Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224804 times)


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Eldest Brother Gruff killed a Denarian like it was nothing, so I kind of figure that EDG is Summers equivalent of Lea.There has to be one (an equivalent ) cause of the balance and all.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Would Carlos' Resilient self image stunt be usable for taking consequences during spellcasting? It reads like it is only intended for torture and the like.

The official version IS only useful for torture and the like, but grants two consequences. Carlos's version is general use but only grants one.

I won't be statting Lea because we haven't seen enough of her to do it right, and I don't think any of us have any real idea of how she compares to Eldest Brother Gruff. I agree that there are, of course, equivalents of Eldest Brother Gruff in the Winter Court and Lea in the Summer...but I seriously doubt that either is the other's direct counterpart. Their styles and idioms are too different. Which means she could easily be in very much the same league as him...or quite a bit more powerful. Nobody knows.

Offline Tush Hog

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The official version IS only useful for torture and the like, but grants two consequences. Carlos's version is general use but only grants one.
Gotcha..very good - definitely suits him :)

Offline vultur

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My take on the Leanansidhe:

Leanansidhe ("Lea")
High Concept: Crazed Sidhe Sorceress
Other Aspects: Inspiration for a Price
Harry Dresden's Faerie Godmother
Most Vicious Creature of Winter
Power Old as Legend
The Athame (Grave Peril-Blood Rites)
Imprisoned by Mab (Dead Beat-Turn Coat)
Reforged by Mab (Changes)

Epic (+6): Lore, Conviction
Superb (+5): Discipline, Endurance, Presence
Great (+4): Alertness, Survival, Intimidation
Other skills default to Good.

Evocation [-3] (Water, Air, Spirit)
Greater Glamours [-4]
Incite Emotion (Inspiration) (Lasting Emotion) [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mythic Toughness [-6]
   The Catch [+3] is cold iron and other standard fae weaknesses
Refinement [-10] (Evocation)
   Control: Water +3, Air +4  
   Power: Water +5, Air +4, Spirit +4
Refinement [-4] (Thaumaturgy)
   Control: Biomancy +4
   Complexity: Biomancy +4
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Unseelie Magic [-2]

Physical oooo(oooooo)
Mental oooo
Social oooo

Total Refresh Cost: -38

Notes: At one point she bore a mysterious athame; this was likely an Item of Power worth around -3 refresh.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 08:55:01 PM by vultur »

Offline luminos

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small correction:  I don't think the Fae can be soulgazed, so I'd take that out.
Lawful Chaotic

Offline Mal_Luck

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The official version IS only useful for torture and the like, but grants two consequences. Carlos's version is general use but only grants one.

I'd consider renaming it or adding a note to prevent confusion about the difference, since this version seems to be the magical equivalent of No Pain, No Gain. I wholeheartedly agree that it does suit Carlos.

You'd think Harry might have a similar one? We've seen him push himself hard (magically) and then up it to eleven (of course I suppose that could be him spending it Fate Points to "go nova" :P ).
DV Mal_Luck v1.2 YR3 FR1 BK++++ RP++++ JB TH(+++) WG(-) CL SW(+) BC(++) MC(--) SH [Molly+++ Murphy++]

Offline Deadmanwalking

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For Lea:

Like someone said, no Soulgazes for the Fae. Other than that, her Specialties are wrong, as Evocation and Thaumaturgy specialties are each, seperately, their own pyramid, and you forgo the free specialty she gets in each. Also, Cold Iron is a +3 Catch, not +2. And finally, none of her powers allow the instant turning of people into dogs, that would require something involving Biomancy as Evocation...which is usually the domain of Seelie Magic, actually.

Honestly, the more I look at that (mostly pretty good) write-up, the more I feel she transcends stats. She's easily the Archive's match, and that's low-end statless, IMO.

To Mal_Luck:

Yeah, I'll rename it. As for Harry, he has Superb Conviction, which does the exact same thing.

Offline Vash the white

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I would like to see sanya done, dude has had to have advanced quite a bit, i mean dude has been a knight of the cross on his own for two years

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Sure. Happy to. He's definitely gotten badder since the book's write-up (which, to me, looks about right for Dead Beat, but is probably a bit dated even as of Small Favor).

Offline Vash the white

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cool cool thanks

Offline ballplayer72

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My take on the Leanansidhe:

Leanansidhe ("Lea")
High Concept: Crazed Sidhe Sorceress
Other Aspects: Inspiration for a Price
Harry Dresden's Faerie Godmother
Most Vicious Creature of Winter
Power Old as Legend
The Athame (Grave Peril-Blood Rites)
Imprisoned by Mab (Dead Beat-Turn Coat)
Reforged by Mab (Changes)

Epic (+6): Lore, Conviction
Superb (+5): Discipline, Endurance, Presence
Great (+4): Alertness, Survival, Intimidation
Other skills default to Good.

Blood Drinker [-1]
Evocation [-3] (Water, Air, Spirit)
Greater Glamours [-4]
Incite Emotion (Inspiration) (Lasting Emotion) [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mythic Toughness [-6]
   The Catch [+2] is cold iron and other standard fae weaknesses
Refinement [-10] (Evocation)
   Control: Water +3, Air +4 
   Power: Water +5, Air +4, Spirit +4
Refinement [-4] (Thaumaturgy)
   Control: Biomancy +4
   Complexity: Biomancy +4
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
Unseelie Magic [-2]

Physical oooo(oooooo)
Mental oooo
Social oooo

Total Refresh Cost: -40

Notes: At one point she bore a mysterious athame; this was likely an Item of Power worth around -3 refresh.

a few nitpicks:

in GP lea throws around some serious fire magic when she first shows up in Ghost Chicago.  Thats how the place ends up catching fire.
also fae don't have souls to gaze, so no soulgaze.

other than that, looks pretty spiffy
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Offline John Galt

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Eldest Brother Gruff killed a Denarian like it was nothing, so I kind of figure that EDG is Summers equivalent of Lea.There has to be one (an equivalent ) cause of the balance and all.

I don't know why people think Eldest Gruff is so powerful.  I agree that he's more powerful than Harry in that book, but all we know is that he quickly dispatched a weakened Denarian and that he's defeated senior council wizard's in one on one duels.  Kinclaid kills Denarians as easily as that and I have no doubt Ebenezar McCoy could kill them just as effortlessly (the weak or weakened ones).  Though Senior Council wizards are USUALLY the most powerful wizards of their day, they don't have to be.  All we know for sure is that Eldest Gruff is somewhere between Harry and Titania in power levels.  That's kind of a ridiculous gap.  And I'm not sure why everyone assumes he's so much closer to Titania with so little evidence of his power.

Offline Vash the white

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well, to speak as he does you have to be pretty old, and i assumed that since he has killed senoir council, he has to ber pretty old, and surrving in the nevernever for a long time, you jave to be powerful, and he kills trolls, if titania sent them to kill harry, she had to be sure that they could kill him, and i woulndt say between harry and titania, i would say between harry and the erlking. and yes he did kill a denarian, but he killed it well and without a scratch, kincaid killed alot yeah, but we all know kincaid is incredably powerful, in mccoy's power level, or more, seeing as he is hundreds of years old.
At least, thats my 2 cents

Offline ballplayer72

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well, to speak as he does you have to be pretty old, and i assumed that since he has killed senoir council, he has to ber pretty old, and surrving in the nevernever for a long time, you jave to be powerful, and he kills trolls, if titania sent them to kill harry, she had to be sure that they could kill him, and i woulndt say between harry and titania, i would say between harry and the erlking. and yes he did kill a denarian, but he killed it well and without a scratch, kincaid killed alot yeah, but we all know kincaid is incredibly powerful, in mccoy's power level, or more, seeing as he is hundreds of years old.At least, thats my 2 cents

EBG has got to be pretty strong, he wipes out magog (who normally shrugs off most of the magic we see thrown at him) with apparently a single spell.  Which is nifty.    Whether he's on par with Lea is not something we know, but the Gruffs (of which he is the strongest) are Titania's personal enforcers and assassins.  So again he's gotta be up there on the scale.

PS:  erl is on par with mab (and by extension titania) (as in one on one style.), so its all the same lol.   its WOJ ;)

We don't know that kincaid is in mccoys power range (as in pure umph).  In fact we have seen nothing from kincaid other than inhuman speed, and recovery and maybe a little strength.  Other than that we've only seen him fight SMART which seems to work well in the DV.    Kincaid killed denarians by popping their heads from far away with a rifle.  That doesn't mean he could overpower them magically.  He simply gakked them, WOW rogue style. That doesn't mean he could take them in a stand up fight.  Doesn't mean that he COULDN"T either, it simply provides no information other than that kincaid is an intelligent and crafty opponent who has no qualms with assassinating someone instead of facing them on a battlefield.

slight nitpicks lol
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Offline Vash the white

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Oh i wasnt saying that kincaid was powerful in magic, but just in sheer Kick you a**ness. i mean, dude worked for the drakul, and mccoy is sort of afraid of him, probably because he wont challenge you to a duel like a lot of other beings, he'll just blow your head off, i just assumed to have pissed of the blackstaff, and make him  fear you a tiny bit, you have to be a bamf.
And thank you for the nitpicks, lol, i am typing fast, i havent even had my daily caffine in the morning! ;D