Author Topic: Dresden Files MUSH  (Read 50465 times)

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2011, 07:29:41 PM »
I don't have much of anything to play yet, but if you feel like stopping by and saying hello, the address is port 5000

Offline Anher

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2011, 03:32:50 AM »
The current plan is to start with Aspen, Colorado and Muncie, Indiana.

Ah Muncie, it shows up a lot more often then I'd expect.

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2011, 08:08:43 AM »
A Dresden MUSH would be very cool; if it gets going I'll definitely participate.

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2011, 01:32:18 PM »
Soulfire is still up (I'm not sure who it belongs to, but I did check the other day.) It's the one that's set in New Orleans post-Katrina. port 7777

And, yes, Muncie is a goofy place. Should make for a good setting.

Offline Anher

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2011, 03:18:15 PM »
Yes it is, and yes it should. I spent a lot of time there and still have plenty of relatives in the area.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2011, 09:03:44 PM »
Are any of these projects actively pursued?  If not, I may be interested in helming it myself... recent interest in the Dresden Files universe, and the need of a code/MUD project, turned up this page to me.  I don't want to redundantly reproduce someone else's work, however, or tred on toes!

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2011, 11:37:17 PM »
Mine's in deep hibernation, if not dead outright.  I just checked soulfire and it looks like they've basically walled it off at this point, accepting no new players not invited by people currently on the game. 

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2011, 11:49:47 PM »
Is there any interest still?  Any particular reason it died off, or folk just being too busy and the like?

If anyone's still holding interest in a text-based game in Jim Butcher's world, we should certainly collaborate.  Post here, send a PM, email, however.  I rather enjoy such creation, and with the right enthusiasts, it could be a terrific project.

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #68 on: July 18, 2011, 12:07:49 AM »
I never saw much interest but mine's hibernating simply because life has intruded and I've not had the time to fool with it. 

If you do decide to put one up, drop the address in here and I'll stop by from time to time to say hello, at the very least.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #69 on: July 18, 2011, 12:13:15 AM »
I understand that all too well.  I recently tried to build a game from the ground up by myself, and it proved to require more than my pair of hands could provide.

If a couple other people, at the least, are interested and willing to contribute, that would be a splendid start.  I've learned against creating just for me - too much work, while enjoyable, with little payoff.  It's hard (or not as fun, at least), to roleplay by yourself!

It seemed like, from this thread (though a significant portion was from a fair time ago) that there was a fair amount of interest.  Although, that's hard to gauge off a single thread.  Curious to hear whatever thoughts lurk out there.

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #70 on: July 18, 2011, 01:04:58 AM »
Yeah, it's not easy to do it yourself but unfortunately if you're not willing and able to do the lion's share of the work yourself, you're gonna have a hard time drumming up enough interest to support it. It stinks but I'd rather be honest than blow smoke. It's (a little) different if you've got a core of people interested and dedicated up front.  However, when you're starting from scratch, you've got to have enough of a framework built to attract interest from people who will actually be of help...and even then, don't hold your breath.

I intend to continue slogging away on mine but it's largely because I want to see if I can code up some of the crazy ideas I've got in my head. It's just gonna have to wait awhile longer before I can get back to it again.

I think the sad fact of the matter is that these sorts of games are dying. Most of the people who still play them already have homes and there's very little new blood coming into the community.

All that gloom and doom aside, this world is nearly perfect for a MU* and it's a shame that it's not happening.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #71 on: July 18, 2011, 02:11:57 AM »
Yeah, it's not easy to do it yourself but unfortunately if you're not willing and able to do the lion's share of the work yourself, you're gonna have a hard time drumming up enough interest to support it. It stinks but I'd rather be honest than blow smoke. It's (a little) different if you've got a core of people interested and dedicated up front.  However, when you're starting from scratch, you've got to have enough of a framework built to attract interest from people who will actually be of help...and even then, don't hold your breath.
Oh, quite familiar.  It's what I expect, really.  Merely hoping that there is (or will be) interest enough to make it worthwhile.  Although given the popularity of the books, I can't imagine it not existing!

I intend to continue slogging away on mine but it's largely because I want to see if I can code up some of the crazy ideas I've got in my head. It's just gonna have to wait awhile longer before I can get back to it again.
That's at least half the reason I want one to play with again, myself.  My latest I was playing with craft systems, plants that grow over time, and all the like.  I didn't have a concrete theme, though, so it eventually lost aim and direction.

I think the sad fact of the matter is that these sorts of games are dying. Most of the people who still play them already have homes and there's very little new blood coming into the community.
It's definitely tough.  There's no easy way to spread the word to all the fans of the setting, to perchance pique their interest enough into giving it a whirl.  And even those with the potential to be interested, as you say, may have a comfortable home already.

All that gloom and doom aside, this world is nearly perfect for a MU* and it's a shame that it's not happening.
That's another reason the Dresden world appealed to me.  I've been angling towards something more modern - it's easier for people to immerse themselves that way, if they're unfamiliar with the setting - yet with the flair of magic and otherworldliness.

I'm booked through the next week or two, but my rough-cut plan is to start on some of the core concepts and code thereafter.  It seems the DFRPG is based off FATE 3.0, so I'll likely do some research into that to familiarize myself with it all (I found a useful link somewhere here to the HTML version).  I hope to work something out, get a workable framework into place and ideally find some more steam to launch from there.  May start a blog to report progress and all.  I have generic code I wrote before that would port nicely - mail/item delivery, fully functional banks with wire transfers (add USD and other currencies, or stick with just the one...?), and so on.

Someone in this thread (sorry for the lack of credit at the moment!) suggested using a smaller town, as opposed to a big city.  To allow the game grid to be more dense in usefulness and value, instead of an immense spread of largely useless rooms.  I'm fond of this idea and hope to work with it some.

That makes me wonder about some general questions.  What are some DresdenVerse features that one might consider essential to the theme? 

Offline Arcteryx

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2011, 03:33:32 PM »
Whoa... talk about thread resurrection...! This would be a pretty neat thing to see revived. I didn't play in them much b/c I wasn't able to find one that appealed, but I'd love to see something like this take off. I'm short on technical skills, but I'm a good brainstormer, good with ideas and would happily help out :)

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2011, 03:42:11 PM »
Whoa... talk about thread resurrection...! This would be a pretty neat thing to see revived. I didn't play in them much b/c I wasn't able to find one that appealed, but I'd love to see something like this take off. I'm short on technical skills, but I'm a good brainstormer, good with ideas and would happily help out :)
I was going to make a new thread... but with all the information contained herein, it seemed silly!

Glad to know there's still interest!  I'm hoping to borrow what DFRPG did and use the FATE system for the game, so there would be a strikingly common ground between the two, but more on that as information flows back and forth...

With work and RL and other shenanigans (... finishing the long-awaited 'A Dance with Dragons'), I'm a bit occupied throughout the next week or so.  However, my goal is by then to have the groundwork roughly imagined so that work can begin in earnest.  I'll likely start up a forum or something then, so I'm not straining with the powers of necromancy to keep an undead thread kicking.

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2011, 09:17:26 PM »
That makes me wonder about some general questions.  What are some DresdenVerse features that one might consider essential to the theme? 

The main things I had on my high priority list were, in no particular order:
a fully functional circle system (to concentrate or isolate energy sources, etc.)
a 'mortal' world map with a nevernever analogue that would partially match up with the mortal world, but not tied directly to it, and various ways of crossing between the two. (i also planned for a third out of character realm)
tracking capabilities and a good map - tracking via scent, magic and also a 'mortal' tracking skill based upon environmental clues
burial sites with different age levels of bones for necromancy down the line
'focus items', things like harry's power rings and shield bracelet which are imbued with energy and abilities

without digging into my notes, those are things things i was most concerned about off the top of my head.

i think the idea of building a framework directly around the fate system might have definite benefits, although i have no idea how fred and co. would feel about it. once that framework was finished, it could then be fairly easily converted for any particular system based on FATE.

if you set it up with DM and player tools, it'd be different from what i think of as a mud/mush but it'd be great to play in.