Worksheet to output Dresden Files RPG characters into various formats such as, TXT, BBCode, HTML, and XML. Currently, Character and Player Name, Template, Musts, High Concept, Trouble, all five Phases, the twenty-five canon Skills, up to ten Stunts, up to ten Powers, and general notes can all be entered into the form. The values of Skills and the cost of Stunts and Powers can all range from ten to negative ten.
The entered data can be automagically formatted into TXT, BBCode, and HTML output. The output in XML format is under development and the loading in of data from output XML will also be supported. In addition, the output can be of either the simple type, which includes only Aspects of each Phase and omits all unset values, or of the full type, which includes all data fields and substitutes a single question-mark for all unset values.
The page is broken up into different sections, similar to the official character worksheet in the source books. Each section is made up of a header and a body. The visibility of the section body can be toggled at any time by clicking various places on the header, allowing sections to be hidden when they are not needed, and shown when they are.
The Worksheet page is written entirely in JavaScript, so if you have JavaScript disabled then you will have to enable it for the page. There are no advertisements of any kind and all scripting is done to provide the functionality of the page without requiring the page to constantly reload.
This project is in an active alpha stage of development. This means that the page may change. New things may appear and vanish just as quickly, the layout or colors may vary, but this will not happen often as the majority of development and testing is done offline. If something does happen, and the page blows up on you (or its just not there), just wait a few minutes, a new subversion is probably being uploaded and tested.
Online Character Worksheet - v2 Alpha (v2.0)I seem to have a lot of problems connecting to this site, and I like to keep notes, ideas, and progress on my project threads, so I started a temporary one elsewhere. It contains random details of the page, what I'm working on, and various example outputs and what they look like when displayed. I will update this post, and add a new post about progress, when I can, but the following linked thread is where you can find the most up-to-date info.
OCW Information