Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224925 times)

Offline Jebm

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I'm glad to hear you approve. I probably should scale the skills back a bit. Come to think of it the Eebs will probably share a few of Ace's stunts to make it easier. Think the Occultist Stunt isn't too out of place?.

Offline bobjob

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I would make the Occultist just a straight Occultist (Seelie or Unseelie). The "Sidhe Knight Countermeasures" seems to be a little too narrowly focused for the intent of the stunt. I mean, as a changeling who has spent plenty of time around a Knight, he would already have some idea of the weaknesses without having to spend a Stunt on it.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

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Sounds good.

Offline vultur

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Given the Vampirologist stunt (+1 Lore for all vampires, +2 for a specific Court), I'd suggest the Faerie version would be +1 Lore relating to Faerie/fae in general, and +2 for a specific Court (probably Unseelie for Ace).

Offline Jebm

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Duly Noted, I'll make the changes. Working on the Eebs at the moment.

Offline Jebm

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Name: Esteban & Esmeralda Batiste “The Eebs”
High Concept:  Married Red Court Assassins
Trouble:  We’re Planners not Fighters
Something Resembling Love & Affection;
The Ick is Our Heavy and Hunting Beast;       
Boring but Practical;
We are Not of the First Maya; 

Superb: Deceit, Guns
Great: Contacts, Fists, Lore, Stealth
Good: Burglary, Discipline, Intimidation, Resources
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Craftsmanship, Presence
Average: Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Might

Demolitions Training (Craftsmanship)
The Boss (Contacts)
Minions, Attack! (Contacts)
Sex Appeal (Deceit)
Takes One to Know One (Deceit)

Addictive Saliva [–1]
Blood Drinker [–1]
Claws [–1]
Flesh Mask [–1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Supernatural Senses [-1]
Incite Emotion: Confusion (At Range) [-1]

Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting the following powers:
Cloak of Shadows [–1]
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Speed [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
The Catch [+2] is sunlight, holy stuff; armor doesn’t protect belly.

Notes: Here are the Eebs. Pretty simple, though I decided to give them the homebrewed version of pack instincts, as it seemed more in line with what they showed when storming the FBI building. I gave them Supernatural Strength and Speed, as my personal theory about their aversion to close combat is aside from laziness is because they simply can't take damage very well.  Plus, it give more credit to the fact that they killed two goblins on their home turf than simple surprise factor. Thoughts?.

Changed up the skill set and stunts, reduced supernatural strength and speed to inhuman  and added incite emotion and made finally managed to line up the aspects in a way I'm satisfied with. All in all as Harry  stated tough but doable.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 04:23:29 AM by Jebm »

Offline vultur

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The Eebs have five Good skills and four at Fair, this won't work.
Also, they should have a decent Burglary skill, IMO.

Maybe give them skills of:
Superb: Deceit, Guns
Great: Contacts, Fists, Lore, Stealth
Good: Burglary, Discipline, Intimidation, Resources
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Craftsmanship, Presence
Average: Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Might

(That's 50 skill points instead of 49, but...)

I personally wouldn't have given them Supernatural Strength either, but that's entirely arguable. Still, maybe replace it with Incite Emotion (Confusion, At Range) ? (and then you could drop the Mesmerizing Gaze stunt and replace it with Takes One to Know One (Deceit).)

Offline Jebm

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Thanks for noticing, I was a bit of rush when I finished up this morning.  Incite Confusion does seem more appropriate as Harry mentioned  that Esmeralda could have Bart seeing anything she wanted. I decided to  give them the strength boost off of the Red Court Noble Template, despite ya know, not being nobility as their aspect will attest to. I could remove Supernatural Speed to offset it. Do you think the whole "hide in the shadow of their flesh mask" would be an aspect or just an advanced usage of the regular Flesh Mask power?.

Also would it be much of a stretch to assume they have some ability with summoning rituals , as I always felt it was implied they summoned the Ick themselves.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 06:16:14 AM by Jebm »

Offline PatchR

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How would one handle Rashid's
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mechanically? Is it part of Transportation which seems possible, or is there an hereto unspecified specialty of Thaumaturgy relating to this?
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Offline vultur

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Thanks for noticing, I was a bit of rush when I finished up this morning.  Incite Confusion does seem more appropriate as Harry mentioned  that Esmeralda could have Bart seeing anything she wanted. I decided to  give them the strength boost off of the Red Court Noble Template, despite ya know, not being nobility as their aspect will attest to. I could remove Supernatural Speed to offset it.

They COULD have the Supernatural powers, I just don't think they necessarily need them, I see them as more skill/contacts/stealth/etc. than raw power.

Do you think the whole "hide in the shadow of their flesh mask" would be an aspect or just an advanced usage of the regular Flesh Mask power?.

Neither, I think the effect of sunlight as their Catch is just somewhat reduced (not treated as an environmental hazard, or only in full noon sunlight, or something...)

Also would it be much of a stretch to assume they have some ability with summoning rituals , as I always felt it was implied they summoned the Ick themselves.

I had assumed they just got it through their Red Court contacts as a "Red Court hunting/war animal" (probably transporting it through the NN, though) rather than using a summoning spell, but...

Offline Jebm

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They COULD have the Supernatural powers, I just don't think they necessarily need them, I see them as more skill/contacts/stealth/etc. than raw power.

I had assumed they just got it through their Red Court contacts as a "Red Court hunting/war animal" (probably transporting it through the NN, though) rather than using a summoning spell, but...

Yeah, you're probably right, especially with the powers they have already. I think the Red Court hunting animal would be more in line with the Red Court's style, considering Susan implied  there was more then one and that they've made use of them before.

Offline Locnil

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How would one handle Rashid's
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mechanically? Is it part of Transportation which seems possible, or is there an hereto unspecified specialty of Thaumaturgy relating to this?

Has that actually been confirmed, or is it still speculation on Bob's part? Anyway, I'd either use it as a refluffed Prophetic Visions from the custom powers list, or maybe just a sticky aspect applied through thaumaturgy. Honestly, assuming you knew how to do temporal magic in the first place, sending messages to your earlier self seems one of the easiest things to do with it.

Offline vultur

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OK, ages, ages ago (2010 maybe?) I posted a version of Lea on this thread. I was still pretty new to the game and it wasn't mechanically well done... Plus we've seen Lea in action more, in Changes.

This is a somewhat conservative version of her; it assumes that the most impressive stuff she does in Changes involves drawing on Sponsor Debt to Mab (I'm assuming that's part of what the whole "indulge yourself" bit from Mab is).

Lea (Deep One)
High Concept: The Leanansidhe
Other Aspects: Harry Dresden's Faerie Godmother; Reforged by Mab; Most Vicious Creature of Winter; A Deadly Muse; Millennia of Bargains

Epic: Lore
Fantastic: Conviction, Performance
Superb: Contacts, Discipline
Great: Deceit, Presence, Rapport
Good: Athletics, Intimidation, Weapons
Fair: Alertness, Empathy, Investigation, Scholarship, Stealth
Average: Burglary, Endurance, Fists, Might, Survival

The Social Graces (Empathy)
Poet (Performance)
Muse's Gift (Performance): If Lea spends time helping another artist, she can allow that artist to take Sponsor Debt to her on Performance rolls.

Evocation [-3]
Mastery of Transformation [-1]: use transformation/disruption with evocation's speed and methods
Refinement [-24]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Unseelie Magic [-2]

Greater Glamours [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mythic Recovery [-6]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
   The Catch [+3]: cold iron etc.


Evocation – Elements (Air, Fire, Spirit, Water); Control: Unseelie Magic +7, Air +5, Spirit +3, Water +1; Power: Unseelie Magic +6, Air +4, Spirit +2.
Thaumaturgy – Complexity: Transformation/Disruption +5, Conjuration +3, Psychomancy +1; Control: Transformation/Disruption +6, Conjuration +4, Psychomancy +2.

Focus Items
Ring: +1 Offensive Control and Power with Unseelie Magic
Ring: +1 Complexity and Control with Transformation/Disruption

Mental oooo +1 mild consequence
Physical ooo(oooo) Armor:2
Social oooo

Total Refresh Cost: -49
Remaining Refresh: -11

Notes: Her rotes with Unseelie Magic would be 13 shifts offensively, 12 defensively - comparable to the best of the Senior Council. She's a master of transformative magic, able to do extremely complex transformations at evocation speed.

Greater Glamours arguably doesn't give her anything that she can't do already with spellcasting... but I felt that she should have it, being a really powerful fae.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 06:51:59 AM by vultur »

Offline narphoenix

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I'm of the opinion that she seems underpowered (though not by much: I just think she should be able to throw down with Eldest Gruff). But then, I gave the bug heroine a level of In A Submarine, so I tend to highball my characters.

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I dunno about Muse's Gift. Couldn't she get the same result just by rolling a Performance maneuver without a stunt?

I'm thinking maybe she could give artists the ability to take Sponsor Debt for art rolls.

Other than that, seems solid. I would have gone for more physical power and less spellcasting, but I think your take fits the books as well as mine would.