Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224615 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Waldo Butters
High Concept: Clued-In Medical Examiner
Trouble: My Colleagues Think I’m Insane
Physician to Wizards;
Musician’s Soul;
The Dead can Speak;
By The Book? What Book?;
Polka Will Never Die!


Great: Scholarship,
Good: Alertness, Performance, Rapport,
Fair: Athletics, Deceit, Discipline, Empathy, 
Average: Conviction, Endurance, Lore, Presence,

Fleet of Foot (Athletics)
Medical Examiner (Scholarship)
Doctor (Forensic Medicine) (Scholarship)

Total: -1 Refresh (Pure Mortal)


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 0, or 1 with Kevlar.

Here's Butters. He's a full Waist Deep Pure Mortal. At least post-Dead Beat. I'd drop him a full level to Feet Wet prior to that, and likely drop Conviction and Presence to Mediocre, along with Athletics and Discipline to Average, and Performance to Fair. He grew a lot as a person during Dead Beat, which I don't think the official stats acknowledge appropriately. Hence this. He's still not the most combative person on the block, but he's more dangerous than he looks, and a good friend to have.

Offline Shinto_Knight

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Name: Waldo Butters
High Concept: Clued-In Medical Examiner
Trouble: My Colleagues Think I’m Insane
Physician to Wizards;
Musician’s Soul;
The Dead can Speak;
By The Book? What Book?;
Polka Will Never Die!


Great: Scholarship,
Good: Alertness, Performance, Rapport,
Fair: Athletics, Deceit, Discipline, Empathy, 
Average: Conviction, Endurance, Lore, Presence,

Fleet of Foot (Athletics)
Medical Examiner (Scholarship)
Doctor (Forensic Medicine) (Scholarship)

Total: -1 Refresh (Pure Mortal)


Mental: OOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 0, or 1 with Kevlar.

Here's Butters. He's a full Waist Deep Pure Mortal. At least post-Dead Beat. I'd drop him a full level to Feet Wet prior to that, and likely drop Conviction and Presence to Mediocre, along with Athletics and Discipline to Average, and Performance to Fair. He grew a lot as a person during Dead Beat, which I don't think the official stats acknowledge appropriately. Hence this. He's still not the most combative person on the block, but he's more dangerous than he looks, and a good friend to have.
im wondering, since harry taught him how to use a magic circle for protection how could that be represented? thaumaturgy and ritual seem over the top, but i think this should be represented by something. what do yall think?

Offline Vash the white

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He didnt actually make said circles, he just knows hoe they work, at least thats what i recall


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I would model is as a "Common Ritual" from page 290, that doesn't decrease in power the more people that know it. In the Dresdenverse anybody can erect a circle with a circular form on the ground (in butter's case it was a salt circle), and a drop of blood, which has the bit of "power" in it to close the circle.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Yeah, making circles is a general world rule, anybody can do it.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Elaine Mallory
High Concept: Independent Wizard
Trouble: Hiding From the White council
DuMorne’s Ex-Thrall;
Harry Dresden’s First Love;
Precision Trumps Power;
Under the Radar;
I Must Look Out For Myself First;


Superb: Discipline
Great: Investigation, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Conviction, Empathy,
Fair: Alertness, Contacts, Endurance, Rapport, Stealth
Average: Burglary, Deceit, Presence, Resources, Scholarship,


Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Refinement [-3]

Total: -10 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Spirit); Control (Air +1), Power (Air +1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Divination +1); Crafting (Focus +1)

Focus Items:
Shield Ring [+2 Defensive Power and +1 Defensive Control with Air]
Thorn Wand [+2 Offensive Power and +1 Offensive Control with Air]

Enchanted Items:
Lightning Chain (Weapon: 5 Attack using Discipline, 3 uses per session) (3 Slots)
1 Potion Slot

Fulminaris [Weapon: 6 Attack using lightning. Requires Wand.]
Hyperawareness [6 shift Block, usually with some put into Duration. Requires Ring.]


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 0, or by spell effect.

This is Elaine, oh, around now. She's probably a bit worse than this during White Night...but not by much. Call it a point of Refresh lower or so, dropping her Wand and chain's effectiveness a bit.

She's an extremely dangeous mage, very much in Harry's league in direct spellcraft, maybe even a bit better offensively...but he's got so much endurance on her it's not even funny. The extra Minor Mental consequence just to start with, followed by Sponsored Magic. There's a reason he's so much higher Refresh than she is.

She's a much closer peer of Carlos Ramirez, though he too has some serious endurance on her.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I've modified Harry somewhat to properly represent his level of power. Basically, I gave him a level of Refinement focusing on Control and downgraded his Force Rings a bit to add a bit to his Spirit Power (assume uses beyond 3 cost him Mental Stress). He's now a 7 shift Evocation specialist in two elements provided he's got his gear. Without adding in Sponsored Magic. That sounds about right to me.

Offline Mal_Luck

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Enchanted Duster [Three Strength 4 Blocks or Armor Value 2, can be worn by others] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)
Wouldn't this be 3 slots?

1 to make the Item
1 for extra uses
1 to make it usable by others
DV Mal_Luck v1.2 YR3 FR1 BK++++ RP++++ JB TH(+++) WG(-) CL SW(+) BC(++) MC(--) SH [Molly+++ Murphy++]

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Wouldn't this be 3 slots?

1 to make the Item
1 for extra uses
1 to make it usable by others

Nope, you can sacrifice a point of effect to make it usable by others (see p. 279). And Harry's got a Lore of 5 for Crafting purposes (due to his Specialization), so he dropped it from Block 5 to 4 and got the usable by others effect.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 03:02:04 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Mal_Luck

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Nope, you can sacrifice a point of effect to make it usable by others (see p. 279). And Harry's got a Lore of 5 for Crafting purposes (due to his Specialization), so he dropped it from Block 5 to 4 and got the usable by others effect.
Ah, I missed his crafting spec.
DV Mal_Luck v1.2 YR3 FR1 BK++++ RP++++ JB TH(+++) WG(-) CL SW(+) BC(++) MC(--) SH [Molly+++ Murphy++]

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Ah, I missed his crafting spec.

Yeah, it's my own addition, but it seemed appropriate. Harry makes a lot more use of Enchanted Items than any other Wizard we've seen as of yet. Some of that's just that we see more of him, but by no means all of it.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Harry's Force Rings have been modified slightly (4 attacks at Weapon 4 instead of 3 at Weapon 5) to reflect the revised PDF's statements about his Force Ring. Also, it makes more sense this way (he does have four rings, after all).

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Hey i am gonna impose and post my stats for the merlin ;D
Before i start i should probably make a note that this is how i am statting them and i only go so far in connection with the book and do alot of gestimation. So where deadman is making them more realistic with info from the books I am going to go with how i feel(or hope lol) we will eventually find them being.

(if you didnt wanna read that above basicly this is how i hope they will be so dont yell at me for likely inacurracies lol ;D)

First the best of the best. The Merlin
Arthur Langtry
High Concept: The Merlin
Other Aspects: Plans within Plans; Nessacary Measures; No Compromises on the Laws; Politics is my Favorite Game; Practicing Wizard When the Hills Where Young; Power Beyond Measure

Physical OOOO +2 extra mild
Mental OOOOOOOO +3 extra mild
Social OOOOOO +2 extra mild

Legendary(+8) Lore, Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
Epic(+7) Presence, Rapport, Intimidation, Deciet
Fantastic(+6) Scholarship, Investigation, Contacts, Resources
Superb(+5) Burgalry, Survival, Endurance, Alertness
Great(+4) Almost All others.

Stunts 42(1)
Evocation(all) -3
Thaumaturgy -3
The Sight -1
Soulgaze +0
Wizards Constitution +0
Soulfire -3 (yeah i know unlikely at best but come on, wouldnt it be cool?!)
Ancient Mind(mortal stunt, 1 extra mental stress box)x4 -4
Centuries of Politics(mortal stunt, 1 extra social stress box)x2 -2
Refinement x25 -25

Evocation Power, Control
Fire           +4        +3
Earth         +1
Air                        +1
Thaumaturgy Complexity Control
Wards               +8          +7
Divination          +3          +3
Worldwalking      +3          +3
Pyromancy         +1          +1

Focus Item Slots: 14
Staff of the Merlin(8 )- Wards complexity +4 control +4
The Merlins Blasting Rod(4)- Offensive fire control +4
Pendant of the Merlin(2)- Pyromancy Control +2
Enchanted Item Slots:4
Merlins Robes- +10 block 3 times per session

Homing Blaze- attack, Fire, Power +12, Control +15
          Sends several tiny balls of fire from the merlins blasting rod which while begin attacking the opponent with rays of flame.

Shield Of God- Block, Ward, Complexity/Power +21 Control +20
           Creates a 19 shift ward around the merlin that has the added ability of letting the merlin attack through it(thats where the extra two shifts are). He uses this with soulfire.

... And that is My Merlin! yeah i know he probably doesnt have soulfire but i was thinking about that when statting him up and i said you know it would be awesome if he did and its my game so he does. I also rule that with soulfire you can use any type of thaumaturgy you specialize in at the speed of evocation so thats how he does the wards. I think it fits the deadlyness the merlin represents. I mean, come on, after living for hundreds of years i dont think a few legendarys are out of the question(especially when you're the strongest wizard on the planet, hands down)

Feed back is much appreciated but dont be too mean lol ;D
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 02:40:12 AM by Archmage_Cowl »
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I don't think Mortal Stunts can give extra stress boxes, and certainly wouldn't allow it in my games. Also, he should only have +1 Physical and +2 each Social and Mental consequences.

Additionally, Specialties in Thaumaturgy and Evocation can A. Not go above Lore, and B. Must be arranged like skill pyramids (so to have a +8 you need at least one +7 and on down the line).

And finally, why switch his element of choice from Air to fire? It seems odd and unnecesary.

I also, rather obviously, think your Merlin is...excessive. The most powerful Wizard on earth doesn't necessarily mean he's the best combat wizard on earth. He's powerful, sure, but that's not his area of specialty.

And yes, I do think 4 Legendary skills is excessive and a bit ridiculous. One's a possibility, but 4?! Look at Nicodemus. He's 2000 years old, at least five or six times the Merlin's age and he has no skills over Superb except maybe Lore (which I'd give him Fantastic in). Now, the Merlin has more reason to focus (hence why I agreed with the designers and gave him an Epic Skill), but still, your skill sheet makes Nicodemus look pathetic in comparison. And while the Merlin should probably be able to lay a smackdown on Nicodemus, that's because of magical power, not raw skills. Hell, your Merlin can beat a Black Court Vampire in a fist fight!

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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lol harshness accepted. I have a thing for op characters but i will admit if you think the merlin is ridiculous you should see my nicodemus that guy is CRAZY(mostly in refresh though). Well i guess ill leave off my characters(sorry about disturbing the peace but i use quite a few odd house rules that i think make it easier and i guess they disrupt the idea too much)
My Apologies and thanks for the in depth analasis(sp?) :)

Edit: I forgot about the stacking rule lol
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 02:44:02 AM by Archmage_Cowl »
"I who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates to hell. Come forth Divine Lightning! This ends now! Indignation!" Jade Curtis Tales of the abyss