Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224824 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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...I remain deeply concerned about the potential abuses of being able to shuffle your Refinements at will, which is something that build would allow.

It doesn't actually let you do that. Or at least, it's not meant to.

But because of a writing mistake, you need to look at the examples to get any indication of that.

Incidentally, said examples contain a Listens-To-Wind imitation Power.

If you have any critiques/suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them over on one of the custom Power threads.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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It doesn't actually let you do that. Or at least, it's not meant to.

But because of a writing mistake, you need to look at the examples to get any indication of that.


Incidentally, said examples contain a Listens-To-Wind imitation Power.

If you have any critiques/suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them over on one of the custom Power threads.

Perhaps I'll drop by and do that, though no promises, been a bit busy recently...

Offline narphoenix

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Anyway, Deadman, what's your take on Arianna?

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Anyway, Deadman, what's your take on Arianna?

Honestly? That we lack info sufficient to stat her. She's got good social skills, Evocation on par with Harry, maybe some shapeshifting, and probably supernatural in at least some of the Physical stuff (but we don't know what). That's...really pretty close to all we know about her, stats-wise, and it's not enough for a full write-up.

Offline Hick Jr

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Arianna's writeup would be kind of dry. She's a gishy evoker, probably on Harry or even Morgan's level, possibly with a couple of Experience powers or an absurd number of skill points if she's prehistoric.
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Offline narphoenix

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Deadman, could you do a build of Klaus Schneider and Maggie Sr.?

Klaus is known as the "Toymaker", because he's known for his toy based foci and enchanted items (per WoJ, he once took down an SS summonsed demon via magical windup duck). To become this famous, he's probably had to make a lot of toy magic items, which hints at crafting specializations for Thaumaturgy. He's also probably Senior Council level. As for Evocation specialties, we haven't seen a Senior Council level wizard fond of Killing It With Fire, so maybe he's the one?

As for Maggie Sr.: Worldwalking is her Thaumaturgy. This should probably be followed by Transformation and Disruption, based on her NASTY death curse (I think cutting a Whampire off from his Hunger counts as "disruption"), which I'd follow with Summoning. She almost certainly has Worldwalker, and, based on Eb in Blood Rites, probably has Lawbreaker 1st. Based on the way she redeemed herself, I'd only give her the [-1] version, though. Her Intimidation should be pretty high and she probably shares Harry's EPIC WISEASS aspect, based on the conversation Harry has with Luccio in Turn Coat. Based on the way everyone and their brother knows her, her Contacfs are probably up there. Based on how she's known as willful, but not super controlled, I'd make her Conviction higher than her Discipline, like her father and younger son. If elemental specialization is hereditary, then, based on Eb's and Harry's specializations, she probably specializes in Spirit in Evocation. I'd be willing to wager that she'd be able to give Morgan a run for his money in a fight. Just based on intuition.

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Offline vultur

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Arianna's writeup would be kind of dry. She's a gishy evoker, probably on Harry or even Morgan's level, possibly with a couple of Experience powers or an absurd number of skill points if she's prehistoric.

Actually, I'd say she's probably inferior to WK-Harry using Sponsored Magic in evocation, since Harry wins that duel, and Arianna's dodging/speed seems superior as well.

Morgan... is probably one of the 10 best evokers on the Council, I don't think Arianna is even close to that.

When I statted Arianna, I gave her "all other skills default to Average", so Inhuman Experience, sure. (I gave her 50 skill points worth above Average, Fantastic cap.)

But I'm not entirely convinced she needs truly excessive skill points. Honestly, in the DV, just being really ancient doesn't necessarily give you uber-awesome skills.

While admittedly significantly younger than Arianna, who's probably in the 3000-4000 range, Maeve (1000ish?), Quintus Cassius (1500+, I think), Tessa (certainly 1600+, given that she was around when a major official temple to Isis existed) are all really old characters who are pretty unimpressive.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 06:12:38 AM by vultur »

Offline Jebm

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Would it be possible to see a write up of Paolo Ortega?. I'd been re-reading Death Masks and his write-up in the books just seems a bit lacking to me, though it covers a lot. Plus the lack of enchanted items on his sheet when he clearly has them during the duel is more then a little irksome.

Offline Mr. Death

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What enchanted items did he have during the duel?
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He had a white and black bead bracelet he put on before the start of the duel. Harry said he could feel defensive energy from it without having to concentrate so I'd say it's probably pretty powerful. Not up to the standards of Harry's 2.0 shield bracelet, I'd say but still impressive none the less .
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 07:01:37 PM by Jebm »

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But yeah for someone who's supposed to be the equivalent of Eb for the Red Court, his build seems a little bit unimpressive. Plus I was also surprised he didn't have a least a few Scholarship or Deceit Stunts.

Offline vultur

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But yeah for someone who's supposed to be the equivalent of Eb for the Red Court,

I think that would be more like one of the Lords of Outer Night... but really the RC doesn't seem to have an Eb-equivalent. They have assassin types (like the Eebs), but not ones on that extreme power level. Eb's probably, combat-wise, one of the top three in the Council (with the Merlin and likely the Gatekeeper); I don't think Ortega is anywhere near that high up in the Red Court. Despite being a Duke and a warlord, Arianna seems significantly more impressive, much less the Lords of Outer Night.

Harry seems to consider Ortega a frightening but potentially beatable foe. He might be somewhat stronger than the listed stats in OW, but I really don't think they're enormously out of line...

I'd probably boost one of his four Great skills (likely Fists) to Superb, and one or two of his seven Good skills (likely Alertness and/or Athletics) to Great, and yeah, he probably deserves some stunts .... but it's not way off/underpowered like the OW Senior Council and such. His powers seem about right, he has two Supernatural physical powers putting him well above the run-of-the-mill Red Court (all Inhumans); a Red Court noble is supposed to have at least one Supernatural (though Bianca doesn't, so...)

Offline Mr. Death

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But yeah for someone who's supposed to be the equivalent of Eb for the Red Court, his build seems a little bit unimpressive. Plus I was also surprised he didn't have a least a few Scholarship or Deceit Stunts.
Ortega is equivalent of Ebenezer in his duties, not in his power.
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If anyone cares,because I was bored and was wondering what you all would think, I've decided to put up my version of Ace from Cold Days. Might try the Eebs next if no-one minds.


High Concept: Half-Blood Pawn of the Red Cap
Trouble: Still in Way over My Head
Forest of Bones to Pick With Harry Dresden
Pixie Death Squad at My Command;
Desperate to Please My Dad;
Pragmatism is a Family Trait;
Great: Craftsmanship
Good: Fists,Lore,Guns,
Fair: Rapport, Presence, Resources

Everything else defaults to Average or Mediocre

Demolitions Training (Craftsmanship) (-1)
Jury-Rigger (Craftsmanship) (-1)
Occultist (+1 Fae,+2 Unseelie Fae) (Lore) (-1)
The Boss (Contacts) (-1)
Minions Attack! (Contacts) (-1)
Coordinated Attack (Contacts) (-1)

Notes: Ace has surprisingly become more dangerous given the little we’ve seen of him in both Cold Days and Summer Knight. 

He’s become a good enough craftsman to  learn play with explosives and use those to keep Harry off balance, as well as make actual swords and nail guns for his pixie hit mob, which are clearly effective if used properly. He didn’t seem particularly good with Guns enough to warrant a Stunt there, but Occultist seemed to fit given the amount of time he’s spent around both of the previous Knights, and that he’s a changeling himself.

All in all not even remotely close to a threat to Harry  or any of his friends on his own, but with the right backup and distractions he could be a force to be reckoned with. I could see him being a low-level threat in a game simply due to how deadly Lacuna's crew can be in their element. After taking a look at the Homebrewed Stunt list, I've decided the various Minion stunts suit Ace pretty well, even if Lacuna's the one in charge, though her sheet would probably have them too.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 07:07:51 AM by Jebm »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Superb Craftsmanship and Great Guns might be a bit much, but otherwise I like those stats.

I really doubt anyone would mind you writing up the Eebs.