Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 225049 times)

Offline ballplayer72

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That's the impression I always got, yeah.

yea that way he wouldn't even need to give verbal orders.  I mean harry and elaine and merlin have worked telepathy spells.  Why not binder to his minions?
Only a dumb SOB brings a knife to a gunfight

Offline Dan from Chicago

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That much is quite obvious... The main question being HOW he skirts them.

We know he sends summoned creatures to kill people. He does so quite openly.
If Sending summoned creatures to kill someone breaks the laws, how is he getting around them?

One possibility is that sending summoned creatures doesn't break the law ... the entity doing the killing acts as a firebreak for the corrupting effects of lawbreaking.

A second possibility is that he doesn't use the creatures to actually kill normal people. If he gets hired to go after supernatural players, the Grey men go to town. If he's going after pure mortals, Binder uses the Grey Men to restrain the vics and caps them himself using a gun. It's clear he's proficient with firearms. He got a lot closer to killing Dresden using a grenade than he did using his nasties.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Hey deadman I'm not sure if you have read the new short story Even Hand involving marcone and just incase you havent i wont spoil anything but i think it calls for some alterations on his aspects. (Though only one major-ish one)
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline GruffAndTumble

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Speaking of Even Hand, I'd love to see your take on
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Hey deadman I'm not sure if you have read the new short story Even Hand involving marcone and just incase you havent i wont spoil anything but i think it calls for some alterations on his aspects. (Though only one major-ish one)

Haven't read it yet. I'll post things from it, and any changes I think Marcone warrants, after I do so.

Offline jalrin

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I am trying to develop my own modified write-up of Elaine because, while I think you did (as usual) a good job with her, I think your version might be slightly underpowered.  I was wondering about her focus item crafting specialty: did I miss something becuase she does not seem to be anymore fond of her focus items than any other wizard (I am asking because I have my own plan for that slot).  Just curious.

P.S.:  I finally found Billy's stunt for you: he is described in Turn Coat as being an engineer.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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1. I thought her focus on extremely small items (ie: jewelry) warranted it, and she had this free specialty slot lying around...

If you have other plans, just remember to modify her shield ring accordingly and go for it.

2. Awesome! Thanks, I'll edit him momentarily.

Offline ballplayer72

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1. I thought her focus on extremely small items (ie: jewelry) warranted it, and she had this free specialty slot lying around...

If you have other plans, just remember to modify her shield ring accordingly and go for it.

2. Awesome! Thanks, I'll edit him momentarily.

and she's got the whole non traditional focus items working for her like the chain staff which is honestly just COOL
Only a dumb SOB brings a knife to a gunfight

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Hey deadman I'm curious how would you stat the Ick? (the thing that beat the crud out of nearly everyone in Changes). I'm trying my hand at it, and roughly power wise i'm giving it Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Toughness, Mythic Recovery, The Catch is Unknown. I'm also thinking of giving it something like true aim on it's fists. I'm giving it Hulking Size and Claws as well.

Skill wise i'm giving it something like Great Athletics, Superb Alertness (cause it was faster than thomas), Superb Fists, And Then Fantastic Endurance.

On the Aspects I'm going with the high concept: Unstoppable Monstrousity. Then other aspects are Sadistic Killing Machine; Faster Than Thought

So any recommendations on the creature would be very helpful. (My characters are gonna be fighting one soon.) Thanks in Advance. :)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 03:20:00 AM by Archmage_Cowl »
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Belial666

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It wasn't really fast - only kind of unstoppable. Harry, after taking the "big upgrade" and having inhuman speed could outrun it.

Mythic Toughness + Hulking Size + a stunt/power to use endurance for defense (which it might have at fantastic) means it is really, really tough. Even Harry blasting it with weapon 9 attacks at +9 control would deal 9 stress on average, meaning it would require 4 shots to burn its upper stress boxes, plus 2 for mild consequences plus 1 for moderate consequence plus 1 for serious consequence plus 1 to be taken out for a total of 9 blasts of magic from a powerful wizard. Which is freaking hardcore.
Now add supernatural recovery, supernatural strength, blood-drinker+feeding dependency, claws, a stunt/power to use both claws at once for weapon 7 attacks and both fists and might at +5 and you have a nightmare.

And that at the small cost of -16 refresh after the catch.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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I dont know. I might argue that it has mythic recovery considering how nigh impossible it was to kill. That could have been toughness though. Also i'm questioning the catch, as susan said they cant be killed, and i figure since the fellowship fights vampires they would have tried cross's. Also the fact that susan say's they cant be killed is why i gave it mythic recovery.

Also on the speed thing. I suppose harry did out run it (been reading the parts of the book involving it again.) But it was still fast, so it may have inhuman speed.
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Belial666

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Consider this; with a defense of +6, armor 3 and 12 physical stress boxes, even a small army would have trouble harming it if its catch isn't the same as the vampire catch. It is Mayan so the catch may be obsidian instead of silver or holy stuff. And in every exchange it would rip one common red-court infected to shreds. Add blood-drinker so it can heal up during the fight if it drinks blood and it's really bad-ass.
Besides, mythic recovery doesn't make it any more unkillable during a fight.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Consider this; with a defense of +6, armor 3 and 12 physical stress boxes, even a small army would have trouble harming it if its catch isn't the same as the vampire catch. It is Mayan so the catch may be obsidian instead of silver or holy stuff. And in every exchange it would rip one common red-court infected to shreds. Add blood-drinker so it can heal up during the fight if it drinks blood and it's really bad-ass.
Besides, mythic recovery doesn't make it any more unkillable during a fight.

thats quite true. I was modeling it off an Uber-ghoul which has mythic recovery and they comment that it may be unkillable. How i would play it up is after it was beaten in a fight, it would drop like it was dead then recovery would kick in and it would start getting back up. Though truth be told i think i might like the toughness better. (it gives the pc's more of a chance to kill it.) Though i'm still not entirerly certain it would have blood drinker. It would be sweet for it to have it but i dont believe we see any evidence that it would (though i could be wrong).
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I'd need to re-read the book for a definitive version, but I'd go somewhere between the two listed. Something like this:

Blood Drinker [-1]
Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mythic Toughness [-6]
Tough As Hell: Can use Endurance for Physical defenses of all sorts [-1]

Feeding Dependency [+1]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]


Superb: Endurance, Fists,
Great: Intimidation, Might, Survival,
Good: Alertness, Conviction, Discipline,
Fair: Athletics, Empathy, Investigation,

Other skills at Mediocre to Average

That'll result in something fairly accurate. I agree that (at the very least) we are unaware of it's Catch, so either apply one of your choice, or force the PCs to deal without ((though the latter is likely to be quite hard on the PCs).

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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That'll result in something fairly accurate. I agree that (at the very least) we are unaware of it's Catch, so either apply one of your choice, or force the PCs to deal without ((though the latter is likely to be quite hard on the PCs).

Thanks deadmanwalking. It looks sweet :). I'll probably be using that (or something almost copyright infringingly similar) in my game. Though i may make it a little more skill heavy in skills it's really good at (or give it another stunt or power to give it bonus's equal to those). As I want it to be a major challenge for my pc's (i dont really know if it would have them higher).
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss