Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224617 times)

Offline Shinto_Knight

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Oh, yeah. The Aspects definitely change. Precisely how, I'd wait for the next book to see. I more or less assume an Aspect change or two per book. What they change to is so debatable, though, that I rarely list specifics.

i forget what page i read it on but "he did what he had to do" was in there after about himself after
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Yeah, that's probably a fair assessment of what occurred.  :)

Offline Tush Hog

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Hey deadmanwalking, more great work here! Any chance you could post these as a PDF somewhere so I could have them on my iPad?  ;D

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Unfortunately, my computer skills pretty much end at the use of forums such as this, and other online activities. I know as much about compiling these into a PDF as Harry does, which is to say absolutely nothing.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And now, for something a bit different, here’s one of the Senior Council. More of them will follow. These are all highly speculative, but more accurately reflect what I think their power level is. Turn Coat spoilers obviously follow.

Name: Listens-To-Wind

High Concept: Senior Council Wizard
Little Brother;
Illinois Medicine Man;
Patient and Quiet;
I See Ley Lines;
Friend of the Blackstaff and  Martha Liberty;
Gonna Kick Your Ass Up Between Your Ears;


Fantastic: Discipline, Lore,
Superb: Conviction, Endurance,
Great: Empathy, Presence, Rapport, Scholarship,
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Investigation,
Fair: Deceit, Fists, Intimidation, Survival, Weapons,
Average: Burglary, Craftsmanship, Performance, Resources, Stealth,


Doctor (Scholarship) (-1)


Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
Refinements [-17]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Modular Abilities [-10]

Total: -45 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Spirit);
Power (Earth +1, Spirit +3, Water+5)
Control (Spirit +2, Water+4)
Control (Summoning and Binding +1, Biomancy +2)
Complexity (Divination +3, Summoning and Binding +4, Wards +1, Transportation and Worldwalking +1, Biomancy +5)

Focus Items:
Wizard’s Staff (+1 Offensive and Defensive Power and Control with Water)

Enchanted Items:
Bead Necklace (8 shift Block or Armor 4, 3 times per session) [4 Enchanted Item Slots]


Mental: OOOO(OOOOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 3 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

He does 11 shift Offensive and Defensive Evocations casually (those both drop to a mere 10 without his staff). He can shape shift into forms granting any 7 points of Physical Powers (for example, a huge bear would be Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Toughness, Hulking Size, and Claws) as a supplemental action, and can up selected skills to Fantastic casually while doing so.

Modified slightly to reflect a power level distinction, and to fit in with the others. And to add Doctor, since he apparently has a medical degree. Huh.

EDIT: Added a point of Modular Abilities and Mythic Mental Toughness.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 06:54:22 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Vash the white

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dude...injun joe's...bad azz  ;D

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Well, yeah.  8)

He beat the crap out of the Skinwalker on raw power and talent. That's...impressive. And I'll note he's still a couple of Refresh below the bastard.

Also, I may've lied. While I have every intention of doing more Senior Council Members, I think I may want to do Luccio and Morgan first.


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If his refresh level is that High, Mab must be around 50 or 60, the Merlin is probably at 40.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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If his refresh level is that High, Mab must be around 50 or 60, the Merlin is probably at 40.

Actually, I'd peg the Merlin at only a few points above Injun Joe if that, he's just a specialist in a very different area (Complexity 14 Wards at the drop of a hat as opposed to Injun Joe's Shapeshifting). All those 13 points Injun Joe put into shapeshifting, and likely a few more, go into Evocation and Thaumaturgy Refinements.

And Mab's a force of nature, not something you give Refresh costs to.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Anastasia Luccio

High Concept: Captain of the Wardens
Swordswoman Beyond Compare;
Born Teacher;
This Is Not My Body;
Combat Wizard;


Superb: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Weapons
Great: Athletics, Endurance, Fists, Presence,
Good: Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation, Rapport
Fair: Deceit, Empathy, Investigation, Scholarship,
Average: Burglary, Resources, Stealth, Survival,


Redirected Force (Fists)
Riposte (Weapons)


Inhuman Mental Toughness [-2]
Refinements [-12]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]

Total: -23 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Spirit);
Power (Spirit +2, Fire+4)
Control (Air+1, Spirit +3, Fire+5)
Control (Wards +1); Complexity (Wards +1); Crafting (Strength+1, Frequency+2)

Focus Items:
Sword (+2 Defensive Power and +1 Defensive Control for Fire)
Staff (+2 Offensive Power and +1 Offensive Control for Fire)

Enchanted Items:
Warden’s Sword (2 Slots)
Ring (8 shift Block or Armor 4, 3 times per session) [3 Enchanted Item Slots]
3 Slots worth of other items.


Mental: OOOO(OO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

Notes: It is likely her Conviction and/or Discipline as well as her Crafting skills have been reduced in her current body. Her Swordmithing skills are far too focused and specific to be more than an Aspect.

Speaking of which, with these stats, she can actually make a Warden’s Sword with three uses of each effect, for two item slots. Nice.

She can throw around 11 Shift Fire Evocations casually, which is low-Senior Council Evocation. There’s a reason she’s the Warden Commander, after all. Her Thaumaturgy’s not anywhere near in their league, though her Item Crafting is obviously pretty good.

Oh, and my only major change was giving her a high fists and Redirected Force, this is from Dead Beat where Harry specifies seeing her do a martial arts move involving throwing a zombie that reminds him of Murphy. As well as Riposte, because I’m tired of seeing Wizards without Stunts. Older ones may usually focus on power, but a Stunt or two rounds them out very nicely.

This is her pre-body swap (well, Aspects aside). Post body-swap she's significantly down on evocation, like two shifts or so, and may not have access to all her Items as she re-learns her body's magic. We haven't actualy seen her in action much since, so details are still sketchy. Her Discipline and Conviction are likely down a fair bit, would be the main thing, though.

EDIT: Added Inhuman Mental Toughness. It was Supernatural before the body switching incident, which I've come to the conclusion was the main long term effect of that (aside from reduced Discipline and Conviction, which I think have gone down). Peabody took advantage of her Catch, probably something involving loyalty.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 12:49:25 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Vash the white

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good job on luccio
Well, yeah.  8)

He beat the crap out of the Skinwalker on raw power and talent. That's...impressive. And I'll note he's still a couple of Refresh below the bastard.
i always like injun joe, and once you have done morgan and them, could you do ebeneezer first? (another of my fav's, next to harry, kincaid, injun joe and thomas

Offline Vash the white

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i saw this on injun joe, is biomancy for healing?, i havent finished turn coat yet, so maybe he heals someone, but i aint sure


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I decided to see what I would do for The Merlin's powers at a refresh level of 36, here is what I got.

 -3         Evocation (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Spirit)
 -3         Thaumaturgy
 -1         The Sight
 -0         Soulgaze
 -0         Wizards Constitution
 -2         Wards Sponsored Magic
-26         Refinement

Evocation Specialization: (7 Refinement)
Spirit      (Power +4, Control +3)
Earth      (Power +3, Control +2)
Water      (Power +2, Control +1)
Fire      (Power +1, Control +1)
Thaumaturgy Specializations: (15 Refinement)
Wards      (Control +5, Complexity +5, +1 to Each from Sponsored Magic)
Veils      (Control +4, Complexity +4)
Divination   (Control +3, Complexity +3)
Crafting   (Strength +2, Uses +2, Focus +1)
Conjuration (Control +1, Complexity +1)

Focus Items: (4 Slots)

Merlin's Staff (Ward Complexity & Control +2, Spirit Power & Control +2)

Enchanted Items: (8 Slots)

Rank   Skills
8      Lore, Conviction, Discipline
7      Contacts, Presence, Alertness
6      Scholarship, Resources, Investigation
5      Deceit, Rapport, Intimidation

Wards Sponsored magic lets The Merlin use his wards without he speed and methods of evocation, can use his wards Control as the Control bonus for wards cast with the speed and methods of evocation. Also gives him +1 Control and Complexity for casting wards.

This lets the warden cast a 16 shift ward with a complexity of 16 as an evocation spell, he will take 3 points of mental stress for it though.

Offline Vash the white

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you know i know the merlin is supposed to be all bad azz, but i cant wait untill harry kills him, i dont know why but i want him to die, and i want harry to do it, and/or ebennezer

EDIT:not meaning i want ebb to die, i want him to kill the merlin
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 01:16:01 AM by Vash »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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i saw this on injun joe, is biomancy for healing?, i havent finished turn coat yet, so maybe he heals someone, but i aint sure

It's mostly an explanation for the Shapeshifting actually. Man clearly has a good understanding of his body.

And the current order is:

The Merlin
Ebenezar McCoy