Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224871 times)

Offline Mr. Death

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Because I have no response for it, because I'm conceding the point. I still think you're mistaken for lopping off the refresh cost, but there's no reason to continue the discussion further.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Because I have no response for it, because I'm conceding the point. I still think you're mistaken for lopping off the refresh cost, but there's no reason to continue the discussion further.

Okay, cool. Just curious.

Offline vultur

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When I built a Valkyrie template for the Custom Templates thread, I used Ritual (Crafting) rather than any Sponsored Magic - IMO Odinic rune magic is more about your knowledge than sponsor-given power.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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It seems like she does get some of her runes from the 'home office' though, and it certainly seems she can do things other than crafting (wards, divinations, the bullet-thing in Even Hand, etc.)...which would tend to indicate either Sponsored Magic/Ritual or, alternately, full Thaumaturgy. I'm currently leaning towards changing it to the latter, actually...

Offline vultur

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It seems like she does get some of her runes from the 'home office' though, and it certainly seems she can do things other than crafting (wards, divinations, the bullet-thing in Even Hand, etc.)...which would tend to indicate either Sponsored Magic/Ritual or, alternately, full Thaumaturgy. I'm currently leaning towards changing it to the latter, actually...

 I was thinking a lot of her effects (rune of Routine, lightning blast, bullet*...) were basically 'potions' in mechanical terms, in the same way Harry's "sunshine handkerchief" is a 'potion', but full Thaumaturgy is quite possibly better.

*OK, that one's awfully powerful, but it kind of looks like it's boosted by an Aspect achieved by a Resources (or some skill...) declaration to find the appropriate bullet....

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I was thinking a lot of her effects (rune of Routine, lightning blast, bullet*...) were basically 'potions' in mechanical terms, in the same way Harry's "sunshine handkerchief" is a 'potion', but full Thaumaturgy is quite possibly better.

I agree! Note her six potion slots.  :)

But her wards (which messed Bob up pretty bad), and, I'd argue, the bullet, are really beyond the scope of that sort of thing...I think I'm being talked into Thaumaturgy with a Crafting specialization, here...

*OK, that one's awfully powerful, but it kind of looks like it's boosted by an Aspect achieved by a Resources (or some skill...) declaration to find the appropriate bullet....

It seemed to me like an orchestrated death ritual in bullet form, or something close to that anyway.

Offline vultur

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I agree! Note her six potion slots.  :)

But her wards (which messed Bob up pretty bad),

Oh, I forgot those... I thought you were referring to the "lightning blast" that hit Tiny when Harry opened Gard's locker.

I think I'm being talked into Thaumaturgy with a Crafting specialization, here

Yeah, given that she built genuine wards, I think that's right.

It seemed to me like an orchestrated death ritual in bullet form, or something close to that anyway.

Could be... especially given that it knocked Gard out to make it. Wonder how that would work, mechanically?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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IMO, like an ordinary one, plus an Aspect tagged for effect to make it triggerable, plus a duration for how long it'd last just sitting there.

No wonder it knocked her out.

And yeah, I've been talked into it. Full Thaumaturgy it is.

EDIT: And edited in. I also dropped her Lore to Great since it's use on Enchanted Items was a large part of why I had it quite so high, and i can now replace it with specialties. I'm much happier with this version, actually.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 02:34:00 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline narphoenix

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I'd actually drop Gard's Divination Complexity in favor of something else. In Heorot, Harry is able to track the Grendelkin even though it threw Gard off. Right now, you have Harry doing 4-Shift Divinations without prep around Small Favor. You have Gard doing five.

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Offline Mr. Death

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Could be... especially given that it knocked Gard out to make it. Wonder how that would work, mechanically?
That's part of what we tried to work into the homebrew version of Runecrafting--it's essentially Thaumaturgy letting you 'store' a given spell in a rune like a potion (with each turn of the casting process being one item slot). So in that case, it was basically a big thaumaturgic ritual that Gard had to take Backlash on to cast, and let herself be physically Taken Out.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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I'd actually drop Gard's Divination Complexity in favor of something else. In Heorot, Harry is able to track the Grendelkin even though it threw Gard off. Right now, you have Harry doing 4-Shift Divinations without prep around Small Favor. You have Gard doing five.

Y'know, you're right. Fixed.

That's part of what we tried to work into the homebrew version of Runecrafting--it's essentially Thaumaturgy letting you 'store' a given spell in a rune like a potion (with each turn of the casting process being one item slot). So in that case, it was basically a big thaumaturgic ritual that Gard had to take Backlash on to cast, and let herself be physically Taken Out.

I personally feel that normal Thaumaturgy should be able to do this, more or less by the method I discuss above (Normal Complexity + Tag for Effect + Duration...this gets really high pretty quick)...just because it doesn't seem like something Harry couldn't do, just something he hasn't.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 06:34:26 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Quick question for you Deadmanwalking...

Would you say most of the "Brutish" Denarians (Feathers, Ursiel ect) would basically be the same as Magog just with an aspect switch? Or do you think there's more variety among their ranks? I ask because frankly this is one of the most helpful threads here and you know what you're doing.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Magog is king of the brutes (well, along with Ursiel...who probably would have nearly identical stats). I'd actually expect similar Aspects but lower skills and powers on most of them. In fact, I listed my rough outline for lesser Denarians...let me find that. Here it is from Nicodemus's sheet:

The other Denarians are (effectively) nameless thugs with Great skills in combat (and Intimidation and Lore) and Inhuman to Supernatural physical stuff plus a Creature Feature or two. They're frightening, but not really in need of full sheets per se.

That's my basic outline for an unnamed Denarian thug. A few might have Hellfire as well as (or instead of) the physical stuff. Any of them get scary if their host is named and badass, too.

So..Shaggy Feathers (for example) would have Great Fistss, Inhuman Speed and Recovery, Supernatural Strength and Toughness, Hulking Size, Claws...and not a lot else notable. The official writeup for him looks about right to me, actually. Throw on Linguist for those with the Fallen in charge, just because, and you're good to go.

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On that note, I think you made Magog too fast. Supernatural Speed is really something.

I also would have made him dumber, but since we never see him think much onscreen it's hard to know what's right there.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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On that note, I think you made Magog too fast. Supernatural Speed is really something.

Matter of debate...we saw little enough of him it could go either way. It's definitely very possible that I overstated it, though.

I also would have made him dumber, but since we never see him think much onscreen it's hard to know what's right there.

I went with making his Aspects very conducive to not thinking things through instead. Seemed like that's where most of his dumb moves came from, IMO.