Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224626 times)

Offline ballplayer72

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Name: Grevane

High Concept: Master Necromancer
Trouble: Hubris On An Epic Scale
Disciple of Kemmler;
Never Without My Zombies;
Dead Calm;


Superb: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Presence,
Great: Contacts, Intimidation, Scholarship, Weapons
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Deceit, Resources,
Fair: Burglary, Endurance, Investigation, Stealth,
Average: Driving, Empathy, Fists, Might,


Finely Tuned Third Eye (Lore)
Kusarigamajutsu (Weapons)


Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [–0]
Wizard’s Constitution [–0]
Sponsored Magic (Kemmlerian Necromancy) [–2]
Refinement [–6]
Lawbreaker (First) [–2]
Lawbreaker (Fifth) [–2]

Total: -21 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Spirit); Power (Spirit +3, Air +2), Control (Spirit +1, Air +1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Necromancy +3*); Complexity (Necromancy +4*, Divination +1, Summoning +1)

Focus Items:
Spirit Ring (+1 Offensive Power and Control with Spirit)
Shield Ring (+1 Defensive Power and Control with Spirit)


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Armor: By spell or item effect.

*Including the +1 from Kemmlerian Necromancy.

Grevane is terrifying, with an 11 shift offense at Weapon: 9 when he chooses to use it, and a 9 shift defense. He's also, unfortunately for him, very near helpless when not using his magic to defend.

He'll usually raise Zombies to deal with minor threats, or fold when people have the drop on him, but is exceedingly dangerous if he can contol the situation, and no slouch in a stand-up fight.

He clearly has good Contacts and decent Resources, or he wouldn't have had half the information and connecions he collected. Ditto Intimidation and Deceit.

His Trouble Aspect is nasty, and gets used on him a whole lot. It prevented his Death Curse.


Deadman you can really craft a character in system.   Kudos
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Kumori

High Concept: Cowl's Apprentice
Trouble: Personally Loyal
Death Must Be Conquered;
No Reason We Can’t Be Civilized;


Superb: Lore,
Great: Conviction, Discipline,
Good: Athletics, Contacts, Endurance, Rapport,
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Investigation, Scholarship, Stealth,
Average: Empathy, Fists, Presence, Resources, Weapons,


Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [–0]
Wizard’s Constitution [–0]
Sponsored Magic (Kemmlerian Necromancy) [–2]
Refinement [–3]
Lawbreaker (Fifth) [–2]

Total: -14 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Fire, Spirit); Power (Spirit +2), Control (Spirit +1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Necromancy +3*); Complexity (Necromancy +2*)

Focus Items:
Spirit Ring (+1 Offensive Power with Spirit)
Shield Ring (+1 Defensive Power with Spirit)

Enchanted Items:

Robe (6 shift Block or Armor: 3, five times per session) (4 Item Slots)


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Armor: By spell or item effect.

*Including the +1 from Kemmlerian Necromancy.

Kumori is a flat 7 shift Evocation specialist, and has Sponsored Magic to boot. She's a specialized Necromancer, and no real match for Harry Dresden in a straight fight.

That said, she's a highly skilled and dangerous Wizard, and a fairly reasonable individual (for a crazy Necromancer, anyway).
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 11:50:36 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline vultur

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Hmm. You have Grevane waaay stronger than I'd put him at. Grevane had tons of zombies, but I wouldn't have thought he was nearly that good at slugging it out with Evocation. In DB, he fights with massive zombie hordes and -when cornered- with a kusari/fighting chain; if he were a good Evoker, he'd have fought with magic instead of that chain. 11-shift Weapon:9 Evocations are far too much IMO; frankly, I wouldn't give him any Evocation Refinements at all; IIRC he never casts an Evocation in the book.  (I know it's based on the official Stats, but I think some of the villains - Grevane and most of the Denarians - are significantly overstatted, while the WC types - Luccio, Morgan, the Senior Council - and the Fae Ladies & such are heavily understatted.)

Kumori looks very good; Harry says she's probably Council-level, but we don't see her do all that much.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Well, Harry can do almost that good, and still needs to resort to guns now and again. And, even sans his Evocation Specialties, assuming well designed Foci Grevane's only gonna drop from a 9 to an 8 shift, while I might do that, you're still not gonna be happy with him. I'd assume that a lot of his non-Evocation has to do with keeping his Zombies up and going, not any weakness in the area.

Offline ballplayer72

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Well, Harry can do almost that good, and still needs to resort to guns now and again. And, even sans his Evocation Specialties, assuming well designed Foci Grevane's only gonna drop from a 9 to an 8 shift, while I might do that, you're still not gonna be happy with him. I'd assume that a lot of his non-Evocation has to do with keeping his Zombies up and going, not any weakness in the area.

We do have textual evidence that its almost unheard of to use two spells at once.  The only person we see do it is THE ARCHIVE.  If grevane is holding a bunch of zombies in control, and using one hand to drum on his leg the entire time, its got to be horridly difficult to throw a fireball at the same time.   Doesn't mean he doesn't know how, or that he's not good at it.  Simply that he like using minons better.
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Offline vultur

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Well, Harry can do almost that good, and still needs to resort to guns now and again. And, even sans his Evocation Specialties, assuming well designed Foci Grevane's only gonna drop from a 9 to an 8 shift, while I might do that, you're still not gonna be happy with him. I'd assume that a lot of his non-Evocation has to do with keeping his Zombies up and going, not any weakness in the area.

I wouldn't give him any Evocation Foci, either. I just don't see the evidence that he uses it enough to want them.

(And I'd only give him -1 on Lawbreaker (First), too, as while he kills a lot of people I imagine he'd mostly do it by ordering his minions to kill them, not with his own magic.)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I wouldn't give him any Evocation Foci, either. I just don't see the evidence that he uses it enough to want them.

Thaumaturgy foci are fairly pointless, and he clearly lacks useful Enchanted my options for what to give him are a bit limited.

(And I'd only give him -1 on Lawbreaker (First), too, as while he kills a lot of people I imagine he'd mostly do it by ordering his minions to kill them, not with his own magic.)

Ordering summoned creatures (which is technically what zombies are) to kill breaks the First Law. This is stated rather explicitly in Storm Front, when discussing Victor Sells use of a a demon assassin, if I remember correctly.

How I'd probably actually handle it in play is to have all his offensive Evocations channeled through a zombie, as he supercharges one of his minions and has it attack. No mechanical difference of course, just very thematic.

Offline Tsunami

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Ordering summoned creatures (which is technically what zombies are) to kill breaks the First Law. This is stated rather explicitly in Storm Front, when discussing Victor Sells use of a a demon assassin, if I remember correctly.
Then how does Binder avoid being chopped to bits by the Wardens ??
And Vic really had no need to break the Laws by proxy... he did pretty well on his own. Also, summoning the demon and binding it was probably enough to get him on the to-chop-list (hey, i kinda like this word *g*).

Offline ballplayer72

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Thaumaturgy foci are fairly pointless, and he clearly lacks useful Enchanted my options for what to give him are a bit limited.

Ordering summoned creatures (which is technically what zombies are) to kill breaks the First Law. This is stated rather explicitly in Storm Front, when discussing Victor Sells use of a a demon assassin, if I remember correctly.

How I'd probably actually handle it in play is to have all his offensive Evocations channeled through a zombie, as he supercharges one of his minions and has it attack. No mechanical difference of course, just very thematic.

Then why isn't Binder a warlock?  he obviously kills folks with his minions.
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Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Then why isn't Binder a warlock?  he obviously kills folks with his minions.

harry comments he knows the laws enough to skirt them without actually breaking any, hence the reason the wardens havent killed him.
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Offline Tsunami

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harry comments he knows the laws enough to skirt them without actually breaking any, hence the reason the wardens havent killed him.
That much is quite obvious... The main question being HOW he skirts them.

We know he sends summoned creatures to kill people. He does so quite openly.
If Sending summoned creatures to kill someone breaks the laws, how is he getting around them?

Offline ballplayer72

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That much is quite obvious... The main question being HOW he skirts them.

We know he sends summoned creatures to kill people. He does so quite openly.
If Sending summoned creatures to kill someone breaks the laws, how is he getting around them?


He sends the grey men at the target.  Then once they are locked in on a target he relinquishes control and "gives them their head" (a term used when letting a horse walk where it will at the speed it likes) and they being naturally belligerent demon type thingees go ahead and get the job done anyway.  He wouldn't be controlling them when they offed someone so it wouldn't be his magic breaking the laws.

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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I got the impression he had a legitimately 'friendly' relationship with them, it's possible he doesn't even Bind them (his name notwithstanding), just Summons them and then ells them to go kill folk mundanely.

Offline ballplayer72

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I got the impression he had a legitimately 'friendly' relationship with them, it's possible he doesn't even Bind them (his name notwithstanding), just Summons them and then ells them to go kill folk mundanely.

yeah, harry seemed to think they were part of a hive mind.  Say he bargained with the hive mind to be able to call up and issue orders to some of its pieces that they will follow to the best of the hive's ability?
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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yeah, harry seemed to think they were part of a hive mind.  Say he bargained with the hive mind to be able to call up and issue orders to some of its pieces that they will follow to the best of the hive's ability?

That's the impression I always got, yeah.