Where all FBI goons killed? Not shure, cant remember if the Werewolf got them all.
Even if, they all died. Seems like an lame destroy condition. The Swords of the Cross would be gone the way of history with this condition...
Yeah, sometimes the situation goes well beyond what the small scale items (i.e., enchanted items et al) system can do and has to extend into powers and refresh cost. Nature of the beast. If we had to make it so every magical effect ever could be encapsulated in the crafted items subsystem of spellcraft, you'd still be waiting on the RPG to go into preorder... for another year.
If its not possible to change (yourself) into an animal (with magic/Thaumaturgy with or without item) it should say so somewhere.

If its possible, I want to know how it works

Or how about a guideline.
When should it be an Item of Power?
Or an Potion?
Or how about changing the effect off an potion in an permanent Magic Item (like the Anti-Fairy-Glamour Potion)
Another question. Should we flat out disallow Thaumaturgic spells in Magic Items? Like an Invisible Cloak?
Or you can only make it into an item, if you can make Thaumaturic Spells at Evocation Speed (ie. Sponsored Magic
For Thaumaturgy generally I would wish for an ton more examples and guidelines...
(not necessarily in the RPG, but