Author Topic: Some of my character Ideas  (Read 10677 times)

Offline luminos

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Some of my character Ideas
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:05:11 AM »
I've come up with some interesting character ideas that don't completely fit inside the templates, and figured I'd make character sheets for some of them and post them here.  This is my first one, a cross up between a True Believer and a Wizard. 

Name:  Claude Wellson

High Concept Aspect:  True Templar on a Crusade
The True Templar is a secret society whose organization is descended from the original Knights Templar.  Their mission is to root enemies of the Christian faith that have infiltrated Christian institutions, be they supernatural or mortal.  Claude's specific charge is to discover and defeat the evil cult of false templars that seek to use the faith others to help them conquer the world.

Trouble Aspect:  Called to walk a lonely road.
His mission is of a nature that makes it impossible for him to form lasting, meaningful connections with other people.  Because he must keep his true purpose a secret, he is often forced to stay aloof from society.

Other Aspects:  Justice must be dealt, Looking for a silver lining, Too clever by half, Honesty or Silence, Mentored by the Venerable Timon van der Venne.

Skills: +35 (Submerged)
Superb (+5):   Conviction
Great (+4):     Weapons, Investigation, Empathy
Good (+3):      Lore, Discipline, Athletics
Fair (+2):        Scholarship, Alertness, Intimidation
Average (+1):  Presence, Endurance, Contacting
Languages: English, Ancient Greek, Latin, four more undefined at this point (one of which can be obscure or dead)

Blessed Words:  Can use Conviction to perform blocks in physical conflict
Linguist:  Knows four additional languages

Guide my Hand         [-1]
Evocation               [-3]
Ritual                     [-2]
Wizard's Constitution [+0]

Starting Refresh: 10
Adjusted Refresh: 2

Magic:  The 'elements' of Claude's evocation are based on the four cardinal virtues, plus a fifth element that represents all three theological virtues.  To cast a spell in a certain element, he has to completely understand the spell as an application of that virtue.  So, to create a veil, he'd probably use prudence, to make supernatural armor he'd use fortitude, to make an aggressive spell, he might use justice, and so on.

Evocation: Prudence, Justice, and Theology  Specialization:  Control in Justice
Ritual:  Wards
Rotes:  Final Judgement (Justice):  Weapon:5  Claude creates a spectral sword and sends it straight at the foe to be struck down.
                                                requires the Templar sword sheathe focus item to cast.
           Light of Faith (Theology):   5 shift maneuver to produce an intense burst of sunlight, placing an aspect on the scene
                                               for two exchanges.  Requires Crucifix focus item to cast
           Weight of Guilt (Justice):   5 shift maneuver to place a 'pinned' aspect on a target.  requires Templar sword sheathe focus
                                                item to cast
           (note: Claude casts his magic in ancient Hebrew, but I couldn't be bothered to come up with translations for the spells)       

Focus Items:  Templar sword sheathe:  +1 to offensive control for Justice
                   Crucifix:                       +2 to defensive control for Theology, can only be used for Light of Faith rote
                    Prayer Beads:              +2 to complexity of wards

Claude's high Conviction score combined with all of his Conviction focused abilities is going to completely ruin someones day.  He can toss around several powerful spells before needing to switch to weapons, make blocks with conviction, and can use his conviction to replace another skill just by paying a fate point.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 11:29:39 AM by luminos »
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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2010, 11:52:58 AM »
Rather like that; really like the idea

Offline SoulCatcher78

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 12:34:07 PM »
I'd go with Aramaic for the dead language.  Gives him a feeling of being a scholar as well as a soldier.


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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 12:50:39 PM »
I had a similar idea, only using a crafting specialist wizard who has access to Soulfire (Its supposed to be awesome for Creation, and so Ive ruled that it gives you a +1 to Crafting Strength as well, the item of Power listed gives +1 to Lore for the purpose of Crafting)

Here is what I have so far.

"Cain" Tubal Cain

High Aspect: "Put your Heart and Soul into your Craft"
Trouble: "I Guess God Thinks I'm Abel/Able"
Other Aspects: Shock and Awe, I Carry a Big Sword, A World of White or Black, Modern Day Saint, Avenging Angel

Rank   Skills
(+5)   Lore            
(+4)   Conviction, Discipline, Endurance
(+3)   Weapons, Alertness, Athletics
(+2)   Presence, Intimidate, Stealth
(+1)   Investigation, Contacts, Resources   

Cost   Powers and Stunts
 -3      Thaumaturgy
 -3      Evocation (Spirit, Earth, Fire)
 -1      The Sight
 -0      Soulgaze
 -3      Soulfire
+2      Item of Power (Medallion of Saint Clement)(Discount on Soulfire)
 -1      Refinement (4x Enchanted Item Slots)(Via Item of Power)


+1 Spirit Control
+1 Crafting Strength

Rote Spells:

Sword of the Heavens
This spell uses the power of Soulfire to forge a blade with the Spirit of the caster.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Conjuration
Complexity: 4 Shifts
Duration: One Scene, could be longer (until the Sun rises), but its supposed to be something you call from nothingness not have on you at all times.
Effect: This conjures a blade of pure spirit from the creator's soul. It is made of soulfire, and is thus a very powerful weapon indeed. It satisfies any Catch requiring a Holy source of stress, and it ignores one rank of toughness (From Mythic to Supernatural, from Supernatural to Inhuman, and so on).
Description: Motes of Light gather in a pillar growing out of the casters closed fist, becoming solid and more real. The motes flare a searingly white light, and a chime of metal issues forth from the newly created blade. (I have to say that killing with this should *not* trigger the first law. It merely creates an item, what that Item is used for is up to the wielder, plus, he might need to dispense some holy justice on some warlocks)

The Earth Shall Tremble
The ground begins to shake as Cain walks towards his enemies.
Type: Earth Evocation
Power: 4 Shifts
Duration: 2 Exchanges
Effect: The ground shakes at the rising of Cain's anger, this gives him a +3 Bonus to Intimidate for 2 Exchanges.

Plus Others I haven't thought of yet.

Enchanted Items: (12 Slots Open)

Circlet of Hyper-Awareness (+6 Block, 4 Uses, 2 Slots)
Lorica of Peace (Mundane Armor: 2, +3 more Armor, 4 Uses, 3 Slots) 
Cloak of Feathers (4 Strength Veil, 4 Exchanges, 3 Uses, 2 Slots. 6 Strength Escape, 4 Uses, 2 Slots.)
Liquid Courage (Stimulant Potion, 4 Uses, 1 Slot)
Healing Salve (Based off of Reiki Healing Spell, 2 Uses, 2 Slots)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 09:05:57 PM by KOFFEYKID »

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2010, 01:39:20 PM »
Five things about Cain (though I find the concept cool):

1. He has 10 Refresh worth of stuff...which makes him an NPC. I'd skip a level of Refinement.

2. Specializations don't need to specify Offensive or Defensive, just whether they're Power or Control.

3. If I were you I'd take something in the way of Focus Items, hell, with just a single ring granting +1 each Offensive and Defensive Power you're alot more powergul mystically.

4. How do you come up with 12 free slots? IYou should have 16 total ( though it would be 12 total if you drop a level of Refinement, as mentioned above).

5. The Lorica of Peace...doesn't quite work. For several reasons, including armor not stacking and Armor 4 requiring a level 8 effect...which you can't get with 4 slots. Also it's redundant with the circlet since all magical blocks (including from items) can be used as either a block or armor. Combine the two and it'll be alot cheaper and simpler.


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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2010, 01:48:27 PM »
Ive made some adjustments. The Lorica of Peace, I havent figured out exactly how its going to be ruled, being able to enchant something that already has armor SHOULD be possible without having to ignore the base armor, maybe I can use it as sort of an armor discount (ala Item of Powers Refresh Discount). Furthermore, for the purposes of crafting enchanted items, he can work at Lore +8 (+1 from Soulfire as I mentioned above, the Item of Power gives a +1 to Lore for crafting, and his specialization in Crafting Strength).

The extra refinement was a leftover from some earlier version, and Ive corrected that (thats why the enchanted item slots were at 12).

As for the focus items, I was thinking about it, I was actually thinking of making a broken sword (Hilt and a few inches of jagged metal) as a focus for his Sword of Heavens Rote (and that spell only, giving it +2 Control & Power)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 02:01:05 PM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2010, 03:48:41 PM »
Sword of the Heavens and the foci idea remind me of Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho, not that that's a bad thing. Interesting character.
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Offline luminos

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2010, 07:29:34 PM »
A write up for a concept I came up with a couple of weeks ago

Character:  Melanie Stokes
Power Level:  Feet in the Water
Template: Minor talent

High Concept:  Bipolar Tech-bane
Trouble:  Normal isn't an option, but its what I want
Other Aspects:  The Comforts of Stoicism, I'm Lucky to have my Friends, Bouncing off the Walls (manic), A New Day is a New Story, Born in the Wrong Decade

Great (+4): Conviction
Good (+3): Performance, Stealth
Fair (+2): Athletics, Fists, Presence
Average (+1): Deceit, Empathy, Burglary, Alertness

Involuntary change [+0 or +1 depending on what is taken] to model the character's bipolarism, affecting the following powers:
Mana Static [-1]
at this point, I'd enter into negotiations with my GM to try to get some more supernatural powers to reflect the change that happens when my character was having a manic episode.  Perhaps an equivalent to beast change to get a skill shuffle, but for this example, I use
Inhuman Speed [-2]

I'm toying with the idea of connecting the involuntary change to mental stress, so that it is either triggered by such stress or that it inflicts that stress.  If any of these ideas are use, I'd probably pick a stunt that reflects all the counseling the character has received which gives two more minor mental consequences that can only by used to reduce the stress of the involuntary change.

 Special thanks to iago for helping me figure out to model the character's bipolarism with powers.
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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2010, 10:36:28 PM »
I decided it would be a fun project to see how I would make D&D type characters for the Dresdenverse.  I'm going to start posting the "templates" I'd use to make each of the base classes for 3rd edition D&D.

I'm going to start with what will probably be the easiest class to convert: The Fighter.  It would probably make a lot of sense for a Dresdenverse fighter to be good at the guns skill, but I want to get something with the D&D flavor of fighter (yes, I know some D&D fighters can be designed to be good at ranged rather than melee, but shut up) so I'm going to stick with a concept that focuses on melee.

The name really says it all.  A fighter is a character designed to excel in a physical conflict.  A fighter gets his advantage in combat from training and skill, rather than supernatural powers.  Outside of combat, the fighter tends to be a fish out of water, and will typically be on the defense in social and mental conflicts.  
Musts: A fighter should have only 1 or 2 points spent on supernatural powers at most.  
Options: Most fighters are pure mortals, but if your high concept allows it, you can choose powers from the following list:  Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Toughness, Pack Instincts, Item of Power.  An item of power used by a fighter might be a special weapon or piece of armor that enhances the function of the original item.  I'd suggest going stunt heavy, building your own stunts where needed, and making long stunt chains to really pump up your martial effectiveness.
Important Skills: Weapons, Endurance, Athletics, and any other skills that will help you win a physical conflict.

Sample Fighter Build (Submerged Level)
Superb (+5): Weapons
Great (+4): Endurance, Athletics, Alertness
Good (+3): Intimidation, Might, Discipline
Fair (+2): Survival, Craftsmanship, Guns
Average (+1): Resources, Presence, Empathy

On My toes (Alertness)
Too Fast to Hit (Athletics)
Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline)
No Pain No Gain (Endurance)
Tough Stuff (Endurance)
Off Hand Weapon Training (Weapons)
Wall of Death (Weapons)
Power Attack (Weapons)
Cleave (Weapons)
Weapon Focus (Weapons: Longswords)

Adjusted Refresh: 2

Another Sample Fighter, this one of the high intelligence/tricky variety
Superb (+5): Weapons
Great (+4): Deceit, Alertness, Athletics
Good (+3): Endurance, Discipline, Presence
Fair (+2): Might, Investigation, Empathy
Average (+1): Contacts, Craftsmanship, Resources

On My Toes (Alertness)
Too Fast to Hit (Athletics)
Feint (Deceit)
Dishonest Blade (Deceit)
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance)
Squad Tactics (Presence)
Tactician (Weapons)
Shield Expertise (Weapons)
Improved Disarm (Weapons)

Adjusted Refresh

Stunts used in sample characters:
Weapon Focus: Character picks one specific weapon type. Due to the characters extensive training with this type of weaponry, he gains +1 to attacks made with weapons of the chosen type. Because he has restricted his training to this type of weaponry, he suffers a -1 penalty to attacks made if that weapon type is not used.
Power Attack: The character puts all of their strength into a single strike to really lay the damage down.  If a character decides to use power attack, then a successful hit will have an additional +2 increase in damage.  However, attempting this will leave a character unbalance, and he will take a -2 penalty to defending against attacks until his next turn, even if the power failed.
Cleave: Requires Power Attack.  The character knocks out one guy so badly that the momentum from your attack continues through to the next person in line.  Whenever an attack from this character produces a taken out effect or a concession, he may immediately make a successful hit on another enemy that is in the same zone (and within a reasonable distance of the attack).  This additional attack is considered to be weapon:0 and does damage equal to half the number of shifts that were unnecessary to produce the concession or taken out result.
Shield Expertise: Requires the character to be wielding a shield.  Your character has practiced with a shield extensively, allowing it to be an effective combat aid.  At the start of every exchange that the character does not make a full defense, he can designate one enemy in the same zone as himself.  The character receives either +2 defense or Armor:1 (stacked) from the attacks or maneuvers of that enemy for the rest of the exchange.
Tactician: The character is adept at reading a combat situation, and knows when to pull his attacks in order to achieve a better defense.  The character can decide to reduce his attack by 2 shifts, in order to gain 2 shifts on a single defense roll before his next turn.  When using the 2 shifts for a defense roll, he must decide to use it before actually rolling the dice.
Squad Tactics: Requires tactician. The character has extensive training in teams, and always knows the best way to take advantage of a weakness exposed on an enemy by his ally. Gain +1 When tagging a temporary aspect on an enemy that was placed by a maneuver of one of your allies
Improved Disarm: Requires tactician. You are acutely aware of when an enemy leaves himself open to being disarmed.  +2 to disarm maneuvers.
Feint: Requires tactician.  You really know how to fake people out with your weapons.  +2 to deceit when creating a distraction in combat that involves your wielded weapon.
Dishonest Blade: Requires Feint.  Good Lord are you tricky with a blade!  The attacks you launch always seem to hit exactly where someone would least expect it.  With this stunt, all attacks you make with the weapons skill are complemented by deceit, and deceit is given the bonus from feint to determine if it is high enough to complement weapons.

Stunt possibilities:
Craftsmanship:  Come up with stunts that allow you to make improvements to your weapons and armor
Intimidation:  Find stunts that let you use Intimidation in a combat setting
Presence:  All kinds of squad type stunts you could make for this
And of course, any stunts for Athletics, Endurance, Might and Alertness that are applicable to physical conflict.

Up next: The Cleric!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 11:12:40 PM by luminos »
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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2010, 11:01:45 PM »
From the Spell-Blocker thread: I thought of a Thaumaturgy-only 'sorcerer' character while reading too much Steven Brust, who calls his magic Witchcraft and calls himself a witch.  He has a high concept of "Neighbourhood Witch" (as a play on neighbourhood watch, as he tasks himself to defend an area of the city against supernatural threats) and one of his aspects is "Faux Wiccan", because he really isn't one.  I'm not sure what his Trouble should be....
THE DOCTOR: I'll do a thing.
RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2010, 12:06:59 AM »
major props on the fighter build it looks great. Now im eagerly awaiting the cleric ;D
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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2010, 12:19:45 AM »
I'm not sure what his Trouble should be....

Disbelieving Charges.

No matter what he does to protect the neighborhood they still see him as the weirdo with the chain and the funny symbols, they fight him at every measure he tries to introduce for their safety
First ever Goblin Knight... so there

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Offline luminos

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2010, 12:37:36 AM »
Clerics are spell slingers of a divine nature.  They are a strange cross breed between magical practioner and true believer, and their kind is likely very rare in the Dresdenverse, but rest assured, they're out there.  

Musts:  A cleric must have a high-concept aspect that indicates the nature of his faith, and should also hint towards his magical ability if possible.  A cleric must buy at least one point of powers from the True Faith list. In addition, a cleric must either take Evocation or Sponsored Magic.  If the Cleric takes Evocation, use "elements" that reflect the divine nature of his magic.  If he takes Sponsored Magic, make sure to design its abilities and limitations to thematically suit whichever deity is sponsoring it.  

Options:  Ritual, Refinement, Soulgaze, The Sight, Marked by Power, Item of Power if it is an object of faith, any True Faith power

Important Skills:  Conviction, Conviction, and Conviction.  Discipline and Lore are also important, and at least one combat skill should be at fair for low refresh games, and good for high refresh games.

Example of a Cleric that somehow managed to get Soulfire:

Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline
Great (+4): Guns, Presence
Good (+3): Empathy, Endurance
Fair (+2): Lore, Alertness, Rapport
Average (+1): Contacts, Athletics, Scholarship, Investigation, Might

Soulfire (-5)
Guide my Hand (-1)

Begone, you devil! (Presence):  Same as the stunt for one of the reverends in the Nevermore chapter
Tower of Faith (Conviction)

Adjusted Refresh: 2

This is a more healing type cleric

Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Discipline, Lore, Empathy
Good (+3): Weapons, Endurance, Rapport
Fair (+2): Scholarship, Contacts, Investigation
Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Might

Bless this House (-1)
Sponsored Magic (-4)  use Seelie magic as a basis, and modify it slightly to give it the flavor of the characters deity

Blessed Words (Conviction)
Person of Conviction (Conviction)
Counselor (Empathy)

Adjusted Refresh: 2

Also, the character I put at the beginning of this topic satisfies this definition of cleric.

Examples of Sponsored Magic: 
Gifts of Loki:  Loki is a trickster god, opposed to Odin, and specializing in illusions and shape-shifting.  If you are the kind of devious individual that manages to get his attention, Loki may grant you access to magic based on his power.  You are able to cast magic that fits Loki's essential nature: chaotic, deceptive, illusionary, air.  In addition to the standard benefits of sponsored magic, you can cast magic with photomancy effects at evocation's methods and speeds.

Zeus's Wrath:  Most of the gods of the ancient civilizations are extremely diminished in power, perhaps in hibernation.  Still, as "active" as Zeus was, there's bound to be a scion or two of his running around, able to use magic connected to him, and intent bringing him and his compadres back onto the scene.  Using Zeus's magic is likely to produce loud, flashy, spectacularly destructive effects.  One of the benefits of using this magic is the ability to use Zeus's lightning, a very powerful evocation which has a heavy discount.

Ritual themes for Clerics: 
Counter-Necromancy - spell effects designed to disrupt the undead, and combat the wizards that control them
Biomancy - Healing is a classic for clerics
Wards - Producing powerful defensive effects, that when combined with some of the threshold increasing potential of clerics, can be absolutely devasting
Diabolism - Used for fighting demonic forces

Next Up:  The Rogue!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2010, 03:52:35 AM by luminos »
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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2010, 02:17:36 AM »

The True Templar is a secret society whose organization is descended from the original Knights Templar.  Their mission is to root enemies of the Christian faith that have infiltrated Christian institutions, be they supernatural or mortal. 

So what does the White Council and the Wardens think about the Templars?

Offline luminos

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Re: Some of my character Ideas
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2010, 02:33:15 AM »
So what does the White Council and the Wardens think about the Templars?

I'd say that they don't know very much about the Templar.  It is a very secret, very exclusive society.  The council is aware of the various individual members (which aren't a lot, only the top of the talent are capable of doing evocation, and only the masters of the order can do thaumaturgy) of the Templar that are capable of using magic, but they make a habit of not causing any trouble via the laws of magic so they don't get noticed a lot.  One of the masters of the Templar is a full wizard, and a member of the white council.
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