline Shecky

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2010, 10:25:22 AM »
You started to hit on a good resource: game stores. They may host them, they may work as a clearinghouse for gaming groups to form, etc. - they're always a good place to start.
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Offline SoulCatcher78

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2010, 11:34:59 AM »
You started to hit on a good resource: game stores. They may host them, they may work as a clearinghouse for gaming groups to form, etc. - they're always a good place to start.

In a metro area you should have lots of options as long as you have transportation.  Game stores are great for 1: they know what to expect when you tell them what you want to do (run a game) 2: great place to find new players 3: usually has longer weekend hours to accomodate gaming groups.  If nothing else, it will allow you to interact with others until you can find a better place to game (a level of anonymity is good among strangers until you feel comfortable telling them where you live).

Offline neko128

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2010, 01:38:22 PM »
I'll third the local game store optionas the best one you can find.  Most of them *love* hosting gaming groups, because it's a strong incentive for the gamers to purchase stuff there and earns them good will in the community...  Plus it gives them a chance to cross-sell other games to your group.  The biggest catch you'll usually have is that a growing number of them don't want you to bring food - they want you to buy from the store.  If you go this route and order pizza, seriously consider ordering pizza for the staff as well.

1) Libraries.  Some may go "OMG, devil worshipping RPGers!", and some may just not have a convenient room to play in, but some have study/group rooms you can schedule or rent.  Plus, if you have a good library, they'll stock the game-books and novels for you.  :)  Downside, they're usually tough on food.

2) Schools.  High schools are much touchier now, but colleges frequently have gaming clubs and libraries and student centers that may be options.  Downside, it's frequently much harder to get access if you aren't a student there.

3) Community rooms.  In Schenectady, NY, the local war-gaming club meets at the Price Chopper (a supermarket) Community Center, for a very reasonable amount of rent.  Malls, department stores, and restaurants occasionally have similar things.  You may have to dig a little, but they're out there.

4) Restaurants.  This sounds weird, but I did it in college for about two years with some friends.  Find a 24-hour diner, or a restaurant that's not busy certain days; make friends with the owners; and say "Look, I have a group of guys who want to get together once a week.  We'll be talking, but we won't be disruptive; if we buy dinner and drinks, can we snag an extra table for space and hang out in the corner for a few hours?" On a Saturday night, they'll all say "no!" (they want the space, and they want people to move through quicker), but on a less busy night they might well say yes.  Just remember they're a business, and be respectful and buy food and TIP WELL.  :)

Offline TheMouse

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2010, 03:21:11 PM »
I currently live in a big city (San Francisco), so I imagine I have a lot of options... if I just knew where to look. I read some gaming stores let people game in the store as well, for instance. Anyway, any advice is really appreciated.

I hear awesome things about Endgame in Oakland. I've heard a number of people saying that it's pretty much the best game shop out there, although I've never had the chance to test this personally (living in New England as I do). Here's their site:

Offline Ran

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 03:03:36 PM »
Thank you for all the advice, everyone! I think I'll swing by Endgame first; it's not that far from me (~30-50 minutes) and it looks like a great place to see even if I don't end up using it for games.

Thanks especially for the list of suggestions, Neko128; I'd never even thought of a restaurant before... although now that I think about it, a few times in College we talked gaming non-stop while swinging by fast food places, but that's a different thing. ;) Still, that sounds like a great idea too -- I can think of a few places I am a regular at that are slow some nights that might not mind. The library or renting space could work out great, too.

Offline Tzarii

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2010, 04:20:29 PM »
Floating games are also good.  Changing the scenery can be really helpful.  I had a group when I was trying to make my own system ( thank you boredom) that we would switch houses pending room and occasionally doing stuff.  If you have the cash a hotel room works (However when I did it there were equal girls and guys in the group so the person at the front desk gave us a really weird look...)  Just make sure the environment is right.
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Offline JosephKell

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 09:29:46 PM »
I hear awesome things about Endgame in Oakland. I've heard a number of people saying that it's pretty much the best game shop out there, although I've never had the chance to test this personally (living in New England as I do). Here's their site:
Endgame is indeed very nice.  I used to participate in their Monday Night RPGA event.  They have an amazing space above the store for gaming.  They are over in the Swan's Market of downtown Oakland.

But Endgame is participating in Evil Hat's pre-order thing (I think someone from Evil Hat has actually demonstrated DFrpg there in the past).  I know in their April Mini-Con they ran 2 or 3 DFrpg games.  If you are running one-shots, I am sure they will work with you (the staff is very friendly) to arrange a time to showcase a new game ("Hey, did you like this game?  You can go buy it downstairs!").  It is harder to run regular recurring games with the same people because it is a store.  Endgame Oakland is looking for two GMs to run DFrpg games at 1 PM on 10/7 (this is as of a tweet posted on May 4th).  Given that it is a Early July game, I think this is a "This game was just release" demo day (so I suspect they will have probably 6-9 tables that day).

You could search Facebook.  A friend of mine started a Bay Area Gamers group.  Like a lot of Facebook Groups, it feels pretty underutilized.  But if you message people, it does send them a notifying email (which is useful for people like me that don't regularly log into Facebook).

The best place I have found to do regular game nights is actually at the office after work.  The only problem is that whoever actually works there becomes a must for the session to work (my group meets at the office where three of the members work).  So assuming someone in your group works at a place that is cool with people being there after hours, it works out.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 05:29:06 AM by JosephKell »
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Offline Ran

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Re: What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2010, 02:11:01 AM »
Nothing wrong with changing it up a lot -- that's a good point/idea, too. :) Even if I get a group together that starts at EndGame or another place, we could always change venue.

No luck with using my company's office (they closed it, long story ;)) but maybe that could work out, too. I can't decide if the idea of gaming with coworkers would be the most awesome thing or a scary thing.

Endgame Oakland is looking for two GMs to run DFrpg games at 1 PM on 10/7 (this is as of a tweet posted on May 4th).  Given that it is a Early July game, I think this is a "This game was just release" demo day (so I suspect they will have probably 6-9 tables that day).
Oh, cool! I emailed them about that and got an email back, so I am probably going to participate in it. If nothing else, this'll be a great way to meet other people who are interested... even if I was hoping to start a bit sooner. :)

I also requested to join that facebook group; seems like a cool thing anyway, even if it is dead. I tried a few meetup groups, too. Still, this is exciting -- and thanks to everyone for all the advice!