Author Topic: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?  (Read 46957 times)

Offline BladeLakem

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #75 on: August 13, 2010, 03:35:16 AM »
Here is my fillable and scripted Dresden character sheet (just the character sheet itself). It's set up so you _can_ open and save it in Adobe Reader.

As for saving data in Adobe Reader, it is possible. But the author of the PDF has to enable the feature using Adobe Acrobat Pro (which I have ^.^)

Offline Remy Sinclair

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2010, 02:24:23 PM »
I notice your Level is Le vel on the sheet.

My biggest issue is you have all the skills listed. What happens if the player does not have that skill? You do not have an option for that in your drop down menu.

Offline pfloyd

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2010, 02:54:52 PM »
Also, are you sure you enabled the save? I keep getting the warning that the filled data is not savable to a file.
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Offline Tsunami

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2010, 08:05:00 PM »
I notice your Level is Le vel on the sheet.

My biggest issue is you have all the skills listed. What happens if the player does not have that skill? You do not have an option for that in your drop down menu.
Since any skills you don't have automatically default to mediocre, thats not really an issue

Offline BladeLakem

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #79 on: August 14, 2010, 05:33:19 PM »
Also, are you sure you enabled the save? I keep getting the warning that the filled data is not savable to a file.

I thought I had. Well, I'll do it again to be certain. Try it now.

Offline Lanir

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #80 on: August 18, 2010, 01:08:55 AM »
I whipped up a simple text file for this. It's basically just an open document format version of the normal character sheet in the books with as close to the same layout as I could manage. I used tables a lot and gave new cells for any point where you should want to input things. The advantage is it should be simple to use. Any modern version of Word (with a plugin to read odt files) or OpenOffice can open it and edit it freely. The disadvantage is there's no distinction between the parts you want to edit to write down your character and the rest of it. So if you erase something or muck up a table you'll probably want to just reload from your last save point or use the Edit -> Undo function to fix it.

Edit: Someone reminded me about google docs so I've put it up there. Feel free to suggest changes if you wish. Please note that I've included the Evil Hat copyright since all the actual info is just copied from their sheet but any formatting errors are mine alone. Here's an ugly but serviceable link:
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 11:39:46 PM by Lanir »

Offline Tsunami

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2010, 05:50:46 AM »
I whipped up a simple text file for this. It's basically just an open document format version of the normal character sheet in the books with as close to the same layout as I could manage. I used tables a lot and gave new cells for any point where you should want to input things. The advantage is it should be simple to use. Any modern version of Word or OpenOffice can open it and edit it freely. The disadvantage is there's no distinction between the parts you want to edit to write down your character and the rest of it. So if you erase something or muck up a table you'll probably want to just reload from your last save point or use the Edit -> Undo function to fix it.

Edit: Someone reminded me about google docs so I've put it up there. Feel free to suggest changes if you wish. Please note that I've included the Evil Hat copyright since all the actual info is just copied from their sheet but any formatting errors are mine alone. Here's an ugly but serviceable link:
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Offline Lanir

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #82 on: August 19, 2010, 07:27:09 AM »
Oops. Fixed it now. I did a minor update to it to set some of the fields you'd be entering text into to larger fonts and bold type. Also added a Hunger stress track. Managed to muck up the link when I tried to edit the post though.

Offline Arcteryx

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #83 on: August 19, 2010, 06:01:03 PM »
Oops. Fixed it now. I did a minor update to it to set some of the fields you'd be entering text into to larger fonts and bold type. Also added a Hunger stress track. Managed to muck up the link when I tried to edit the post though.

Its (probably) me, but I can't open the file.

Using MSWord 2007 generates this error msg: "The Office Open XML DFRPG_char_sheet.odt cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents."

Offline Lanir

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #84 on: August 19, 2010, 10:07:07 PM »
I forgot people use MS Office. It's not you, the software is broken by design. To view the file you can either use a plugin for MS Office (hunt one down by googling for "odt in ms word" or something similar) or grab (it's free and not as broken). I guess if enough people were interested I could make a word doc formatted file for it. I probably wouldn't be in a rush to do so though, to be honest. It'd probably be more headache for me to manage than you grabbing some software.

Offline Arcteryx

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #85 on: August 20, 2010, 07:49:28 PM »
Ah yes. You forgot to mention the plugin. It just says 'any modern version of Word' :) No worries. I've got OpenOffice on an instance elsewhere and I'll try it there when I get home.


Offline Lanir

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #86 on: August 20, 2010, 11:48:24 PM »
Ah yes. You forgot to mention the plugin. It just says 'any modern version of Word' :)

Added a note to that effect. I honestly just forgot about it. I haven't used MS Office for anything in years and the marketing goo I'd heard indicated it could read this sort of file.

Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2010, 03:28:08 AM »
As I have nothing but a mac and mac version of office, along with the technical savvy of Grape Ape if he dropped acid, can someone please explain to me why the evil hat forms (character and city sheets 1.1) will save my info just fine, but the one that a kind fellow here edited so beautifully to ONLY have the 2 page character sheets - and with better boxes - will let me type everything in and save, but then it won't keep that data.

I would love to use that sheet; it's perfect for what I need, can someone make it so it will save?

Offline Lanir

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2010, 01:48:42 AM »
I used a mac and OpenOffice (it's free software, you can get it from if you're so inclined) to make the character sheet I built. Mine is one page however, so I'm guessing you're talking about the PDF version. I don't have the Adobe Reader software installed at the moment so the PDF version someone else supplied doesn't even work for me. It opens in Preview alright but just spams a message about needing a different version of Adobe Reader to work right. So... apologies but unless you're using the one I linked above, I can't really help you troubleshoot it. If you are trying to use mine and it won't open right in Microsoft Office, try using OpenOffice instead. The current version is about 425mb on my machine and doesn't hide any parts anywhere else. So if you happen to not like it you can just throw the app in the trash to uninstall it.

Offline lankyogre

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Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« Reply #89 on: September 18, 2010, 09:18:58 PM »
I'm using the sheet from Matt.Ceb on the forums and I'm encountering an odd problem. Every time I type in the relationships on face "4" it shows up in "6" and vice versa.

I'd post on, but it seems that thread has been dead for awhile.