Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 225060 times)

Offline Belial666

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It has stress of OOOOOO(OOOOOO).
It has 2 mild, 1 moderate, 1 serious consequence (since it is supposed to be major opponent), plus 2 milds from recovery.
It has +5 defense and armor 3.

Maybe if a caster with power 8 and control 9 burns her/his 4th mental box and 4th physical box, 2 mild mentals, 3 fate points and 2 sponsor debt to pull off a freaking Weapon 19, control +15 megablast and rolls well, she/he might take it out in one blow. But other than that, it will be a bitch to take down.

Offline ballplayer72

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It has stress of OOOOOO(OOOOOO).
It has 2 mild, 1 moderate, 1 serious consequence (since it is supposed to be major opponent), plus 2 milds from recovery.
It has +5 defense and armor 3.

Maybe if a caster with power 8 and control 9 burns her/his 4th mental box and 4th physical box, 2 mild mentals, 3 fate points and 2 sponsor debt to pull off a freaking Weapon 19, control +15 megablast and rolls well, she/he might take it out in one blow. But other than that, it will be a bitch to take down.

one shotting things isn't really supposed to be SOP lol.     Thomas and mouse didn't have much of a problem with it.  In fact it ran from them and was still crippled later.  I think it might be a tad too powerful, either that or mouse and thomas's write ups were on the weak side (especially mouse).   
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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one shotting things isn't really supposed to be SOP lol.     Thomas and mouse didn't have much of a problem with it.  In fact it ran from them and was still crippled later.  I think it might be a tad too powerful, either that or mouse and thomas's write ups were on the weak side (especially mouse).   

We actually know for a fact that Mouse's was too weak in a variety of ways (he's a full Foo dog, not a hybrid), but even the hybrid version has a poor man's Sword of the Cross in it's ability to automatically satisfy something's Catch...a factor that more than explains the Ick's damaged state, particularly if you add in my contention that Mouse clearly has Inhuman Strength.

Offline ballplayer72

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We actually know for a fact that Mouse's was too weak in a variety of ways (he's a full Foo dog, not a hybrid), but even the hybrid version has a poor man's Sword of the Cross in it's ability to automatically satisfy something's Catch...a factor that more than explains the Ick's damaged state, particularly if you add in my contention that Mouse clearly has Inhuman Strength.

he's actually probably got the whole kit and kabootle (strength and speed and most certainly toughness.  recovery idk since we never see him Wolverine it up, but we do know that he can get hit by a speeding fan and still kick ass all night.) and i'd almost certainly bump him from inhuman to supernatural on the speed.  Personally I think both Thomas and Mouse need a touch up since changes.  (Thomas was ALOT stronger and faster imo.  if he had inhuman before, I think getting in touch with his inner Lord Raith bumped him up to supernatural at least).

Idk the bust the catch thing is good but he straight savaged that ick so bad it ran away from him like a scared little girl.  Personally I think thats a reflection of the quickness with which mouse can move and strike especially working in tandem with thomas who is also superfast, and the ponderousness of the Ick. 
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Offline Belial666

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Well, mouse has Sacred Guardian. He could take a 3-stress mental hit and a mild mental consequence to get a +3 on his attack and satisfy the catch.

So, +6 attack, assume he rolls a 1 plus 1 from the Ick's hulking size for a total of 8 and the Ick has 5 defense and rolls average, that's a 5-stress hit that ignores toughness and recovery; the Ick has to take a consequence not to be taken out.
If mouse also has inhuman strength - which he probably should - that would be a 7-stress hit so the Ick would need to take an even bigger consequence not to be taken out. If mouse has a superb (+5) attack skill and not the good (+3) attack skill a standard temple dog has, that would be a 9-stress hit.

That's the reason the Ick ran away like a little frightened girl.

Offline Vash the white

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deadman, could you stat Nicodemus for me?

Offline finnmckool

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Two minor aspect things.

You said you got too many aspects for Michael and didn't know which ones to drop. Friends are Family would be my pick since "Family Man" already covers the family thing nicely, and I don't think you'd NEED the extra aspect compel the Michael player to consider friends as family.

Toot-Toot does not have near enough aspects. I mean he's GOT to have at least one "The attention span of...OOO! SHINY!" and "It's all mortal stuff to me." The latter one has to cover things like not being able to read, but he can speak Russian no problem.

Other than that, good stuff! I'll keep reading.

Offline Jaroslav

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Hm. I wonder like Susan looks like. Deadmanwalking could stat her when you have the time?
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #278 on: September 30, 2010, 01:55:50 AM »
I think the Senior Council members could use a few mortal stunts along with their supernatural powers. Most of them are pretty impressive people even without their powers. Some suggestions:

Listens to Wind:
The books mention that he's a pretty fantastic doctor. I think that he goes back to medical school every ten years in order to keep current. If you ask me, that means a high scholarship skill and several doctor stunts.

He's got a contact on every plane and he's as mysterious as all hell. You can translate that into game terms (beyond simple aspects) with one stunt letting him use lore as a defense against empathy and another giving him +2 to his contacts in the Nevernever.

He's an excellent politician, especially when dealing with other wizards of the white council. He could use a stunt offering a bonus to maneuvers with presence or maybe just a blanket social bonus when dealing with other wizards of the white council.

Ancient Mai:
She's a scary lady. Some intimidate stunts would be appropriate, in my humble opinion.

Offline Elegast

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #279 on: November 05, 2010, 05:14:41 PM »
This is an attempt to stat a post-change Harry, largely based on Deadmanwalking's comments.

Name: Harry Dresden

High Concept: Spirit of a WC wizard
Trouble: I'm dead.

Epic Wiseass
He Tried to Do The Right Thing
Father of Maggie
Indebted to Mab
Unknown Ennemies


Superb: Conviction, Endurance
Great: Discipline, Intimidation, Lore,Athletics
Good: Alertness,Contacts,Weapons,
Fair: Deceit, Investigation, Rapport, Fists,Guns,
Average: Burglary, Fists, Performance, Presence, Scholarship, Stealth


Listening (See sheet) (-1)
Subtle Menace (See sheet) (-1)


Lawbreaker (First) [–1]
Marked by Power [–1]
Demesne [–1]
Spirit Form (Poltergeist) [–5]
Swift Transition (No Mortal Home) [–1]
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Physical Immunity [–8]
The Catch [+2] is that the ghost can only be hurt in
the mortal realm by those it has acknowledged. If confronted in the Nevernever, the ghost still has Armor:2 against attacks that aren’t specifically structured as counter-measures against ghosts (like ghost dust).

Total: -19 Refresh


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOO
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 09:59:08 PM by Elegast »
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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #280 on: November 27, 2010, 05:26:29 PM »

I think another post-Turn Coat change would be to his Resources. He'd no longer be disowned by House Raith.

Name: Thomas Raith

High Concept: Fallen Prince of the Raith Family
Trouble: Fighting My Inner Demon
Loyal To My Brother
Justine Is My True Love
Lara, My Sister, My Rival
Make Like An Action Movie


Superb: Deceit,
Great: Guns, Investigation, Weapons,
Good: Athletics, Discipline, Endurance, Presence, Resources
Fair: Alertness, Conviction, Driving, Fists, Intimidation,
Average: Empathy, Lore, Rapport, Stealth, Scholarship,


Sex Appeal (Rapport) (-1)
Takes One to Know One (Deceit) (-1)
Wall of Death (Weapons) (-1)


Emotional Vampire [–1]
Human Guise [+0]
Incite Emotion (Lust; At Range, Lasting Emotion) [–3]

Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting the following powers:
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Supernatural Speed [–4]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+0] is True Love.

Total: -14 Refresh


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Hunger: OOOO
Armor: None.

Reasons For Changes:

Well, aside from him being more on-par with Harry now.

Thomas is specifically mentioned as making Inhuman Speed creatures look like extras in an action movie he was so fast (actually, Harry brings up action movie analogies a lot in regards to Thomas, hence the Aspect). That’s Supernatural Speed right there.

The Ghoul fight in White Night demonstrated some serious Weapons skill…hence the Stunt.

He can absolutely spot a liar, has a modicum of social skill outside of lying (not a lot, but a little), and needs no powers to seduce women.

And he’s too pretty and arrogant for Average Presence.

He also has his own salon, and a nice apartment, and a boat, so his Resources must be decent.

He can pull off the whole wisecracking/enemy making (a part of Intimidation), if not as well as Harry can, at least a bit.

I have a very hard time imagining him less well educated than Harry.

This is Thomas immediately post Small Favor.

Post Turn Coat and Changes: Clearly some Aspect changes, as well as a few Skill increases (possibly including Discipline...reflecting him being better fed these days). His powers don't seem to have changed, though.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #281 on: December 09, 2010, 04:24:29 AM »
I've never been happy with the OW writeup of Shiro. So here's my interpretation, with a full skill list and way more stunts. He's fully playable as a PC, but only if the game is very high-powered.

Shiro Yoshimo (Scuba Diving)

High Concept: Knight Of The Cross
Other Aspects: Boundless Virtue, No Greater Love, Swordsman Without Peer, Wielder Of Fidelacchius, Faith Demands Sacrifice
Fantastic: Weapons
Superb: Conviction
Great: Lore, Discipline, Presence
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Endurance
Fair: Fists, Stealth, Contacts, Empathy
Average: Might, Rapport, Resources, Investigation, Survival
Righteous (Conviction): +2 to Conviction for the Righteousness power.
Riposte (Weapons): sacrifice next action to counterattack after a successful defence with Weapons.
Footwork (Weapons): use Weapons to defend against ranged attacks.
Duelist (Weapons): +2 to Weapons when defending against a single opponent.
Devastating Slashes (Weapons): attacks with swords inflict 2 extra stress.
Master Of The Blade (Weapons): +1 to all attacks with a sword.
Bless This House [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Holy Touch [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
Sword of the Cross (Fidelacchius) [-3]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:


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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #282 on: December 19, 2010, 12:27:29 PM »
The problem with that statting of Murphy in the earliest post of her is that she has mastered more martial arts styles than just Aikido.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #283 on: December 19, 2010, 05:59:17 PM »
So, Bastian, how do you suggest that Murphy's writeup be changed? Switch her Aikido Master aspect for something broader? Add another Fists stunt? 

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #284 on: December 24, 2010, 03:49:44 PM »
Question: Would it be alright with everybody if these excellent stat blocks were to be saved over on the Resource Wiki? 
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