Author Topic: Campaign Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)  (Read 3462 times)

Offline Korwin

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Campaign Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)
« on: May 11, 2010, 05:52:14 PM »

Character Generation

11 Refresh for Powers and Stunts (2 Refresh minimum Powers or Stunts), not used Refresh is lost (so use em).
5 Fate points for all Characters

There is no Lawbreaker stunt.

If an Law is broken, Aspects get modified.
Magic isn’t necessary (If an Char. kills an Aspect gets modified, if the Char. doesn’t already have an appropriate Aspect.)

Transformation Magic

When you (Self-)Transform into another thing you loose all your Powers and Stunts.
Unless you buy them back into the Ritual.

The basic difficulty for transforming is based on the True Shapeshift Power (-4 Refresh = 8 Shifts)
(Reason, while one Ritual can only change you into one form, you can have multiple Rituals. Thats True Shapeshift.)

Since you may want to end the spell before sunrise, we add another shift.

So the basic Self-Transforming spell is an Complexity Ritual 9.

So lets say our Wizards want to transform into an Wolf. With the Lvl. 9 Ritual he can take the form off an Wolf, but he is unfamiliar with the body.
He incorporates another Power into the Ritual: Beast Change for the Skill Shuffle.
Thats another Refresh (Total of 5) or 2 Shifts of Power. = Complexity of 11

After an Encounter with an Hellhound our Wizards want to change into one.
A Hellhound is an -7 Refresh creature with the -4 from True Shapechange that would be -11. To much for our Submerged Wizard (10 Refresh Total, max. -9 Refresh)
He researches further and cuts the Pack Instinct out and the Stunt Unflappable (Presence), that would bring the Refresh to -9, but then he realises he needs still the Beast Change Power...
He cuts the other Stunt since he overlaps a little with Echoes of the Beast.
Complexity of the Ritual (9*2)+1 = 19

Later in the Campaign after the Wizard got 7 new Refreshes he bought True ShapeChange (-4) and the Modular Abilities (-3).
So he can Shapechange into an Wolf on the fly (with all his Powers intact), but anything more complicated (like an bird) he needs still to cast an Ritual.

He could change into an Bird with allmost all his Powers intact with an Ritual.
-3 Evocation
-3 Thaumaturgy
-1 Wizards Sight
-2 Refinement
-1 Diminuitive Size
-1 Wings
-1 Beast Change
-4 True Shapechange

He could'nt use his True Shapechange, because this is the Ritual Version. He would need to end the spell first.
The Complexity of the Ritual would be (16*2)+1 = 33

With two more Refresh spent on Modular Abilities he wouldn't need the Ritual (And it would be much faster).

IMHO with this you could play an Junior Wizards who grows into an Powerfull Shapechanger.
It's flexible, but you are at least 4 Refresh points behind the Specialist.

The same thing happens when you transform another being (+you need to exceed the stress-box + if the target takes consequences those)


The Summoning Rituals (Demons or Magical Constructs) Complexity is Refresh cost x 2.
(Containment and Binding Ritual is be still based of Conviction)

« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 07:26:39 AM by Korwin »

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Re: Campaing Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 05:53:27 PM »

High Concept: Mistress of the Winter Forge
Trouble: Greedy
Other Aspects: Long-Term-Planer, I breed my own Army (preferable with Wizards), My Mortal Children are part of my Web, My Immortal Children are my Enforcers

-4 Supernatural Speed
-4 Supernatural Recovery
+3 Catch: Iron
-4 Greater Glamour
-2 Incite Lust (Ranged, Lasting)
-4 Unseelie Magic
-2 Ritual: Item Creation
-17 Refresh

Note: Possible Mother for Changling PC's

High Concept: Demonic Escourt Assasine

-3 Item of Power
+2 Item Bonus, a Cloak
-2 Glamours
-1 Beast Change*

* The Char turns into an D&D Succubus (with non-functional Wings).

-2 Ritual: Item Creation    

-4 Supernatural Recovery
+3 Catch: Salt   

+1 Human Form
-1 - Emotional Vampire**
-1 - Incite Emotion**

** When using this Powers, the Char. gains black Eyes and and the room temperature gets higher (think Withe Court, only warmer instead of colder), small Horns sprout…

-1 Refinement x 4   -4

(10 Focus Item Slots) +5 Item Crafting Power Focus, 10 Enchanted Item Slots.

Superb 2: Lore, Resources
Great 2: Altertness, Deceit
Good 2: Presence, Guns
Fair 3: Guns, Athletics, Endurance
Average 5: Conviction, Driving, Contacts, Fists, Discipline

After Beast Change:
Superb 2: Deceit, Guns
Great 2: Alertness, Athletics
Good 2: Endurance, Discipline
Fair 3: Conviction, Fists, Weapons
Average 5: Driving, Contacts, Investigation, Lore, Presence

Enchanted Items:
Knife: Opens a Door into the NeverNever.
(Strength 6, 5 uses per Session) --> 1 Enchanted Slot.
Shield Bracelet: +8 Block or +4 Armor (Duration 3 exchanges), 7 Uses per Session --> 4 Enchanted Item Slots.
An enchanted Chain: +10 Weapons damage (to Hit is with Guns), 9 Uses per Session --> 5 Enchanted Item Slots.

High Concept: Changling Sorcerer
Trouble: In-Debt
Other Aspects: Mutual Protection Pact

-3 Thaumaturgy

-4 Supernatural Recovery
+3 Catch: Iron   

-8 Physical Immunity
+5 Stacked-Catch: only against Mortal Magic*   

-1 Refinement x 2   -2

(6 Focus Item Slots)
+5 Summoning and Binding Complexity Focus.
+1 Item Focus Slot exchanged into Enchanted Item Slots.

* Is a Catch against Magic possible? How would that be priced?

Total Refresh cost: -9

Important Skills:
Superb: Lore, Discipline

« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 06:41:30 PM by Korwin »

Offline Korwin

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Re: Campaing Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 05:54:30 PM »

Setting/City Aspect: An empty Throne

Background: Oberon was an joke/boast from an Fae (yeah, he was named Oberon), he got himself killed shortly after his boast of beeing the king of the Fae...

But his boast lived on... Books got written about an Oberon the King of Seelie and Unseelie Fae.

He got good marketing.
Additionaly Mortal talked about a balance in the nature (Naturgleichgewicht), if damaged it would give away to global warming...

And an Throne got formed in the unconciousness of the Mortals.

But the Throne is empty...
Who will claim the Throne?
To unify Fairy against external Threads?
To balance the Queens, to help the weaker one.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 06:54:18 PM by Korwin »

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Re: Campaing Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 05:55:29 PM »

Offline Korwin

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Re: Campaing Notes (HR, NPC's, Aspects)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 05:56:03 PM »