Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224473 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And, given the degree of controversy, I'm gonna drop Harry's Lawbreaker back to only -1.

I personally still think he's hit -2...but it's a close enough call I won't have that on the sheet, just in the notes below.

EDIT: And done.

Sir Stewart, Mort at Submerged and pretty badass, and probably Bob are upcoming in the near future, since I've finished Ghost story now (along with all the short stories). Cold Days re-read and possible revisions underway...but maybe slowly, since I'm busy the next few days.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 05:13:18 AM by Deadmanwalking »

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Random Cold Days note, while I re-read: Taking another look at it, the Redcap is kinda a pansy, power-wise. Harry's pretty sure he might be stronger than the guy, and he's only barely faster than Harry...which combined with his breakability indicates only Inhuman levels of Strength, Speed, and Toughness. Still not enough to stat him, but seemed worth noting.

Offline Mrmdubois

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I was a little disappointed with the redcap.  I figured he'd have something nifty gimmick other than the standard faerie package, but yeah, come down to it he was a bag of hot air.

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I was a little disappointed with the redcap.  I figured he'd have something nifty gimmick other than the standard faerie package, but yeah, come down to it he was a bag of hot air.

If I was statting him I'd give him Blood Drinker, since it seems appropriate...but yeah, at heart, he's just not anywhere near as hardcore as, say, Cat Sith.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 06:55:42 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Mrmdubois

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I kind of expected a "Blood of my enemies/victims makes me stronger." type deal.  Especially if he got the cap dipped in it.  Maybe I read the d&d monster manuals too many times though.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I kind of expected a "Blood of my enemies/victims makes me stronger." type deal.  Especially if he got the cap dipped in it.  Maybe I read the d&d monster manuals too many times though.

It's very possible he has precisely that..we didn't really get a chance to see. I'm still not that impressed.

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Nah, I figure if he had then it would have come up, and he got capped, didn't he?

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I was a little disappointed with the redcap.  I figured he'd have something nifty gimmick other than the standard faerie package, but yeah, come down to it he was a bag of hot air.
Eh, I think Harry hit it right on the head: The Redcap is an ambush predator, a scavenger. He isn't big and tough and strong enough to take on anything that would give him a real fight, so he targets travelers who are alone and tired.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Nah, I figure if he had then it would have come up, and he got capped, didn't he?

No, actually. One of the few parts of that particular book where I went "No, you idiot!" at Harry, but the Redcap was alive at the end of everything and Harry didn't put the effort in to finish his ass off. I would've killed everyone involved in the kidnapping bit just on general principles...but then I'm vindictive as hell.

Offline Theonlyspiral

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No, actually. One of the few parts of that particular book where I went "No, you idiot!" at Harry, but the Redcap was alive at the end of everything and Harry didn't put the effort in to finish his ass off. I would've killed everyone involved in the kidnapping bit just on general principles...but then I'm vindictive as hell.
I think Harry is desperately clinging to his humanity at the moment. While part of him likely wanted to, I think that would make it harder to resist the mantle.
Morgan would have done it in 15 books.

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I think Harry is desperately clinging to his humanity at the moment. While part of him likely wanted to, I think that would make it harder to resist the mantle.

Nah, he just got distracted by things.

And killing is very much a part of Harry already, I don't think killing people who kidnapped and threatened to kill, among others, his brother's girlfriend is going to drive him deeper into the darkness. Hell, I'm a little surprised Thomas didn't do it himself. Maybe he hadn't gotten the memo about her kidnapping yet...[EDIT: Ah, he was unconscious, that explains it.]

Really, IMO, this should be a policy thing for someone in Harry's position: If people mess with your friends/family to get at you then they die. Badly. anything else encourages imitators, and that's a bad thing. I'd be overjoyed to find out it got handled sometime between this book's end and the beginning of the next one.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 12:11:09 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #656 on: February 02, 2013, 11:56:12 AM »
Name: Mortimer Lindquist

High Concept: Professional Ectomancer
Trouble: Protector of the Dead
Self-Proclaimed Coward;
Paranormal Investigator;
My Home Is My Castle;
Life Is Looking Up;
More Than Meets The Eye;


Superb: Lore,
Great: Deceit, Investigation,
Good: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy,
Fair: Rapport, Resources, Scholarship, Weapons,
Average: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Endurance, Presence,


Seance Spiritualist (Deceit) (-1)
Spirit Contacts (Lore) (-1)


Ghost Speaker [-1]
Ritual (Ectomancy) [-2]
Mimic Ghosts [-4]

Total: -9 Refresh

Focus Items:
Seance Table [+2 Complexity with Ectomancy]


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOO
Armor: By spell or item effect.

Here's Morty circa Ghost Story. He's come a long way, and is a submerged level character at this point. I replaced his Supernatural Senses with Ghost Speaker because, well, read Ghost Speaker. It covers all that and more, and is clearly made with Morty in mind. Why he doesn't have it has got to be some sort of clerical error or something.

I followed Sanctaphrax's lead on how to represent the ability to gain power from possessing entities on this one...while possessed, he can use 4 points of abilities from the ghost in question. During the fight in his house, he borrowed Fists, Might, and Inhuman Strength, for example. I considered doing something with True Shapeshifting instead...but this seems loads more accurate.

I also stole the Aspects from him wholesale from Sanctaphrax.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 12:11:42 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline narphoenix

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Do you think he should Channeling? That trick against the Corpsetaker was really fast. He's still not a monster, though, but I think that he's a little more than Submerged at this point, anyway. That fight against Capriocorpus was a Major Milestone, almost for sure.

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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The trick against Corpsetaker took the entire length of a proonged mental conflict...that's well within the realm of rushed Thaumaturgy.

Offline narphoenix

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I doubt you can work magic while engaged in mental combat. Both are very mentally intensive and you really can't afford to be distracted while doing them.

Paranet 2250

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