So, some thoughts...Deadmanwalking and Moriden, thank you both for your comments. You know, I've never understood why Hedge Wizard was meant to imply that the user was somehow sub-par, as opposed to a Hedge Knight that was simply a knight that operated independently. Maybe I'll just change the High Aspect to "Venatori Wizard" or something like that. He's a Warden-level evocation expert, and I believe that someone with the resources of the Venatori can gain have the same kind of Great Lore knowledge as someone of a similar age (early 90s) in the Council.
That said, I decided not to give him Thaumaturgy. Bad call, maybe, but I think it keeps within his aspects. I do agree that his time as a member of the military (Devil's Brigade, 8th Army Rangers, and 10th Special Forces) do merit a higher gun rating. Maybe in 1955 he would have been Great, but in 2010 we'll make do with Good. To compensate, I bumped down endurance to Fair and added the "No Pain, No Gain" stunt. Still -9, but without the biomancy specialization (I changed it to wards. I can do that, right?)
I sort of see Ted as a non-traditional guy, and I like that his foci aren't European standard. He's an open-minded wizard, as evidenced by his not becoming a member of the Council, and I thus imagine his influences coming from different plant. And, yes, swords are cool too

Modified my spells (I sort of didn't know what I was doing there - followed previous models) and I think I brought the sword up to the new enchantment standards. Please let me know if the power specializations are right. Again, a case of me not being 100% sure.
Thanks again for everyone's input. Here are the revised stats:
Name: Ted Richardson
High Concept: Special Forces Hedge Wizard
Trouble: Hunter of Shadows, Hunted by Shadows
Other: Martha’s New Deal Apprentice; Devil’s Brigade, Korea, and Real Combat; Venatori Hedge Wizard, You Wouldn’t Believe my Night Job…
Superb: Conviction
Great: Discipline, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Fists, Guns
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Investigation, Endurance,
Average: Contacts, Deceit, Stealth, Rapport, Resources,
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance) [-1]: Add two minor physical consequences
Person of Conviction (Conviction) [-1]: Uses conviction to determine Social stress
Armed Arts (Fists) [-1]: (Shikomizue Scabbard and Shikomizue Sword)
Evocation [–3]
Rituals: Wards [-2]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Total: -9 Refresh
Rote Spells:
Folguris (Lightning Attack as Force, Four Shifts): Directs a tight beam of magical lightning (Weapon:5) at a target. Requires his Shikomizue Scabbard to cast.
Mirui ab Airae (Air Block, Four Shifts): creates a small wall of air to protect Ted, and functions as either Armor:2 or a Block:4 . One shift for duration. Requires the shield watch.
Strigare (Earth Attack as Force, Three Shifts): Amplifies the gravity around an attacker (Like getting hit by a maul), dealing Weapons:4 damage.
Evocation: Elements (Earth, Air, Spirit); Power (Air +1), Control (Earth+1)
Focus Items:
Shikomizue Scabbard [+1 Offensive Control with Air]
Shield Bracelet [+1 Defensive Control with Air]
Class Ring [+1 Offensive Control with Earth]
Enchanted Items:
Shikomizue Sword [Weapon:2] (2 enchanted item slots)
- The magical effects of this sword may be used 3 times per session
- The Sword casts a counterspell of Great (+4) strength, provided the effect being countered can be physically attacked or touched by a sword (ethereal chains, good; a mental binding, not so much)
Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Mental Consequence)
Physical: OOO (+2 Minor Physical Consequences)
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Social Consequence)