Author Topic: White Council Minimum standards  (Read 2257 times)

Offline JustinS

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White Council Minimum standards
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:59:27 PM »
While in practice, there is a hazy line between sorcerer and wizard, we do know there is an actual procedure to determine if someone can qualify to be a wizard or is just a 'minor talent'.

So, how compenent and in what do you need to be pass the test, or to be considered a wizard and not still at apprentice level?

Offline Vash the white

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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 12:10:47 AM »
im not an expert but i think it has somthing to do with, 1.) were u trained? and 2.)can you pass the test, what the test is, idk they dont tell you in books

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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 12:12:22 AM »
In game terms, I'd say anyone with the wizard template is competent enough to qualify for the White Council.  I don't know the details of the test, but a good guess would be that it requires an applicant to show the ability to use thaumaturgy and evocation for a broad variety of effects.
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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 12:16:47 AM »
well, isnt the whole point that the difference between sorcceror and wizard is the fact the wizards are part of the white council

Offline JustinS

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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 12:54:55 AM »
well, isnt the whole point that the difference between sorcceror and wizard is the fact the wizards are part of the white council

In terms of templates, yes. In universe, being a wizard is being the elite of mortal spellcasters. You can use evocation and thamatergy without any skills, you just take lots of stress and consequences, and spend a lot of time building power... That does not make an impressive wizard.

Offline JosephKell

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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 03:17:47 AM »
I would say that if your Discipline, Conviction, and Lore sum to 9 you qualify (with none lower than Fair (+2) on its own).

In terms of special powers, you have to have Either Evocation or Thaumaturgy (and at least Channeling or Ritualist in the one you don't have), as well as Wizard's Constitution, The Sight, and Soulgaze.

This is why Dresden is such a scary person.  He is in his mid thirties (35? 36?) and he is really strong (he had Conviction 5, Discipline 3, and Lore 3 at age 25!).
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline Vash the white

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Re: White Council Minimum standards
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2010, 03:26:22 AM »
In terms of templates, yes. In universe, being a wizard is being the elite of mortal spellcasters. You can use evocation and thamatergy without any skills, you just take lots of stress and consequences, and spend a lot of time building power... That does not make an impressive wizard.
very true, and if we are talking books, well as you said, does not make a very impressive wizard. and thank you for clarifying