Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224829 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I always got the impression that he was, actually (immune that is). Or the swords would have frightened him more.

And I suppose you could drop Shiro's Weapons to Fantastic but leave the stunts the same and have a similar effect...actually, I'm now tempted to do that.

Offline vultur

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I always got the impression that he was, actually (immune that is). Or the swords would have frightened him more.

Well, Harry says something in SmF about Nic having nightmares about the Swords (when he offers Nic Fidelacchius) and Nic seems to react as if Harry were right.

In any case, if he is, he needs some Power to reflect that... as written, the Swords can still kill him.

Offline narphoenix

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Shiro's been adventuring for a long time. Also, how much refresh does Shiro have left over?

Paranet 2250

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Can you do  a build for Ariana?

I did one for her on the Spoiler Quarantine Zone thread "Monsters from Turn Coat/Changes/short stories" here:,24500.0.html

By these stats, she's a -28 refresh cost character, but not very powerful for that level: I gave her the full suite of Supernatural powers, except Inhuman Recovery, and 6 Refinements.

EDIT: and now that a focus item error has been corrected, she's -27 refresh cost, 5 Refinements.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 08:48:47 PM by vultur »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Shiro's been adventuring for a long time. Also, how much refresh does Shiro have left over?

Probably 9-ish. I built him at the same power level as post-Cold Days Harry, more or less. You could definitely argue for less, though.

Well, Harry says something in SmF about Nic having nightmares about the Swords (when he offers Nic Fidelacchius) and Nic seems to react as if Harry were right.

He's afraid of the swords continuing to mess up his plans, not of them killing him. At least, in that scene.

In any case, if he is, he needs some Power to reflect that... as written, the Swords can still kill him.

Actually, it's unclear what happens when Items of Power come into direct conflict...and it's not for sure, and would be a -0 power anyway, given it's specificity and their rarity.

Offline narphoenix

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Wait. I just realized something. If Murphy took up Fidelacchius, she'd be just a badass as Shiro. Minus a skill cap and a refresh cost, but still. That makes Murphy SCARY.

Paranet 2250

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She's not nearly as good a swordsman (well, swordswoman in her case)...but yeah, she'd be terrifying. She killed one of the Lords of the Outer Night while wielding Fidellachius, remember, and those things were minor deities.

And her Refresh would actually be a bit worse than his at -20 if she took the whole power suite (which she would).

Offline narphoenix

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Due to her Armed Arts Stunt, she'd be only one down point wise... But she wouldn't have all those sword stunts, so.

Oh. Ya. Forgot about the giving up +2 thing.

Paranet 2250

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Due to her Armed Arts Stunt, she'd be only one down point wise... But she wouldn't have all those sword stunts, so.

Yeah, it's the 7 Refresh less invested in it more than the one skill rank less I was talking about.

Oh. Ya. Forgot about the giving up +2 thing.

Yeah, I sometimes do that too. It's annoying when it happens.

Offline vultur

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He's afraid of the swords continuing to mess up his plans, not of them killing him. At least, in that scene.

Well, Harry talks about him being afraid of them "turning him into one more discarded Dixie cup for the Fallen," so Harry at least seems to think they can kill him.

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Well, Harry talks about him being afraid of them "turning him into one more discarded Dixie cup for the Fallen," so Harry at least seems to think they can kill him.

It's never been put to the test, so we don't really know one way or the other. Maybe we'll find out next book, since the Denarians are apparently gonna be back.

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Name: Sigrun Gard

High Concept: Honest-to-Odin Valkyrie
Trouble: On Marcone's Payroll
Runecaster and Scryer;
Icy Beauty;
Descendent of Beowulf;
Respect For Professionalism;
The Art of Paranoia;


Superb: Conviction, Endurance, Lore, Weapons,
Great: Athletics, Burglary, Discipline, Guns,
Good: Driving, Empathy, Fists, Presence, Survival,
Fair: Alertness, Intimidate, Might, Scholarship, Stealth,
Everything else defaults to Average.


Paranoid? Probably (Alertness) (-1)
The Big Picture (Burglary) (-1)
Pilot (Helicopter) (Driving) (-1)
Linguist (Scholarship) (-1)
Berserker (Weapons) (-1)


Refinements [-2]
Sponsored Magic: Rune Magic [-2]
Strange Senses [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch is unknown [+0]

Total: -17 Refresh

Enchanted Items:
Rune Covered Axe [8 shift Block or Armor Value 4, 5/session] (6 Enchanted Item Slots)
6 'potion' slots


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO(OO) (+1 Mild Consequence)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1, or by spell or item effect.

Gard's Sponsored Magic effects only Thaumaturgy. She has no abilities at Evocation whatsoever, making use of Enchanted Items and pre-set rituals instead. The abilities of which were countered by the Grendelkin's magic-immunity in Heorot, for reference. It's possible the axe only works to block magic, in which case she'd get a compel for facing physical attacks which ignore it (it cost her more than a full point of Refresh after all).

She's also really hard to kill, supernaturally strong, and dangerous in a fight (Weapon 6 attacks at Fantastic are nothing to sneeze at). It's possible (no, likely) that she has a Catch of +2 or so reducing her Refresh that we simply haven't seen come up yet.

I dropped her Recovery because, while she'll eventually heal from anything, she didn't seem to have real in-combat regeneration. And gave her Toughness because she seemed to deserve it.
I'm honestly not seeing the logic for a lot of this. What we've seen of Gard, she doesn't really take more of a beating than others. Where are you getting that the axe is a block or armor? I didn't get the sense she was using any magic against the Grendelkin. I'd put the regeneration back up--she recovers from a full disemboweling after, what, a day or so? Just because she doesn't regenerate in battle doesn't mean anything--we've only ever seen her wounded twice, both of those probably Severe consequences (broken arm and disemboweling). Remember that the in-combat regeneration only applies to mild consequences.

All in all, honestly, I don't think your changes are very accurate to what we've seen of the character at all.

Oh, and Rune Magic is listed as -4 refresh, not -2.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 06:20:04 PM by Mr. Death »
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Offline narphoenix

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Against the Grendelkin, she was too pissed.

Check Even Hand for the Axe as a block.

I agree on the Recovery.

He reduced it to two because there are no real Evocation effects to Rune Magic. Only Thaumaturgy and Enchanted Items.

Also, what exactly does Sigrun supernaturally sense?

Paranet 2250

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I'm honestly not seeing the logic for a lot of this. What we've seen of Gard, she doesn't really take more of a beating than others.

She seems to have the same kind of complete immunity to pain Harry's gotten as Winter Knight. I stat that as Inhuman Toughness, as it seems the closest power to model that sort of effect.

Where are you getting that the axe is a block or armor?

Have you read Even Hand? If not, read it, if so, re-read it. This is exactly what the axe does in that story in her final confrontation with the Fomor lord. You could argue it counterspells instead...but that doesn't match the way the fight went nearly as well.

I didn't get the sense she was using any magic against the Grendelkin.

She doesn't, knowing it's immune, which was sorta my point. Which was that that fight said little or nothing about her magical capabilities.

I'd put the regeneration back up--she recovers from a full disemboweling after, what, a day or so?

Ghouls (our basic Supernatural Recovery example) recover from being disemboweled quicker than that. A day's about right for Inhuman Recovery plus Severe Consequences anyway, due to the way it works, Supernatural would result in her recovering in a single scene after receiving the wound (so she would've been better after the first scene we saw her in) took longer than that. Inhuman results in it being healed in a session, which sounds about right.

Just because she doesn't regenerate in battle doesn't mean anything--we've only ever seen her wounded twice, both of those probably Severe consequences (broken arm and disemboweling). Remember that the in-combat regeneration only applies to mild consequences.

True...but even on such consequences there's usually talk of the wound knitting together or some such. There isn't with Gard.

All in all, honestly, I don't think your changes are very accurate to what we've seen of the character at all.

I obviously disagree.

Oh, and Rune Magic is listed as -4 refresh, not -2.

That assumes an ability to use Evocation, which, since she's never used it, I'm assuming she can't. The version here is sponsored Thaumaturgy/Ritual alone, which makes it -2.

Also, what exactly does Sigrun supernaturally sense?

Oncoming death/fate. We've seen it with both Harry and Michael. Possibly other things too, but I'm not sure about those.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 06:38:26 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Mr. Death

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She seems to have the same kind of complete immunity to pain Harry's gotten as Winter Knight. I stat that as Inhuman Toughness, as it seems the closest power to model that sort of effect.
Where? Is it when she cries out in pain after the Grendelkin breaks her arm and is then defenseless for the rest of that story? Or is it when she's clearly in too much pain to do much when her guts are hanging out?

Have you read Even Hand? If not, read it, if so, re-read it. This is exactly what the axe does in that story in her final confrontation with the Fomor lord. You could argue it counterspells instead...but that doesn't match the way the fight went nearly as well.
I haven't, so fair enough. I posit, though, that the axe in Heorot was not the same axe as the one in Even Hand, since she loses that first axe.

She doesn't, knowing it's immune, which was sorta my point. Which was that that fight said little or nothing about her magical capabilities.
I don't think she knew at all that it was immune--you'd think during that whole information session thing before the fight, she might have mentioned that to Harry.

Also, why does Harry then speculate that the axe, as an enchanted and runic weapon, is specifically what the Grendelkin's catch might be? She wounds it so it's clearly bleeding--meaning that she must have done a solid 14 shifts of damage if it wasn't a catch to it. So either she rolled as high as she possibly could while the Grendelkin rolled low, or it did indeed have an effect on its own Toughness power. And, again, the axe used there was not the same axe as in Even Hand.

Ghouls (our basic Supernatural Recovery example) recover from being disemboweled quicker than that. A day's about right for Inhuman Recovery plus Severe Consequences anyway, due to the way it works, Supernatural would result in her recovering in a single scene after receiving the wound (so she would've been better after the first scene we saw her in) took longer than that. Inhuman results in it being healed in a session, which sounds about right.
They recover that quickly after treatment. Remember that Harry first finds her while she's still treating herself, and getting her out of the house only aggravates her injury--she probably didn't start healing at all until she got to the Carpenters and had her wound sealed up. By the next day or so, she's on her feet. Remember that a "scene" is a fluid thing--it could mean an hour, but it could also mean the next day.

True...but even on such consequences there's usually talk of the wound knitting together or some such. There isn't with Gard.
Where are you getting this from? We don't really see anything regenerating right in the middle of a fight like that, short of the Uber Ghouls, which are noted as being an exception for being able to do that, and the White King, who's also supposed to be somewhat above and beyond normal.

Again, we only ever see Gard get wounded in such ways that she needs some kind of outside treatment--a broken arm with the bone sticking out, and her intestines spilling out, neither of which can really just regenerate.

That assumes an ability to use Evocation, which, since she's never used it, I'm assuming she can't. The version here is sponsored Thaumaturgy/Ritual alone, which makes it -2.
I suggest you take another look at the Sponsored Magic list. I helped to write the current version of Rune Magic, which is still -4 and does account for the lack of Evocation.
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