High Concept: Sorcerous Scion of the Old Way
Trouble: Delved too deeply into Primordial lore
Other Aspects see below for where they came from
My friends are my family
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last"
I protect what's mine
i lost my kitty : /
I brought the fire!
Background: Where did you come from?
mother is sociable and strange. father is religious fanatic in the bad way. parents got divorced while he was young. his older brother is a golden boy. he studied religion and philosophy as self defense.
My friends are my family
Rising Conflict: What shaped you?
While roleplaying, accidentally joined an animistic cult, run by an insane wyld-fae/creature [Shaun] intent on transforming Talents into half-human half-other creatures. started dating a were-cat named Jessica. Successfully performed said transformation ritual on himself.
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last
The Story: What was your first adventure? "A Reckoning"
When approached by the Wardens who have discovered that Shaun [the wyld-fae creature] is breaking the Second Law of Magic, It is a close call, but when I realize that only luck allowed me to survive the ritual,and thus the others in the cult would likely die if attempting it. I help the Warden to kill Shaun and save my friends
Jessica Kitten, Warden Aquilus
i lost my kitty : /
Guest Star Redux: Who Else’s Path Have You Crossed? "Spring Break Smackdown"
Brian gets visited by Jason, who drags him off to Massachusetts to help some mortal guy named Matt. Not realizing how well trained Matt is, Jason and Brian are impressed with his skill with a sniper rifle. Together they take down the vamps, with Matt providing damage and cover fire, Jason burying them and breaking them apart, and Brian following up with gasoline and matches. Turns out the vamps were looking for the Umbrorum, and Matt's parents have to move.
Other Stars : Jason Aquillus, Matthew Stone
"I brought the fire!"