Author Topic: Example of Play  (Read 2666 times)

Offline blackheart

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Example of Play
« on: April 17, 2010, 12:40:43 PM »
I started getting my DFRPG group together and will try to give the best accounting as possible.

The following story is true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty and avoid copyright lawsuits.

I started to set up the fictional story city of Midnight Bay, a fair sized city on the West Coast about halfway between LA and SanFran.
For an image, I based it on the game world of Stillwater from Saint's Row 2 video game.

My first player Sammi wanted to play a standard White Council Wizard. She had a strong background in D&D 3/3.5 and no previous experence in FATE or Dresden Files, I sugested baseing her character on another idea and updating it to the setting.
Having just finished Mass Effect 2 not too long ago, her inspiration was from the character of Miranda Lawson, a character idea I have been kicking around for a while myself.

Character: Miranda Lawson
High Concept: Gifted Prodigy of the White Council
Trouble: Council Loyalist
Aspects: Keen Mind, Highly Attractive, Excellence in Execution, [open], [open]
Suberb(+5): Lore
Great(+4): Discipline, Scholarship
Good(+3): Contacts, Conviction, Resources
Fair(+2): Alertness, Deciet, Presense, Rapport
Average(+1): Athletics, Endurance, Guns, Fists, Weapons

Stunts and Powers:
-3 Evocation, -3 Thaumaturgy, -1 The Sight, 0 Soulgaze, 0 Wizard's Constitution, -1 Refinment

Evocation: Elements (Air, Spirit, Fire) Power (Spirit +1)
Thaumaturgy [open]

Focus Items:
Copper Rod (+1 Power Offense Air)
Whitewood Staff (+1 Power Offense Spirit, Defense Spirit)
Shield Ring (+1 Power Defense Air)
Four Open Enchanted Item Slots (primarily potions)

Starting Refresh: -8

For an "orientation" session, I set up a quick drop-in idea so that anyone else could join in.
Miranda gets a call from the Regional Commader of the Wardens that a mystical tome of occult rituals has just been smuggled into Midnight Bay from an unknown source. The Warden sources say that this book has been out of circulation for quite a while so some of the rituals it contains could be quite dangerous in the wrong hands (ie anyone). Miranda is charged with locating and retrieving it. Pretty much a standard "Item Fetch" quest.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 02:32:07 PM by blackheart »
"How do you carjack a Death Star?"
Gina Diggers, Gold Digger #99

Offline blackheart

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Re: Example of Play
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 01:51:51 PM »
Sammi uses Contacts right off the bat to find out who in town is involved in occult tome smuggling. She rolls a +1 and gets four shifts, more than enough to get the plot ball rolling.

"Iron" Mike Sorvino, Mid-level Mobster, has an import/export business called "Clamshell Deliveries" that specializes in "no questions, no customs" service for a fee. A BIG fee. Miranda wants to set up a meeting with Mike posing as a prospective buyer.

I wave the Investigation or Contacts roll, wanting to get on with the action. "Iron" Mike agrees to meet with Miranda at his club, a low class strip joint called "The Play Pen" in Blue Heights, a trashy part of Low Town. Miranda, rightly fearing facing Mike in a place of his choosing, insists on a meeting in the parking lot in mid-afternoon. Mike says OK.

I set up a social conflict between Miranda and "Iron" Mike. For Mike's stats I use "Made Men" (OW p69) with the Aspects of "Tough Guy, Greedy, Male Chauvnist Pig".
Victory conditions for the conflict are as follows: If Mike gets taken out he gives up the name Miranda is looking for.

Between the gang grafitti, trash on the streets, and both hookers and drug dealers openly plying their trades, Miranda felt very out of place. "I was raised better than this", she reflected bitterly, while waiting for the Mafiosso to make his appearence.
Fourtunatly, it didn't take long. "Iron" Mike must of gotten his nickname in better days, thought Miranda as he approched the meeting spot. Maybe 6' and pushing 280 lbs., his ample gut falling over a tightly bound belt, and wearing in what Miranda saw as a horrible shade of purple suit with an open neck and cheap gold chains, the bad comb-over was only the topper. Miranda took an instant disliking to him.

I call for a First Impression roll using Rapport, modifed by Presence. Since Miranda has both at Fair, it's a non-issue.
Sammi rolls and get a 0, for a +2 net. Mike's at average, and I roll a -2. I ask Sammi how she wants to come off to the Mobster.
Sammi says she wants to seem aloof and cool, a professional businesswoman looking for a deal. I ask her if the temporary apsect of "Professional Demeanor" would work. She agrees. I also say that because of the roll, she can decern the aspect of "Chauvinist" on Mike.

"Mr. Sorvino, I presume?", says Miranda, not bothering to offer a hand to shake. Mike tries to put up one of his sweaty palms, but thinks better of it as Miranda's cool gaze looks him over. "Yeah, that's me," Mike replies, "you Lawson?"
"Indeed. Thank you for meeting me on short notice. I hope I won't take up too much of your time." Let's get this over with quickly, Miranda thought to herself. "So, what can I take care of for you?" he said. The mobster's glance turned into a chest to legs leer, and Miranda felt a cold revolt in her stomach.

At this point, Sammi asks for the best way to resolve the conflict as quick as she can. Without Intimidation, I suggest a Deceit roll.
Sammi rolls and comes up with a -3! Even with her skill, it's still a net -1. She briefly considers a Fate point, but wants to save them in case of a real fight breaking out. I roll for Mike and come up with a +2. Miranda blows it in the first exchange.

"Recently you aquired a rare book for someone in town Mr. Sorvino. I would be very interested in finding them to make a purchase offer." The words were hardly out of her mouth before she realised what a collossal blunder she had made. Dammit, don't give away everything! she chastised herself. But the damage was done. The gangster's eyes go over cold and hard. "I don't give out client info for anybody, lady. Especially not some snot-nosed uptown broad with an attitude. Now piss off before I have you leave myself."

For the second exchange I have Mike attack with Intimidation. He has no Fate points to invoke his Tough Guy aspect, so it's a +2 for skill. I roll a +1 for a net of +3. Sammi asks to use her Discilpine as a defense, and I agree. She gets a +1 and adds in her skill of +4 for a total of +5. Miranda is not impressed.

Who exactly does this little man think he is?, Miranda seethed. "I am not some coked-up strung out whore looking for a fix, Mr. Sorvino," the steel in her voice plain for both to hear. "I am Miranda Lawson, your better, and you will not scare me. I will be treated with some respect. NOW." Sorvino's expression turns nervous.

"How do you carjack a Death Star?"
Gina Diggers, Gold Digger #99

Offline blackheart

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Re: Example of Play
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 02:26:09 PM »
Sammi doesn't want this to turn physical, fearing (rightly) that a Mob soldier is going to be better in a mundane fight. She asks me for any ideas. I tell her it's her character, what would she do? After a few minutes she decides to invoke her temp "Professional" aspect and roll another rapport. Chalk up a Fate point and rolls a +2. With both skill and Aspect, she comes up with a +6.
Mike has nothing to respond with and rolls a zero. Rather than being taken out, I have him take a moderate consequence "She means business" and soaks the last two as stress.

This is getting me nowhere. Time for a change of tactics, thought Miranda.
"Mr. Sorvino, we are both business people. We both have goals and rules in our practices. We both have dealings with other people and a reputation to maintain. I respect that. However, it is vitalily important I speak to this individual as soon as possible. My reputation depends on it. If need be I can compensate you monatarily for your inconvenence. You can even contact your buyer and introduce us for a finders fee. Or just flat out tell him I wish to speak to him and provide the information yourself."
Sorvino's face told the whole story. She could almost see the wheels turning behind the impasive look he was trying to hold on to. Come on, you pig. Make up your mind.
" I dunno. I've got a rep too. If my clients can't trust me, how can I do business?" Aha, Miranda saw, he's looking for an angle.

For the next exchange, I offer a concession to Sammi. Mike doesn't want to lose face to a girl, but he's about to lose the conflict. If Miranda agrees to do a favor in the future for the mobster, he'll deal. Sammi agrees, not wanting to chance another blown roll.

"I'll tell you what, Mr. Sorvino. I am not without resources myself. If at anytime in the future I may be of some assitance, I would be glad to repay your help with a likewise effort." That did it. Sorvino's face lit up with a smile. "Well, I could make a call. But anything between you and him stays that way. I'm not involved." Miranda sighs. "Very well. Please have your client contact me as soon as possible. Good day, Mr. Sorvino." Miranda turns to go back to the cab she's had waiting for her. She tries very hard not to think about taking a shower as soon as she gets home.
"How do you carjack a Death Star?"
Gina Diggers, Gold Digger #99

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Example of Play
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2010, 09:27:20 PM »
Sammi doesn't want this to turn physical, fearing (rightly) that a Mob soldier is going to be better in a mundane fight. She asks me for any ideas. I tell her it's her character, what would she do? After a few minutes she decides to invoke her temp "Professional" aspect and roll another rapport. Chalk up a Fate point and rolls a +2. With both skill and Aspect, she comes up with a +6.
Mike has nothing to respond with and rolls a zero. Rather than being taken out, I have him take a moderate consequence "She means business" and soaks the last two as stress.

Since she placed the Aspect herself, shouldn't she get a free tag on it?