Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224817 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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So what do you think he did with the +1 Refresh he got after sending Capriocorpus on that southbound train?

Kept it, or bought a Refinement, or alternately a fifth point of Mimic. Those are pretty much the useful and thematically appropriate things to do, after all.

Offline narphoenix

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Ok. So here's a question for you. If Mort takes up Channeling later, and then he Mimics a wizard's ghost for Evocation, does he pay three Mimic Points or one?

Paranet 2250

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Ok. So here's a question for you. If Mort takes up Channeling later, and then he Mimics a wizard's ghost for Evocation, does he pay three Mimic Points or one?

One, at least IMO. That's how I handled The Nightmare mimicking Harry's Thaumaturgy anyway, and I see no reason this would work differently.

Offline narphoenix

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For someone who took out a Kemmlerite, Mort seems a little underwhelming. Can't put my finger on exactly why.

Paranet 2250

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For someone who took out a Kemmlerite, Mort seems a little underwhelming. Can't put my finger on exactly why.

Corpsetaker wasn't just a Kemmlerite, but a Kemmlerite ghost, and that's what he has power over. Additionally, he took her down with unexpected Thaumaturgy when she was already at least somewhat worn down. Unexpected Thaumaturgical attacks are nasty and will screw just about anybody.

Offline narphoenix

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Corpsetaker wasn't just a Kemmlerite, but a Kemmlerite ghost, and that's what he has power over. Additionally, he took her down with unexpected Thaumaturgy when she was already at least somewhat worn down. Unexpected Thaumaturgical attacks are nasty and will screw just about anybody.

Harry (and Lea) said he was Council level in his specialty though. And he doesn't seem very Council-y.

Paranet 2250

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Uh...within his specialty he's better than Harry was at all of Thaumaturgy in any book pre-Cold Days. Harry was a bit faster at Divination, and faster in general after Grave Peril...but Harry was certainly Council level even in Storm Front.

Thaumaturgy, which is all he does, remember, is almost entirely Lore based. Morty's Lore is phenomenal.

Offline narphoenix

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True. But Council Level seems to imply some speedy stuff. At least Evothaum (or is it chantial, here?)

Paranet 2250

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True. But Council Level seems to imply some speedy stuff. At least Evothaum (or is it chantial, here?)

Does it? Harry's never seen him do speedy stuff, so why would it?

Offline narphoenix

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True. But here's a big problem. Mort can't do high level rituals without them backfiring in his face. The odds say he can control it most of the time per roll, but assuming you're seven times for a seven shift ritual (the max Mort can do without declarations), gets it off without backlash only 65% of the time. And Mort doesn't have a lot of FP to chuck around to avoid that.

Paranet 2250

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True. But here's a big problem. Mort can't do high level rituals without them backfiring in his face. The odds say he can control it most of the time per roll, but assuming you're seven times for a seven shift ritual (the max Mort can do without declarations), gets it off without backlash only 65% of the time. And Mort doesn't have a lot of FP to chuck around to avoid that.

Like I said, move the Complexity bonus from his Seance Table to Control if this really bothers you, that'll net him Control 5 and thus perfect Control on any ritual he can take his time one.

But given that the exact same was true of Harry on most Thaumaturgy (the part of magic he claimed to be best at) in, say, Fool Moon...I am deeply skeptical that sometimes losing control means you aren't Council level.

Offline narphoenix

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But Mort has been noted to do some really complicated Thaumaturgy without loosing control (to give you an idea, for the Map thing he pulled in Dead Beat, our GM said an equivalent ritual for the Warden in our group to pull off would require 13 shifts). I'd actually swap his Discipline with his Investigation-since he really focuses on his ghosts to investigate stuff) and split his Seance table into a +1 for control and complexity.

Paranet 2250

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How would you stat up Sir Stu?. I'd imagine he's pretty powerful as Lea spoke rather highly of him...almost like a schoolgirl with a crush or something. ;D 

Offline Deadmanwalking

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But Mort has been noted to do some really complicated Thaumaturgy without loosing control (to give you an idea, for the Map thing he pulled in Dead Beat, our GM said an equivalent ritual for the Warden in our group to pull off would require 13 shifts). I'd actually swap his Discipline with his Investigation-since he really focuses on his ghosts to investigate stuff) and split his Seance table into a +1 for control and complexity.

How much Complexity you can pull off has vastly more to do with Lore than Discipline, especially if you grab an extra tag or two to take care of really low rolls (which he would). And that assumes that's a spell per se and not a use of what amounts to Contacts.

How would you stat up Sir Stu?. I'd imagine he's pretty powerful as Lea spoke rather highly of him...almost like a schoolgirl with a crush or something. ;D 

Sir Stu is indeed badass. I'll be statting him up...but mostly, he's a ghost with ghost stuff plus some Inhuman physical stuff...and a really impressive skill layout.

Offline narphoenix

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I know that. But the more complexity you have, the more chance you have to fail. Assuming Mort does one shift at a time, he fails that ritual about 3 times in 5. And he didn't have time for both tags to reroll and to pull off that ritual. Harry had walked in about 2 seconds (well, minutes) earlier.

Paranet 2250

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