Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224465 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh, don't feel the need to leave, My opinions are just that, my opinions. No condemnation is intended, I was mostly just explaining why I made my version so very different.

Also, I did mention in the 'anyone is welcome' post about accepting criticism... ;)

I'm a born editor, I can't help looking for flaws in things and then pointing them out.

Offline Tsunami

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Name: Molly Carpenter
High Concept: Wizard in Training
Trouble: Doom of Damocles
Carpenter Kid;
Harry Dresden’s Apprentice;
More Innocent Than I Look;
You Can’t Tell Me What To Do (Unless You Can);
Subtlety is its Own Power;


Great: Discipline, Deceit,
Good: Athletics, Conviction, Lore, Rapport,
Fair: Alertness, Empathy, Endurance, Fists, Stealth,
Average: Burglary, Guns, Investigation, Presence, Scholarship,


Sensitive (-1)


Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Lawbreaker (Fourth) [–1]

Total: -9 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Water, Spirit); Power (Spirit +1),
Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Divination +1);

Focus Items:
Bracelet [+1 Defensive Control and Power with Spirit for Veil Only]
Wand [+1 Offensive Control and Power with Spirit]

Enchanted Items:
2 Potion Slots

Veil (5 shift Spirit Block, requires bracelet)
Quick Veil (4 shift Spirit Block)
Distracting Lights (5 shift Spirit Maneuver, requires Wand)


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 0, or by spell effect.

Here's a bit more advanced version of Molly Carpenter. By Turn Coat and Changes she's developed into a full Wizard, with some legitimately useful Evocation skills and a knack for Divination. I peg her as a full Submerged Level character at this point, and have statted her appropriately. I upped her conviction and Lore to Good, and got her a bit of Fists for emergencies. I also got her the basics of Scholarship, since I'm betting she's a high school graduate by now. I also gave her Guns, since Harry mentions instructing her in their use.

She's also pretty good with the actual use of her sex appeal by this point, and I'm betting her mundane stealth skills have gone a bit down hill as she relies on Veiling, so I upped her Rapport, got her some Presence, and lowered her Stealth slightly.

In terms of Foci, the bracelet is speculative, but makes sense, and the Wand is actually straight from Changes. Water as her third element is speculative, but also not a big deal, she uses Spirit for everything anyway.

Shouldn't her Guns skill be higher than her Fists skill ?
In Turn coat Luccio accuses her of (paraphrased) "hitting like a Girl, without any combat training at all"
And when they are in the storage unit she checks the Gun with some skill, and Morgan Asks "You taught her Guns, but not how to open a way into the Nevernever"
Seems to me she should be more versed in guns than Fists.

Otherwise really nice work.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Yeah, Luccio, captain of the Wardens, did indeed say that after Molly kinda beat her up. Think about what I just said.

That said, it's possible you are correct. I'll think it over and possibly switch the two skills.

Offline Esoteric

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Yeah, Luccio, captain of the Wardens, did indeed say that after Molly kinda beat her up. Think about what I just said.

To me that seemed to be due to Molly's might (iirc, she's described as being at nearly 6 feet tall and "well-built" or something like that) relative to Luccio, rather than any particular skill with fists.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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True! And something I had considered...hmm. Upon reflection, I think I'm dropping her Fists to Average and getting her Average Might. Yes, that feels right. We'll go with it.

She put a block on Luccio magically preventing her from doing anything requiring sight or precision (probably with a Fate Point, and lasting a few rounds), then grappled her, and as you may've noticed, Luccio (particularly in her new body) lacks the Might skill. Yeah, that explains it. We'll go with that.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 07:59:22 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Oh, don't feel the need to leave, My opinions are just that, my opinions. No condemnation is intended, I was mostly just explaining why I made my version so very different.

Also, I did mention in the 'anyone is welcome' post about accepting criticism... ;)

I'm a born editor, I can't help looking for flaws in things and then pointing them out.

Oh dont worry i dont plan to leave lol. I just have to set here and wait for something to be off with one of your characters so i can point it out :)  Ofcourse judging by how your characters have looked so far i might be setting here forever... but would that really be a bad thing? ;D
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh dont worry i dont plan to leave lol. I just have to set here and wait for something to be off with one of your characters so i can point it out :)  Ofcourse judging by how your characters have looked so far i might be setting here forever... but would that really be a bad thing? ;D

Cool. That works out then, I always need more editors.  8)

And I've decided the gem from Harry's mother counts as an Item of Power granting Worldwalker. Making the total Refresh loss from Changes -9. The net is only -3 or -4 below 0 considering the gains he made (+3 or 4 Refresh, plus the one saved from Turncoat), but it's still very not-good. His notes have been edited to reflect this.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Okay, I've been rereading Small Favor and decided to do my versions of the Gruffs. By my count there are actually 4 varieties, and I'll be stting them all. Yep, even Eldest Brother, though his is hypothetical.

High Concept: Youngest Brother Gruff
In Summer’s Service


Great: Survival,
Good: Athletics, Fists, Guns, Weapons,
Fair: Alertness, Endurance, Lore, Stealth,
Average: Conviction, Discipline, Investigation, Presence, Rapport, Scholarship,

Hunter (Survival)

Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [–1] (Goat)
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like.
Pack Instincts [–1]

Total: -7 Refresh


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOO(OO)
Social: OOO
Armor: 1

This is the kind from the first fight with Harry and the Carpenters.

The Gruffs never display Glamours, even when those'd be really useful, so I'm going with them not having 'em. I’m also going with them being fairly strong willed, smart, and personable, based on their elder brother’s personalities and reactions.

Next up, Middle Brother Gruffs.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 10:10:31 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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High Concept: Middle Brother Gruff
In Summer’s Service
Keeping Up With the Times


Great: Survival, Fists, Guns,
Good: Athletics, Endurance, Weapons,
Fair: Alertness, Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Might, Stealth,
Average: Intimidation, Investigation, Presence, Rapport, Scholarship,

Hunter (Survival)
Old Or New, Doesn’t Matter (Guns)

Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [–1] (Goat)
Supernatural Strength [–4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [–4]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like.
Pack Instincts [–1]

Total: -14 Refresh


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO(OOOO)
Social: OOO
Armor: 2

This is the kind from the second fight, the ones with the SMGs.

They casually smashed down a brick wall, that’s a bit more than Inhuman Strength (Legendary+2 difficulty by the book, actually). Again, no Glamours, decent people skills. This kind are also big enough to be intimidating, and are quite a bit tougher than their younger siblings (bear in mind Harry speculating that 14 story falls won‘t kill them, also bear in mind that he ran rather than fight them, also one ran through a brick wall). They’re specifically mentioned as being faster.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 10:21:56 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: “Tiny”
High Concept: Elder Brother Gruff
In Summer’s Service
Sense of Honor
Sword As Long As A Car


Superb: Fists, Weapons,
Great: Might, Survival,
Good: Athletics, Conviction, Endurance, Guns, Presence,
Fair: Alertness, Discipline, Intimidation, Lore, Rapport,
Average: Contacts, Empathy, Investigation, Scholarship, Stealth,

Hunter (Survival)

Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [–1] (Goat)
Hulking Size [-2]
Mythic Strength [–6]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mythic Toughness [–6]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like.
Pack Instincts [–1]

Total: -19 Refresh


Mental: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 3 (4 while wearing armor)

Here’s Tiny. If you feel this is excessive, bear in mind he’s specified as about 5 tons…that’s getting into Sue’s weight class (T-rexes are about 7.5 tons), and he’s supernatural to boot.

Bear in mind his Intimidation is effectively Great due to his sheer size. His sword’d be about Weapon: 4 or 5 and make his attacks total Weapon 10 or 11. He is not to be messed with.

Amusingly, Tiny’s only a slightly over-the-top adversary for Harry considering the latter’s skill total and Refresh.

And yeah, Odin makes killer Wards. Does this surprise you?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 10:22:35 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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High Concept: Eldest Brother Gruff
In Summer’s Service
Sense of Honor
Enjoys A Good Chat


Fantastic: Discipline, Lore,
Superb: Conviction, Rapport,
Great: Athletics, Fists, Survival, Weapons,
Good: Alertness, Endurance, Presence, Scholarship,
Fair: Contacts, Empathy, Guns, Investigation,
Average: Craftsmanship, Might, Performance, Stealth,

Hunter (Survival)

Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [–1] (Goat)
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like.
Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
The Sight [-1]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Seelie Magic [-2]
Refinement [-21]

Total: -42 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit);
Power (Air +2, Earth +2, Fire +6, Spirit +4, Water +1),
Control (Air +1, Earth +1, Fire +5, Spirit +3)

Control (Divination +1, Transportation and Worldwalking+1, Biomancy +1);
Complexity (Divination +2, Transportation and Worldwalking+2, Biomancy +2);

Focus Items:
Staff [+2 Offensive Control and Power with Fire]
Robes [+2 Defensive Control and Power for Fire]

Enchanted Items:

Summer Mail (Worn under robes) (12 shift block or Armor 6, 5/session) (8 Item Slots)


Mental: OOOO(OOOOOO) (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1, or much more with magic. 3 vs. mental effects.

Eldest Brother Gruff is terrifying. He’s no slouch in a physical fight, or social conflict, but where he shines is in Evocation, where he’s a 13 shift evocation specialist without taking his Sponsored Magic into account. Add in that and he’s almost unbeatable in mystical combat. Ebenezar McCoy might be able to beat him with the use of the Blackstaff, but nobody else on the Senior Council has a prayer.

Now, the Senior Council are all much better at Thaumaturgy than Eldest Brother, but in a straight up duel, that really doesn’t matter, does it?

EDIT: Added Mythic Mental Toughness.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 11:04:44 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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um popping in here. I dont think harry saved that refresh from turncoat. I'm pretty sure he spent it on sponsored magic: demon reach(which is only a -1 for places of power if you cant take it with you). Now he maybe temporarily bought it but it seems to me like he did a full blow ritual and probably gained it permanently.
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I'm not sure how to stat up the Demon Reach pact, but I don't think Sponsored Magic is the right way. He explicitly can't call upon it's's so tainted it'd really mess him up. He just gets Intellectus and a tie with the creature...and only while on the island. I'd call it a -0 ability that might develop into more later.

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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well in regards to the drawing on its power. If you'll remember when he is fighting the skinwalker he draws up fire into his hands and as he is running at the skin walker(i dont have the exact quote on me at the moment) he says something like "the flames grew brighter and hotter every time one of my feet hit the ground until it was glowing as brightely as an acetlyne torch" i probably butchered(forgive the pun) that by doing it from memory but that struck me as a very, power agumentation, effect. And i'm not thinkin its too important(yet at least) just wanted to point that out.
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Hmmm. I don't remember that. I'll be re-reading Turn Coat in the next few days, and will probably make a few alterations based on it. Possibly including Demon Reach. I'll get back to you when I've read it.