1313 is, I'm pretty sure, already taken on the host I have. It was going to be 4321 as that's what we'd been using before when we ran our other game, but the other game wasn't taken down and so on and so forth.

To answer a few inquiries I've gotten:
The game is set in the Baltimore/DC area. (Brush up on your Poe, folks. It'll come in handy!)
Timewise it's going to be during the war in an unspecified timeframe. DC is unofficial neutral territory for assorted reasons that will be made clear in game when it starts. Baltimore? Well, it'll be reclaiming it's title as murder capital of the world I imagine.
The grid is not going to be large at all.
Players will be limited to humans. No elves or spirits or werecritters or vampires.
As the swords are canonly tied up there will not be Knights of the Cross. There will be other options available to religious crusader types, of course.
I think that covers it all for now!