I think it all comes down to the player behind Hanna, and the reasoning for the aspects that were chosen. Good aspects are such fundamental parts of the character that sometimes a player won't even realize they're being compelled by them. My character, a Champion of God-ish (Custom template) fist-fighter, has received several fate points without me as the player even thinking about it. I just played the character as I had envisioned him and the points came naturally. So in that case, I'd say give Hanna a point for each of the aspects. Good character play should always be rewarded, in my opinion, as this game is so much more about role playing than it is about working the point system to get powerful.
On the other hand, sometimes aspects are chosen because players think they will give their characters lots of fate points, and were then shoehorned into the character build. If that be the case, don't give out fate points freely, because the person is just powergaming and isn't following the spirit of the game rules. This only applies to people that didnt' find a good way to change the character so that their chosen power aspect still fits properly.