Yeah, a couple of games are going on at high levels. 60 skills and between 16 and 18 Refresh seems to be typical "Ridiculously Deep" level, but each individual game will have it's own variants. Heck, a starting Submerged game will likely get there eventually...
If people send me (PM, post & link, etc) an expanded table of the caps, skill points, and refresh I can program them in.

I can almost make Excel / Open Office stand up and dance the jig given sufficient information (and I avoid Macros where possible so it stays more portable).
For a good example, look at the Kalamar Atlas and realize that other than cities & towns listed in the KoK CS and other published works ALL of the towns and villages in the Kalamar Atlas, including distribution by size, were all randomly named using the various Kalamar naming conventions and assigned populations (with naming conventions held and varied for population size) using a spreadsheet. Might not sound that impressive until you realize that due to the cut off determined by Dave maybe 80% of the named villages (down to 10 population) were not used.

Yup, I am one insane Dwarf.
So, people can feel free to PM me what they would like to see on character sheets (what works, what doesn't) and I will look at the PMs and contemplate adding such to modified generic sheets. It may take me months depending on work loads, but I am game for it at least for the anon.