Author Topic: Supernatural Sense and The Sight  (Read 2915 times)

Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« on: April 24, 2010, 12:47:47 AM »
I was trying to use the description of The Sight to gauge what you could achieve with the Supernatural Sense power. It seems as though equivalent of The Sight would be at least a [-2] Strange Senses power.

I had in mind a character with Supernatural Vision who sees the supernatural with normal senses (Alertness, Investigation).

1) If a Ghoul walks into a bar he would automatically know that it was a Human Guise (or Human Form, Flesh Mask) but would have to make a Investigation role to know that it was a Ghoul. This seems roughly equivalent to The Sight's Arcane Sense.

2) He could also, on an Alertness or Investigation role, see people with magic potential (or possible magical effects, like things under a Glamour or Veil). This is roughly equivalent to The Sight's Wizard's Touch.

Since this is more than one sense it should cost more than -1 refresh but The Sight gets all this and more for -1.

3) It would also be nice to see in the dark but I am not sure if that is thematically related to the previous two items. Possible making this [-3] Broad Senses.

Since Broad Senses cost just as much as Evocation or Thaumaturgy there shouldn't be any restrictions on your senses.

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Re: Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2010, 12:49:56 AM »
I was trying to use the description of The Sight to gauge what you could achieve with the Supernatural Sense power. It seems as though equivalent of The Sight would be at least a [-2] Strange Senses power.

You seem to be missing the downside of the Sight that whatever you look at with the Sight ATTACKS YOUR MIND. Harry risks driving himself nuts every time he uses that ability.
Fred Hicks
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Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2010, 02:05:52 AM »
You seem to be missing the downside of the Sight that whatever you look at with the Sight ATTACKS YOUR MIND. Harry risks driving himself nuts every time he uses that ability.

Opening the Third Eye does attack your mind. Arcane Senses and Wizard’s Touch  do not - at least not according to the description in the pre-order text. It seems like a bit of a cheat to claim a rebate because one of the trappings of the power has a down side only if you use it.

Even if my comparison isn't valid and the two powers are balanced it doesn't change the fact that there are not a lot of examples of Supernatural Sense in the books; He Who Walks Behind, Temple Dog, Sigrund Gard, Morty Lindquist, Maeve and they are all Strange Senses [-2] except Maeve, which claims to be Strange Senses but is only [-1].

There are no examples of Strange Sense [-1] (unless Maeve's "Strange Senses" is a misprint) and definitely no examples of Broad Senses [-3]. Broad Senses has a high cost! Is better than Ritual( Divination), only [-2]. Or is it equivalent to Thaumnaturgy Divination (=Investigation) and Wards (=Alertness), which would also cost you [-3] and get you a lot more bang for your refresh!


Offline TheMouse

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Re: Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2010, 02:49:42 AM »
I think that the idea is that they're a group power. Limitations affect the whole package, since you don't have the option of taking just a part of The Sight. You're stuck with two things that give you something cool, and a third thing that does so much more and tempts you to use it, but which then basically tries to makes you crazy.

Because, face it, people are going to open their third eye. They're going to take stress and sometimes consequences. That's going to make them worse at their schtick, because they won't be able to cast as many spells.

Offline Moriden

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Re: Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2010, 02:55:43 AM »
for 2 or 3 refresh youd essentially be paying for the ability to have the sight up all the time and not go insane. im not sure if id charge 2 or 3 for it myself but yeah it seems valid to me. youve just got some kind of quasi supernatural ability/talent to be able to withstand "THE TRUTH[/i]".

Actually id probably give it to you for 2 and a discount of one if you also have the sight. but i side on the low end. so 2 with a -1 discount if you have the sight is probaly what most people would say is fair.
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Supernatural Sense and The Sight
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2010, 03:05:08 PM »
Arcane Senses and Wizard's Touch are very light-weight effects that give you very little information.
Fred Hicks
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