Author Topic: New Orleans Dresden files rpg " here is my City"  (Read 1974 times)


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New Orleans Dresden files rpg " here is my City"
« on: April 06, 2010, 04:48:24 AM »
Shadows and Veils
of New Orleans
 we here in new Orleans have a different world all together as it were, and y’u just got a more darker Climate so close to the Bayou .We got a Wizard lawyer name Howard L Christophe. a Entity of the city as it where, called symbol- he called That due to the strange symbol he found on his chest over under two hundred years ago. His real name is Charles Lloyd Holmes, well that is that is the name he goes by now. we got vampires and voodoo and some nasty ghoul issues and you want ghost we got them too and a few odd one like a little ole girl name Rebecca Sinclair who is a living vampire- here of late we got a child running around with a magic tome name Thomas white – this here tome is said to be sentient Directing the boy to do acts of magic beyond his years. Some folk says his God Folk is the Vampire some call Bryan Shan! 
Top it off New Orleans is a Freehold, and no one dare upset the balance, or the city its self well take care of you, usually by the  Man called the symbol but there are more harden ways, you thanks Katrina stopped all that>?
no ma sharey* it don’t not it just made it hungrier and darker more desperate its the city that well not die!
Come for a visit, stay a while, but if you thin you’re going to wheel in here and push you magicks like you want? well, I hear that there are things that com up from the bayou like a man and takes yaw ‘ll under like a gator!

Offline Jessica

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Re: New Orleans Dresden files rpg " here is my City"
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 01:28:24 AM »
Are you starting a game? I 'd love to see what could be done with the diverse influences here. (OMG voodoo-catholic Knight of the Cross?)

Offline Cajun Guy

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Re: New Orleans Dresden files rpg " here is my City"
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2010, 02:01:04 AM »
New Orleans is a great city for a setting. Just be sure to look beyionf the usual because what makes Nawlins great is that it is a huge melting pot of French, Spanish, Acadian, English, American & African culture and beliefs all in one area. I would suggest some cool areas for you:

The cemetaries... NO only has above ground cemetaries as if you tried to put someone in the ground they'd pop up after the first good rain. These cemetaries are wicked cool if you have never been.

the big draw is MArie Laveau's tomb. They say if you go at night she shows up. the truth is they spread that to get stupid people into a grave yard at night where they can be mugged.

Also, The 9th ward which was devastated in Katrina. Still hasn't been rebuilt. It is weird to see a major city with a large area that looks like a meteor strike took place. No lights at all. Damn Spooky.

Also the projects and area around the superdome. All were really damaged during Katrina. i know the VA hospital was shut down as it was a ground zero.

They also have the Voodoo musem in the french quarter. Which is hella fake but in a Dresden world who knows?

then you could put in the Lake Ponchitrain and the swamps in that area. Good place for all sorts of nonsense to go down.

If you need any help let me know.

Cajun Guy