According to Meryl in SK changelings are under the control of the Court of their fey parent until they choose to become pure mortals.
This would mean that if tried by the WC and proved to be a changeling they should have the backing of the appropriate court and might therefore be ruled not under WC jurisdiction however this could also label them as non-human putting them outside its protection as well making them fair game to be killed by any means if they are a threat to the human population.
Where do you get that from?
Or are you talking about situation like Harry had with Bianca? An war declaration after the fact?
Being a Changeling should not provide license to get around the 7 laws if it endangers the humans that the WC protects
Are we talking about the same White Council, if Harry didnt got lured into starting the war, the WC would have no problem with Red Vamp. eating humans (as long as they do it discreetly).
anything else would be an internal matter of the fey subject to the appropriate court. Also if the magic is sponsored it is subject to shutdown by the sponsor if the caster breaks any rules set by them.
That goes without saying, but I think someone like Mab or Titania would have other rules than those of the WC...
But thanks for the Meryl quote, I'll go from there:
As long as the Changeling didnt choose pure Mortal they are under the jurisdiction of the Fairies. If they break an Law of Magic they get the Lawbreaker "Power" and have to pay in Refresh.