Author Topic: Beneficent Death Curses  (Read 8246 times)

Offline kytanos

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2010, 12:05:06 AM »
Very true, but as Harry often says, when you work magic you have to mean it, so I would definitely be taking a very close look at the character of the dying wizard before allowing it.  (there's also the possibility that magic powered by death might have an unpleasant edge to it that you might not want attached to your blessing)

In game terms, I'd at a minimum expect a character to be tagging one or more aspects relating to the target of his blessing, and I would certainly be looking for any compellable aspects that would interfere with his selfless act. Someone who has aspects relating to self-sacrifice and love for another character who is in immediate danger? A death blessing seems appropriate.  Someone with aspects like "vengeful" and "quick-tempered" who tries to cast a death blessing on someone is going to have a much harder time.

Dude, their giving up their pc, that odd's are thieve been playing for more than a few sessions unless you run short shots. They die weather they succeed or fail. It makes sense to allow the player one crowning moment of awesome at their death. Rather than "Oh, you flubbed your dice because you were at an aspect negative, your spell fails and you die. Wasn't that touching?"

(I tend to take a less mechanical and more narrative approach. So I guess it differ's with style, But I place PC sacrifice on a very high pedestule provided it wasnt brought about through player stupidity. If the party wizard is struck down by the fae lord at the climax of an arc, and is gasping his last breath to protect someone he cares about, or "bless" one of his allies who are his best friends. Ill let him do it, He's paid a entire player character to do so. No higher price can be paid than that, and with his death all of his subplots, his roleplay, his everything. Go away. It's a capstone on the character.)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 12:08:25 AM by kytanos »


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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2010, 12:08:44 AM »
Dude, their giving up their pc, that odd's are thieve been playing for more than a few sessions unless you run short shots. They die weather they succeed or fail. It makes sense to allow the player one crowning moment of awesome at their death. Rather than "Oh, you flubbed your dice because you were at an aspect negative, your spell fails and you die. Wasn't that touching?"

Yeah, that would kinda suck, I agree.
Can I point out that a blessing and a curse are frequently (not necessarily always - I haven't thought it through that far - but often) two sides of the same coin?

A blessing of protection from Harry Potter's dieing mother *functioned* as a curse against anyone who acted against him.  Eric's death curse against the Courts of Chaos acted as a blessing and guide on Corwin's actions (this is speculated on later in the books by Corwin, briefly).

They don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I was thinking a good blessing/curse would be "You will always know your true impact on humanity," so that an evil mortal  might actually see that he is such an evil bastard, and possibly repent and change their ways.

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2010, 12:11:18 AM »
I was thinking a good blessing/curse would be "You will always know your true impact on humanity," so that an evil mortal  might actually see that he is such an evil bastard, and possibly repent and change their ways.

Yeah, though such a person, even if 'good' is definitely going to wind up an Ends Justify the Means, For the Greater Good kind of guy. Actually, that sound quite amusing as a character/Aspect idea...


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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2010, 12:55:22 AM »
I was wondering, can you pass on your magical gift in this fashion? Say an old man passes on all of his magical talent via a "Death Blessing" when he is about to pass away. I could see a wizard family doing that throughout the generations, as a way to ensure that magic runs thick in the family line.

Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2010, 01:22:57 AM »
I was wondering, can you pass on your magical gift in this fashion? Say an old man passes on all of his magical talent via a "Death Blessing" when he is about to pass away. I could see a wizard family doing that throughout the generations, as a way to ensure that magic runs thick in the family line.

That sounds fine as part of your back story; but if you mean to imply that you get powers without paying refresh for them then it sounds like a game breaker. Perhaps you could use it to justify redoing your powers/stunts in game. Assuming you can convince your GM.


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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2010, 01:28:48 AM »
Oh no, you would pay for the abilities, I just think it would be interesting for a whole family line to practice this sort of "death blessing".

Wizards from said family would be uncommonly strong (they have some points in refinement, they still pay for these points) at a young age. This would explain having say, a 15 year old wizard on the white council.

Offline Moriden

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2010, 01:49:23 AM »
Sounds similar to how
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You could also treat it as a form of sponsored magic most likly.
Brian Blacknight


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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2010, 01:52:18 AM »
Wow, awesome observation, you could even make it a one time curse, that basically limits the bloodline to one child per generation, and whenever the parent dies all knowledge and skills of the parent are passed onto that child. That PERFECTLY emulates half of what makes the archive (the other half is "Know everything ever written down").
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 01:58:32 AM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Moriden

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2010, 01:57:18 AM »
The important part is that since your family hasent been doing it as long as the archive your still "pc power level"
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Beneficent Death Curses
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2010, 02:22:18 AM »
That makes me think of the chick from Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett and that's a totally awesome concept. Especially if you also make it a retrograde thing - they don't have access to any magic until their father dies, because he guards the power of the bloodline with his life kinda deal.
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