Author Topic: High Concepts I'm Playing With  (Read 9605 times)

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2010, 07:45:15 PM »
2) If Wendigos were cannibalistic then they would be eating other Wendigos. Eating people would just make them a carnivore, like a vicious, corrupted bear.
From most of what I know about Wendigos, they become one because the person is a cannibal. And as they're still partly human I think cannibal is a valid term, though anthrophage might be a better one.

Big Foot/Yeti might be a better "human-like forest protector"
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 07:48:45 PM by Mal_Luck »
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Offline JustinS

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2010, 07:52:31 PM »
The two I'm playing with in my head right now"

High concept: Should not have failed the White Council test
Trouble: You never get a second chance to flub a first impression (see high concept).

A lore focused Wizard whom the WC see as a minor practitioner, and does not have the connections or confidence to push for membership despite actually having the ability.

High Concept: Heir of Dr. Jeckyll
Trouble: Heir of Mr. Hyde

Aspect: "Je'-quell not Jeck-ell' " (if you've seen Young Frankenstein, you will understand this one)

A ritual Alchemist Dr. and shape-shifter who's beast is a beast of a man...

Offline Moriden

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2010, 08:10:41 PM »
2) If Wendigos were cannibalistic then they would be eating other Wendigos. Eating people would just make them a carnivore, like a vicious, corrupted bear.
3) As for vicious and corrupted vs guardian, do you really think that the people spreading these pernicious tales have actually sat down and had a conversation with a Wendigo?

From native American sacred stories comes the story of a man or men who have eaten the flesh of other men, they became tainted with a horrible hunger for the power that such an unholy act gave them, went mad, and become warped in body and soul thus becoming wendigo. now if you want to just change wendigo to "feral half man creature that is an ancient guardian", your all set. you could also change what wendigo means, but my descriptions are from the Native American version of the legends not the European ones.
Brian Blacknight

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2010, 08:35:02 PM »
Big Foot/Yeti might be a better "human-like forest protector"

Since this was a High Concept topic, I did not mention that Shapeshifting is part of my character concept and Wendigos are shifters, the Sasquatch and Yeti are not*. Also, Sasquatch and Yeti are described as ape-like where as the Wendigo are more wolf-like or bear-like. You see, I needed at least a +4 Catch (Silver) to offset his Toughness powers. That's +2 for "something that anyone could reasonably get access to, but usually doesn’t carry on them", and +2 for "almost anyone with an awareness of the supernatural knows about the Catch or could easily find out." I figure that a guy who changes into anthropomorphic wolf-like creature will either be mistaken for a were-wolf (hence silver) or recognized as a Wendigo (also silver). Worst case, this is only a +3 catch; but every little bit helps.

Also, people, why quibble over whether a mythical creature is  realistically represented in a fantasy role playing game? If the Wendigo that I want to play in my game truly offends you then I promise I will not play that character in your game.

* unless you are suggesting re-inventing the Sasquatch and Yeti. Which I would advise against. I am taking quite the wrap here for re-inventing the Wendigo.  :)

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2010, 08:47:34 PM »
What about an Animal-Were, like Tera West? Or a shapeshifting Scion? Hell, even a Scion of a Wendigo... Or a Skinwalker (obviously taught, rather than one of the originals)

And I think the quibbles are that your changing the fundamental nature that 'Wendigos are Evil,' which every media I can think of portrays them as evil (even other RPGs). The humans are cursed for their deeds and turned into monsters, whereas people like the classic infection-Werewolf or Loup-Garou can be good... just the beast inside them is not.
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Offline Moriden

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2010, 08:50:03 PM »
He could even be a scion of a spirit wolf, there's precedent for that in native lore. I agree the concepts perfectly fine and shiny. its just the use of the word wendigo, which has verry clear pretty much universal connotations.
Brian Blacknight

Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2010, 10:18:28 PM »
He could even be a scion of a spirit wolf, there's precedent for that in native lore. I agree the concepts perfectly fine and shiny.

That sounds great! You should post your scion spirit wolf, I would like to compare him to  my Wendigo.

its just the use of the word wendigo, which has verry clear pretty much universal connotations.

That's another great idea. A character that challenges a "verry clear pretty much universal connotations" would have a brilliant trouble aspect. Something like "I do NOT eat people!." I wish I had thought of that!  :)

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2010, 10:31:18 PM »
That sounds great! You should post your scion spirit wolf, I would like to compare him to  my Wendigo.

That's another great idea. A character that challenges a "verry clear pretty much universal connotations" would have a brilliant trouble aspect. Something like "I do NOT eat people!." I wish I had thought of that!  :)

No need to be snarky, this does not need to devolve into a flame war.
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Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2010, 11:16:43 PM »
No need to be snarky, this does not need to devolve into a flame war.

No snark was intended - hence the smiley at the end.

I was just trying to pointing out that what some people seem to think of as flaws in the character concept are actually strengths.

You could play a Wendigo as a re-skined ghoul. Give it a Feeding Dependency, take the refresh rebate and buy an extra power or just have a higher refresh rate. The character would be challenging to play because you would be constantly dealing with the "OMG a Ghoul" factor. Judging by the reaction here every one would be fine with this type of Wendigo.

Or you could play a Wendigo as I have suggested, a misunderstood nature guardian trying to make it in the big city. Don't take a Feeding Dependency, don't get the refresh rebate and have fewer powers or a lower refresh. There is still the perception of a Feeding Dependency so you still have to deal with the "OMG a Wendigo" factor. And to top it off, putting him in the city makes him a fish out of water. I think this is a much more interesting character to play.

Interesting aspects make for interesting characters. You want them to get you into trouble so you can earn FATE points. Judging by the reaction here, I think I have a fantastic High Concept.

Offline Douglas

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2010, 03:04:55 AM »
A few of mine
Axe-crazy ex-thrall

Lycanthrope Outlaw

Pyromancer for hire

Heathen Holy Warrior (Asatru worshipper, Tyr specifically)

If anyone wants to hear more about one of them, let me know.

Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2010, 03:28:09 AM »
Lycanthrope Outlaw

An outlaw in what sense? On the run from mortal law enforcement or exiled from lycanthrope society?

Offline Douglas

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2010, 03:34:28 AM »
Mostly the former, but a bit of the later.  He's part of a gang that's dominated by lycanthropes, like the Full Moon Garage gang, but he's been doing some of his own stuff trying to protect people from supernatural predation on the side.  The gang leader may try to kill him if he steps too far out of line.

I chose Outlaw because it was an easy word for criminal, and the fact that he's muscle for a group of drug runners may come up.

His present Trouble Aspect is Heart of a Man, Soul of Wolf

Basically the problems of being part of a gang/pack but still caring about other people.

If anyone has suggestions on other ways to word those ideas, that would be great.  The hardest part of working on Aspects is finding the right way to express them.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 03:46:08 AM by Douglas »

Offline blues.soldier

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2010, 03:56:47 AM »
The character I used to test the character generation chapter ended up like this:

Jacob Grey
High Concept: Ex-Military Wizard Bodyguard
Trouble: Ancient Wizard In My Head
Background Aspect: I Escaped the Trailer Park
Rising Aspect: Rangers Lead the Way
First Story: Something to Prove
Guest Star: Hard to Kill

Basically he's a kid from the bad part of town who got given the option "Join the Army or go to jail". He flourished in the Army and ended up as a Ranger, the elite infantry forces of the US military. During an ugly firefight in Afganistan, he stumbled upon the tomb of a wizard who belonged to Alexander the Great's armies--with the spirit of that wizard locked in a quartz amulet. Gravely wounded, the trapped wizard offered to heal and teach Jacob, and Jacob agreed. His first adventure is all about him learning magic at a MUCH older age than typical, as well as trying to convince the Wardens he's not a danger and also fending off the warlocks who want the necklace for themselves. Once it's finished, he becomes a freelance bodyguard, specializing in "unique" security needs.

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Offline Shinto_Knight

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2010, 06:53:56 AM »
started as an npc but i now i just want to play him
High concept: Ronin Wizzard
Trouble: "you wouldn't like me when im angry"
background: From a long line of wardens
rising conflict: headstrong then, stubborn now
story: "No, But I read a book on it."
geust star:  my mouth is a double edge sword
Geaust star2: "I still have friends on the council"

basically he was raised with expectation that he would become a ward scince his father and gradfathers were warden, and waised taught the 7 laws very early. he was also taught many of the "old tricks" of the wardens. his father was killed "on the job" and mother died in a car accedent a few years later he moved from the subburbs and was taken in and aprenticed to his strict grandfather on a ranch in colorado. he was taught the old fashoned way, think rocks for shield practice. he suplemented his warden training with many books from the library (he had to ride his horse) he is very well read (he liked samurai stories aswell) while he was still an apprentice he was brought to a few official white court trial and witnessed first hand thier conclusions. be fore he was to take the "exam" he convinced his grandfather to take him to a secret meeting in Archangelsk, Russia. he was the sole survior to escape into the nevernever, and while fighting off a dozen RC vamps(think bubble), maeve (yes that one) showed up and offered him safe passage as a geust back to his exit, for one little favor to be named later. after a few brief caveats he aggreed and she vampcicles. and he still owes her one. when he returned he spent months recovering and training, but was disgusted to learn that the white council was still sueing for peace rather than gearing up to fight. he amazed his warden test giver (some guy his own age named carlos) away with his power. however he flat our refused to join the white counciluntill they fought the war in earnest. surprisingly many hawkish wardens and wizzards understand his reasons, and some even think he could make an excellent "asset." he will bow to no one but work with any one to hurt the reds.

Offline luminos

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Re: High Concepts I'm Playing With
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2010, 07:03:37 AM »
started as an npc but i now i just want to play him
High concept: Ronin Wizzard

Does he have Item of Power: Luggage?
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