Author Topic: PBP on insane journal, gauging interest.  (Read 1737 times)

Offline vonpenguin

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PBP on insane journal, gauging interest.
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:48:07 AM »
I had a brief idea. Now most of my RP experience isn’t in tabletop but rather in journal based games. For those that don’t know Journal games involve making a journal on one of the various livejournal clones (I prefer IJ but it’s mostly personal taste), joining the related communities (generally an Out of character forum, an in character, networked communication forum, and a community to post action threads), and playing. There’s no direct GM though in this case the Mods of the game could handle NPCs and dice rolling disputes. These games generally focus more on character development than action scenes and are character driven rather than plot driven.

I was thinking about making one based in an agreed upon city, with most of the characters serving as faces for various locations and with fate running in the background as conflict resolution. Would there be any interest in this? I’m thinking if we get two mods counting me, maybe three if the game gets big enough and at least a few other players I’ll go make the comms.

Offline Jessica

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Re: PBP on insane journal, gauging interest.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 01:36:39 AM »
I've played lj based games - I'd be interested.