1. I don't see why not. Looks kosher to me.
Awesome, and, as usual, thanks for the quick response.

That'll really make the Changeling's player in the game I'm prepping happy.
2. Rashid never gave Harry that ointment. I have no idea what you're referring to.
(Srsly, I'd just charge an extra shift per "category" of illusion. No reason to get too crazy with typing.)
If going for more-or-less universal applicability, about how many categories would you say there are? Clearly, from the potion's description, there are Outsiders, The Fae, and Mortal Magic. I'd assume there are several more, with the specific number not being a really a big deal, but a ballpark figure to give it truly universal applicability (like, say, 3 shifts worth? 4? More?) would be very nice, since most are going to want either one category, or universal usage.
It's hard to figure, as it's one of the few effects that kinda stands on it's own without a general ruleset to deal with it. It's not really a block after all, nor a counterspell, nor really divination, nor anything else I can think of.