Not bad with the Open Office one either... but a fair amount of room for improvement... plus you have cells that are too small for the text contained within. Slight design issue that can be easily fixed, I would wager.
There's always room for improvement...

As for the cells, it's meant to be printed out, and when printed the text fits nicely. At least for me.
It's done with the three font's mentioned above, so there might be issues if you don't have those installed.
If you don't have the fonts and don't want them either, just remove the protection from the sheet and adjust the font size. (there is no password, the protection is just there to avoid accidental changes to the cells that contain functions)
What I'm considering is this:
A page to choose character options, such as Power Level.
A page for each Aspect, such as Concept and Trouble, one for each story, etc.
A page for Skills
A page for Mortal Stunts
A page for Powers
Last page would be the actual character sheet.
I started working on this a while back. Maybe it's time to dredge it up again...
I pulled it up from my USB thumbdrive that has my DFRPG material.
Right now, it's an Excel file with all the page tabs figured out. Right now it's more data entry before I work the data manipulation, then design the final character sheet.
Once I get this done and working (and then perhaps port it into OpenOffice), perhaps I'll work on a City Building workbook.
I did something in that direction a while back but with a little less detailed pages.
A Character Booklet with pages for all the aspects and a double page in the middle so that you can put it in front of you on the table and have all the info you need to play in one place. Actually, i've been meaning to put it up here... so...
ok... wait... where is it *cluttering sounds, rustling paper* ahh. here. is a pdf, meant to be printed and then filled out by hand, i've been meaning to adjust the ods file to make it fillable... that's next on my list.
It's meant to be printed as a booklet on A4 paper, so that you can fold it in half and then flip through the pages. With my printer the function is called "broschürendruck" don't know what that would be called in english. "Booklet-printing" perhaps... the wikipedia duplex-printing page calls it "Double-sided booklet (2:2 with a center fold)".