Author Topic: how to say goodbye  (Read 6687 times)


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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2010, 12:39:29 AM »
OK, your cultural context for "wakes" must be very different from mine.


Where I'm from the boys get a 3-day ox roast when they go into the army, a bigger party than their wedding when (if) they come back.

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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2010, 10:51:20 PM »
it depends will he be pining for his family during the rest of the story .If not an overly emtional exit wouldn't sit well


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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2010, 10:58:56 PM »
it depends will he be pining for his family during the rest of the story .If not an overly emtional exit wouldn't sit well

I was thinking that the goodbye might actually affect the overall tone of his thinking about humanity during his absence, and affect his conduct.   

Possibly to the point that the aliens notice  divergence from his fit into whatever criteria they used to pick samples in the first place.

The goodbye scene itself could certainly be used to show who does and who doesn't have faith in the alien system at that time point.   

 I  include faith to bring 'their boy' back and faith that the information gained by the aliens will be used ethically and faith that 'their boy' will live up to expectations.

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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2010, 02:23:25 AM »
Did U try a military send off for real feel and real conversations?  We've just had two in IA. Midwest is full of them.  Or try role play.
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Offline Nickeris86

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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2010, 06:12:56 AM »
Did U try a military send off for real feel and real conversations?  We've just had two in IA. Midwest is full of them.  Or try role play.

i have considered military send off but with my current living situation it would be impossible to go one right now. i think the closest military port is a couple hundred miles away from where i am going to school at the moment.
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2010, 04:24:51 PM »
So you want a "Happy, but Sad " departure from this particular scene.

In my opinion, (again, it's just that and nothing else, I'm just putting this out there, and hopefully get some feedback that we can all work with here.) I think the 'sad' part won't be an issue; it's the getting his family "happy" about leaving. Which I think their happiness hinges on how realistic are the chances of him coming back to earth. So how REAL is that chance?

You've made it very clear that there is a REAL chance of him being gone forever. I don't/can't see a family walking away 'happy' with 'low to remote' odds presented to them. I see closure at best.

how about these angles to help shape the parting conversation;

1.) Maybe he knows for sure he won't be coming back, but told his family otherwise?  (sad for him, happy for them )

2.) Maybe someone in the immediate family has a military background, who has deployed before. This would set the family up to being 'used' to this in a sense, may not result in them being happy about it, but they would have some sense of closure or understanding about it all.

3.) What setting is the departure scene taking place? Will it be in front of a transport ship? in the living room as he's leaving the house with his stuff? The location might play into the emotional value as well. "Home is where the heart is."  Might be more emotional saying goodbye to a child as they leave the house they grew up in vs. watching them walk on a transport ship bound for space.

Anybody else see something that could help the dialogue or setting for his scene?
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2010, 04:44:28 PM »
So you want a "Happy, but Sad " departure from this particular scene.

In my opinion, (again, it's just that and nothing else, I'm just putting this out there, and hopefully get some feedback that we can all work with here.) I think the 'sad' part won't be an issue; it's the getting his family "happy" about leaving. Which I think their happiness hinges on how realistic are the chances of him coming back to earth.

Well, could you play it as him getting to leave Earth in this way is a huge honour which his family think is just totally awesome, enough that even though they miss him they are still overjoyed at him getting to do it ?
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2010, 04:46:56 PM »
Well, could you play it as him getting to leave Earth in this way is a huge honour which his family think is just totally awesome, enough that even though they miss him they are still overjoyed at him getting to do it ?

This is what I was getting at when I questioned whether the family thinks the boy will live up to alien expectations.

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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2010, 06:34:40 PM »
i don't really want a happy good bye, as many of you have mentioned a military type send off works. that's what i am shooting for that they aren't happy about him leaving the planet but they are proud of him at the same time, for being part of of something greater than himself.

you guys have all been a great help.
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2010, 07:14:11 PM »
The USO is not just for Entertainment. They provide services and support to the families of those who have shipped out. Perhaps they have message boards like this where people will talk about their send offs and what it was like for them if you are respectful and ask from a research for writing point of view?
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2010, 08:13:38 PM »
Also you don't have to resolve all in the one scene . You can having him going over the goodbye and regret what he said and what he should have said .Or he can write "letters " back to his family with lines like I wish I could say this to you face to face .Also allows you to info dump on your audience a bit as well

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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2010, 07:02:22 PM »
uhm, as my grandmother used to say.  Time to get off the pot and simply write.  Let us know how it goes.  You'll find a way as you work with it.
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Re: how to say goodbye
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2010, 03:51:58 PM »
When I joined up in the army I left half of my family like a thief in the night because I did not like them, only leaving an answering machine message.  To those I loved I told them "I am leaving, I am doing what I feel is right.  I could stay here, but I feel I must do something greater with my life.  I love you all, but I am doing this for more than just me.  I am doing this for you, for me and for others.  We will meet again.  I don't know when yet, but we will.  Now I go on to glory."  Or something like that.  I got plastered before I told the people I cared about good bye.
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