Author Topic: Post your Items of Power  (Read 2679 times)

Offline Lord_Fizzle

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Post your Items of Power
« on: April 21, 2010, 02:38:14 PM »
Hello all,  I have recently designed several items of power for my group and I am extremely happy with how they turned out.  The Item creation rules are really neat and it took me almost 4x as long to actually type out what the items do than to figure out the mechanics.  I thought I would share them with you all and see what else people had been coming up with. I think I played a bit fast and loose but I think taking the Refinement ability to give the item what essentially amounts to daily powers was a pretty neat idea.

The first Item is a torc that lets the user do a few things with water magic and has been in one character's family for generations.

Item of Power: Aquamancer's Torc [-1]

This Celtic style Torc is made from an unidentifiable silvery-blue metal.  it has several celtic knots running along its length chased in green and gold that look like cresting waves.  It was a gift from your grandmother and has supposedly been in your family for a very long time.  It gives the following abilities to a member of the O'reily bloodline who is "clued-in" to the supernatural.

Gains the Aquatic Supernatural Power (pg 162)  [-1]

Refinement [-1]  [4 Item slots]

   Water Armor [-2 slots]: When activated the torc causes the surrounding moisture in the air to reflect light differently so that you appear just slightly out of phase with where you are.  This confers an Armor :2 effect to you.  This effect can be canceled if the surrounding area is extremely dry or lacks water moisture of some kind.
   Ice daggers [-1 Slot]: You can send a spear of crystallized water up to two zones away from you.  Roll Fists; if you hit, you deal +1 physical stress (essentially, this is a thrown Weapon:1 that you can self-generate).  As with any weapon, you might be able to use your ice dagger to perform combat maneuvers if you can justify it, setting temporary aspects on the scene or on your opponent.  This effect can be canceled if the surrounding area is extremely dry or lacks water moisture of some kind.
   Ice Shield [-1 Slot]: The torc crystallizes all the water vapor in the surrounding area to form a protective shield around the wearer.  Once per game session this power can be used to surround the zone the torc is in, For two rounds it either provides 3 armor to everyone in that zone or acting as a six shift block.  It then applies the "Bone Dry" Aspect to the scene.
Swift Currents [-1]:  When the wielder of the torc is partly or fully submerged in water they gain the advantage of supernatural speed.  If they already have the power, it is enhanced by one level (But not beyond Mythic)

The second item is a sword given to the emissary of the phoenix (An individual that the Phoenix trains for 500 years to protect it when it reverts to an egg and becomes reborn)

Item of Power: Sword of the Phoenix [-3]

A longsword, The blade is a fire red/orange and glows very faintly.  The colors flicker and move on the blade. The effects make it look as if it is a blade of fire.  However if touched the blade is clearly cold and made of metal. The hilt and guard are gold with red accents. The hilt can be opened to revel a small dagger entirely made of gold.  The guard is a pair of phoenix wings.  Despite being made of obviously heavy metals it is light and easy to wield, and always warm to the touch.  The sword is given to the protector when he is chosen.  It is a one of a kind item.  It is forged using left over ashes from the previous phoenix.  No other person can use the sword in battle.  If someone else tries to use the sword it will break in to many pieces. The sword will fix itself when ask to by the protector.  When the protector has completed his task he dies with the rebirth of the new phoenix.  At that moment the sword breaks in to many pieces and burns with a light as bright as the sun.

Abilities   (Assumes the Phoenix has a Lore of 4 and plenty of aspects to invoke in making an item dedicated to protecting it)

Refinement (-1): 4 Enchanted Item slots:
        Fire Blast (-1 slot) (Always on Rote Evocation Spell) : You can send a golden blast of fire up to one zone away from you.  Roll Weapons; if you hit, you deal +2 physical stress (essentially, this is a thrown Weapon:2 that you can self-generate).  As with any weapon, you might be able to use your Fire Blast to perform combat maneuvers if you can justify it, setting temporary aspects on the scene or on your opponent.  ("On fire" being particularly appropriate :-P)
        Phoenix Wings: (-1 Slot) (Based on the Escape Potion. When Created Phoenix Used the "Lord of Fire" aspect): You burst into a thousand motes of gold, yellow, orange and red fire.  These surge forward and slam against a barrier seeking the smallest openings.  They pass through and gather on the other side, joining back together to restore your physical form. (Minor Side effect: It hurts, A lot).  Once per game session you may easily and effortlessly move through almost any barrier. Mechanically, the consumer may cross to a nearby zone, passing through most mate-rial barriers to do so. Only a magical barrier with more than Six shifts of strength or a very well-sealed mundane barrier can prevent movement.
        Melt: (-1 Slot) (Fire based Counterspell / When created Phoenix Used the "For my Guardian" and "Lord of Fire" aspects when creating): You sweep the sword towards an evocation or thaumaturgical ritual that commands ice or cold, a blast of crimson fire strikes out towards the spell, grounding and dissipating magical energy.  Once per session you may make a counterspell roll against a spell or item that uses Ice or Cold in its casting.  This works exactly as described in the counterspell rules (pg 253) with the following exceptions.  The wielder of the sword may not make an assessment action to read how powerful a spell effect is (Unless they have the Lore skill separate from the sword).  The sword itself provides the power for the counterspell.  It is assumed to safely channel eight shifts of energy to counterspell.  You may spend fate points on your aspects to bolster this effect.
       Cauterize: (-1 Slot) (Fire Based Thaumaturgy / Based on "Reiki Healing Spell"):  You stand over a fallen friend and yellow fire falls gently from the sword licking at the wounds of your friend.  While they grimace in pain, they are no longer bleeding.  Once per session you may use the sword to reduce a physical consequence one step down the ladder for the purposes of recovery. The consequence still occupies its original slot.  The consequence must be something that could realistically be cured by applying fire to it (Most appropriately "Bleeding Profusely" "Thousands of Cuts" or "Frostbitten" as some examples)  These consequences change to "Burned" and can leave scars.  But sometimes getting uglier is better than dying.

While you possess the sword it heightens your speed and alertness to superhuman levels, dancing into the way of blows and striking back at enemies almost of its own accord. when wielding the sword with the backing of your patron you are considered to posses the following stunts:
Riposte (-1): On a successful defense with Weapons, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an immediate and automatically successful attack.
This Blade Wants to Protect Me (-1): You may use Weapons as a defense skill against ranged attacks (Thrown attacks and Guns)

Furthermore when wielding the sword you gain the following supernatural ability if you wish to spend a fate point to activate it for the scene:
Inhuman Speed (-1) (Discount for having to spend a fate point to activate for the scene)

Knight's Refuge:(-1) Finally the wielder of the sword has a place of sanctuary in the Nevernever.  He may spend a fate point to use the sword to create a portal directly to his sanctuary, bringing as many allies with him as his rank in the discipline skill.  (Aspects may be tagged to increase this.)  Once there it acts as a Demense (pg 170) and is considered to have a threshold equivalent to the bearer's discipline or conviction (Whichever is higher)  Bolsterd by the protection of the phoenix itself (+2).  Further the bearer may spend fate points on his aspects to increase the power of the threshold for a short period of time.

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 05:38:18 PM »
The designing of this IoP spawned it's own thread. This is the final result.

Jabbewock's Bane - The Vorpal Sword

Before Anatasia Luccio was born in Italy, the Wardens of the White Council were led (at least for a time) by Sir Antonio Alighieri, also a Knight of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon aka The Knights Templar. A regular Mage in Shining Armor, Alighieri's family were infamous and daring explorers of the Nevernever. Antonio's relative Dante made it big in the mortal world when he wrote about his journey's through several demenses (Which drove him to insanity).

The Wardens at that time needed to compete against similarly armed Warlocks and the nights they most likely had Thralled into their charge, so their process of making their own Warden's Swords were slow, intimate pieces of dedication. Now, the Knights Templar were the Delta Force of their day, which means they naturally had the best gear. Sir Antonio's Sword was no exception.

His sword is like any Templar's Sword, 48" long and used to be covered in images of Christianity. That changed in 1307 on Friday the 13th. Sir Alighieri got the hell out of dodge and got the White Council to give him protection. Subsequently, the sword stopped being holy, but didn't stop being one of the sharpest edges in the world. His sword was standard for his day, it was just magical and stuff and had a few centuries of power forced into it.

Some time after Friday the 13th, Commander Alighieri went out to regain his lost honor. He heard of a dragon that lived in the Nevernever and went to slay it (it was the cool thing to do at the time). He wasn't heard from again until the late 1800s when the Faeries told stories of Sir Alighieri's Triumph over the beast he sought, the Jabberwocky. His story got stolen and published... But the sword remained. Even though it was hardly a unique sword, the enterprising  poet did Name the previously unnamed sword, The Vorpal Sword, Bane of The Jabberwock.

In his first Adventure, Johann Sebatian Basset, the Warden "Pup" sought the legendary sword to prove himself. He found it and Alighieri's corpse next to what killed him, another Jabberwock.

What can the sword do?

Commander Alighieri long ago accepted that he might fall during battle, so he made his sword accordingly.

Who can wield it:
A Warden or deputized Wizard of the White Council in good standing(Somehow it knows this.). If Harry tried to pick this thing up it would slip out of his hands and it would laugh at him....

Its Purpose/Nature:
To Uphold the Laws of Magic, to Protect the Innocent under the charge of the Council and to Serve the White Council of Wizards. In that order.

How can it be unmade?: The Sword can be a tool of Politics of the Council and sacrifices of innocents can be made for the sake of many with it no problem. To unmake the Sword, one must use it to break one of The Laws of Magic.

Item of Power - The Vorpal Sword, Jabberwock's Bane [-2]

(obviously a sword) [+2]
Pup keeps the sword in his Cello case.

Refinement [-1]: 4 Enchanted Item Slots. It counts as a Warden's Sword with 5 uses a session.

All Enemies Die The Same [-1]:
Basically identical to All Creatures Are Equal Under God YS168. But Aligheiri stopped being a Christian in 1307, so this ability reflects how sharp the sword is and how it is out to get you. If this ability costs more, the designers should have said something.

Worldwalker[-2]YS171: Yes, sharp enough to cut through the fabric of worlds. The Alighieris loved to traverse the Nevernever and swords like this probably saved Dante's ass when he went through the Underworld.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline luminos

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 09:11:28 PM »
Those items are interesting, but I'd check out the thread on the enchanted items patch to make sure the refinement additions don't break anything. 

All creatures are equal before God is at least a -3 ability.  The only powers the Swords of the cross give besides this ability are True Aim and Holy, which can't be worth more than -1 each, and the sword as a whole is -5 before the discount.
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Offline Vash the white

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 12:14:24 AM »
surts sword, which inlegend is a firey blade that shall be used by a god called surt to bring about the apocalypse, by making it one big oven, what powers it would have im not quite sure, it has to involve fire so i was thinking of having it impart either seelie magic or evocation, what do you guys think?

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 12:20:17 AM »
Those items are interesting, but I'd check out the thread on the enchanted items patch to make sure the refinement additions don't break anything. 

All creatures are equal before God is at least a -3 ability.  The only powers the Swords of the cross give besides this ability are True Aim and Holy, which can't be worth more than -1 each, and the sword as a whole is -5 before the discount.

They are still tinkering with that.

Technically, All Creatures Are Equal Before God is just Holy Touch with another name.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline luminos

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 12:34:38 AM »
Its a very supercharged version of Holy Touch.  It negates all toughness powers no matter what the catch is, and ignores mundane armor.  I think that is at least worth -2.
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Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2010, 01:30:46 AM »
Its a very supercharged version of Holy Touch.  It negates all toughness powers no matter what the catch is, and ignores mundane armor.  I think that is at least worth -2.

True... Cut off the armor thing and it would be a [-1], say it "attunes to its enemy" and that the true sharpness of it must be harness with experience.

I make this concession because my character's budgetted to have this at 8 refresh.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline Korwin

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2010, 05:40:40 AM »
Mondschatten (-1 Item of Power)
The cloak is crafted from Moonlight and Shadows, with a little help from the Fae.
With the Clamour deaktivated it looks like an black silk cloak with silver ornaments.

-2 Clamour
-1 Flight
+2 Item of Power

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Post your Items of Power
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2011, 05:19:49 AM »
would anyone mind if put these on my Items of Power thread
Oh, hi, Mr. Warden!  How are you this fine day?  My, what a shiny sword you have there...