Author Topic: A few questions about magic items  (Read 3076 times)

Offline Walker_Blade

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A few questions about magic items
« on: April 09, 2010, 08:55:30 PM »
1: Seelie and Unseelie magic grant effectivly channeling and rituals with the apropriate theme instead of a normal elemental focus.  Does that mean that a staff that enhances Unseelie magic would be (Unseelie Magic +1 Power) or would you still have to choose an element for the item despite using the theme in channeling?

2:  In the example of Harry's duster why is the total halved a second time.  He has 4 pointss then it is halved for being always on.  That leaves him 2 then "halved again to act as armor: 1."  Is every effect that grants Armor halved (The next example is just a block and it is not halved)?

3: When enchanting item it says "The Uses-per-session limitation may be removed by halving the base strength, rounded down..."  The only examples of these are always on items.  Is it possible to make, say a weaker form of Harry's rings that can fire whenever instead of once per session?  or are constant effects the only things that can get around the uses-per-session bit?

4: Do you need to know Thaumatury or Rituals (Crafting) to make focus and enchanted items?  The rules for these items are found under the crafting section of thaumaturgy, but all of the spellcasting merits grant slots.  Is it assumed that being able to use the item makes you capable of crafting them?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: A few questions about magic items
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2010, 09:14:31 PM »
1. I think you still need to pick an Element. I could be wrong, of course.
2. Yes, that's exactly it. Check out the Evocation section on Blocks on p. 252.

3. Yes, that's allowed. Actually, look at a Warden's Sword, it's countering and killing spells are active effects usable whenever you like. Bear in mind the need for a to-hit roll.

4. Doesn't look like it, mechanically. I'd personally say you don't need Crafting to maintain/own Enchanted Items, but do to make them, though you can presumably replace them between scenarios.

Offline JosephKell

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Re: A few questions about magic items
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2010, 11:35:18 PM »
1: Seelie and Unseelie magic grant effectivly channeling and rituals with the apropriate theme instead of a normal elemental focus.  Does that mean that a staff that enhances Unseelie magic would be (Unseelie Magic +1 Power) or would you still have to choose an element for the item despite using the theme in channeling?
A focus that improved Unseelie Magic would have to be either Offensive Power or Defensive Power.  But yeah, it could work.

2:  In the example of Harry's duster why is the total halved a second time.  He has 4 pointss then it is halved for being always on.  That leaves him 2 then "halved again to act as armor: 1."  Is every effect that grants Armor halved (The next example is just a block and it is not halved)?
Yes, because armor protects you when you get hit, while the block helps you avoid getting hit.  If you already have an armor from something else, you might be better off with the block version.

3: When enchanting item it says "The Uses-per-session limitation may be removed by halving the base strength, rounded down..."  The only examples of these are always on items.  Is it possible to make, say a weaker form of Harry's rings that can fire whenever instead of once per session?  or are constant effects the only things that can get around the uses-per-session bit?
An "infinite" ring would basically act like a magic gun that you wear on your finger.

But wouldn't this violate the 1st law?  I guess if Warden Swords don't, then this wouldn't.
4: Do you need to know Thaumatury or Rituals (Crafting) to make focus and enchanted items?  The rules for these items are found under the crafting section of thaumaturgy, but all of the spellcasting merits grant slots.  Is it assumed that being able to use the item makes you capable of crafting them?
As DMW said, doesn't seem to be required.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline Wyrdrune

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Re: A few questions about magic items
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2010, 11:36:48 PM »
2:  In the example of Harry's duster why is the total halved a second time.  He has 4 pointss then it is halved for being always on.  That leaves him 2 then "halved again to act as armor: 1."  Is every effect that grants Armor halved (The next example is just a block and it is not halved)?

and, when a block is overcome, it winks out, while armor persists until the end of spell's duration.

Offline JosephKell

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Re: A few questions about magic items
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 12:00:15 AM »
Wyrdrune is right about it ending.  A block version would probably have to devote shifts to duration.

Lenny Balsera commented that the shifts of power in an enchanted item basically equate to evocation version.

So if you wanted an infinite use block item you need to devote shifts for duration as well as strength, but remember as an infinite use item it would need two shifts for each one shift.

So an infinite 3 exchange block of strength 2 would require 10 shifts of item strength.  That would give you blocking of 2 for the exchange you activated it and the next 3 after.  Unfortunately 8 shifts of item strength gets you Armor:2, so perhaps the game would be better served allowing you to choose Armor:2 or perma-Block:2.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.