Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224747 times)

Offline narphoenix

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Ok. Wow. Martin is frigging scary. Not Harry level, of course, but he can kick your ass without being short of breath after. And are you sure Susan only has one major milestone between Death Masks and Changes? It seems like there should be a lot more.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh, she had bunches more...I'd peg her at Refresh 1 in Death Masks and more like 5 or 6 in Changes, maybe even 7...I just couldn't find any appropriate additional powers or stunts. I guess I could throw on Cloak of shadows, but I don't feel the need. She acted more like a higher refresh character self-determinism-wise in Changes, and seemed to do the 'one big thing' stuff high FP characters can pull off as well.

And yeah...he'd been an operative for 150 years, while being able to lie to the Red King's face and effectively snipe elder vampires. Martin was dangerous as hell...just quiet about it.

EDIT: And her sheet's been edited to note the above.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 07:59:47 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline narphoenix

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Ok. Gotcha on Susan.

Martin was quiet about it... The way most truly dangerous people are. Makes me wonder what the hell Mac is.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Ok. Gotcha on Susan.

Martin was quiet about it... The way most truly dangerous people are. Makes me wonder what the hell Mac is.

I'm betting on one of the Grigori, personally. Too many jokes involving the phrase 'watch this' or the equivalent. Though I wouldn't bet against a rogue Outsider or something even weirder.

Offline narphoenix

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Maybe. Although if you ever stat him up, you should hand him MYTHIC recovery. I mean, that Cold Days scene. Ukh.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Jebm

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I'd possibly give Susan Martial Arts, as Harry mentions her performing Tai Chi katas in Death Masks and that she probably knew the bone breaking locks and throws Tai Chi is capable of doing.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Sigrun Gard

High Concept: Honest-to-Odin Valkyrie
Trouble: On Marcone's Payroll
Runecaster and Scryer;
Icy Beauty;
Descendent of Beowulf;
Respect For Professionalism;
The Art of Paranoia;


Superb: Conviction, Endurance, Weapons,
Great: Athletics, Burglary, Discipline, Guns, Lore,
Good: Empathy, Fists, Presence, Scholarship, Survival,
Fair: Alertness, Driving, Intimidate, Might, Stealth,
Everything else defaults to Average.


Paranoid? Probably (Alertness) (-1)
The Big Picture (Burglary) (-1)
Pilot (Helicopter) (Driving) (-1)
Doctor (Trauma) (Scholarship) (-1)
Berserker (Weapons) (-1)


Refinements [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Strange Senses [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch is that, for Moderate or worse injuries, her Recovery requires medical attention to kick in [+2]

Total: -19 Refresh

Complexity (Warding +1), Crafting (Strength +2)

Enchanted Items:
Rune Covered Axe [8 shift Block or Armor Value 4, 5/session] (5 Enchanted Item Slots)
7 'potion' slots


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO(OO) (+1 Mild Consequence)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1, or by spell or item effect.

Gard's Sponsored Magic effects only Thaumaturgy. She has no abilities at Evocation whatsoever, making use of Enchanted Items and pre-set rituals instead. The abilities of which were countered by the Grendelkin's magic-immunity in Heorot, for reference. It's possible the axe only works to block magic, in which case she'd get a compel for facing physical attacks which ignore it (it cost her more than a full point of Refresh after all).

She's also really hard to kill, supernaturally strong, and dangerous in a fight (Weapon 6 attacks at Fantastic are nothing to sneeze at). It's possible (no, likely) that she has a Catch of +2 or so reducing her Refresh that we simply haven't seen come up yet.

I dropped her Recovery because, while she'll eventually heal from anything, she didn't seem to have real in-combat regeneration. And gave her Toughness because she seemed to deserve it.

EDIT: And upped her Recovery, paid for by a Catch of needing to, say, physically put her guts back in and sow herself up. Also, added Doctor to her Stunt list (she deserves it), and rearranged her skills a little.

I've skipped sponsored Magic at this point for full-on Thaumaturgy to represent her rune-magic. Honestly, given time she seems able to do anything a wizard could...her methods just differ and are ill-suited to Evocation save in Enchanted Item form.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 06:31:53 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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A note updating Will and Georgia to Changes era has been added to their sheets, check them out.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I'd possibly give Susan Martial Arts, as Harry mentions her performing Tai Chi katas in Death Masks and that she probably knew the bone breaking locks and throws Tai Chi is capable of doing.

I'm not sure if she ever demonstrates actual knowledge of martial arts beyond how to hit people, though, which is what the stunt is really for. Murphy uses that kind of knowledge of how people fight all the time, and totally deserves the Stunt...but Susan's unarmed combat appears less analytical.

Offline Jebm

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Can you do  a build for Ariana?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 06:16:00 PM by Jebm »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Can you do  a build for Ariana?

Considering her importance, we actually see surprisingly little of her. She's got Evocation about on par with Harry and the standard vampire power suite (probably with some stuff at Supernatural...though not Toughness), and good social skills and Athletics. That's actually just about all we know. I don't think it's quite enough for a sheet, really.

Offline Jebm

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 Gard also has a rune dagger in changes that gives her Swift Transition and World Walker. Would those count as powers or another enchanted item?.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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    • View Profile'd be an Item of Power if it actually gave those Powers(which I seriously doubt)...but if it just opens a portal to the Nevernever it's an Enchanted Item. Or  a potion slot since there are no indications of it being more than one use. She has six of those, after all. Or, most likely of all IMO, she just used Thaumaturgy (well, Ritual) to open a Way like Harry does pre-Changes and that's how that looks for rune-magic.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Shiro Yoshimo

High Concept: Knight of the Cross
Trouble: Faith Demands Sacrifice
Feared By The Wicked;
Boundless Virtue;
No Greater Love;
Swordsman Without Peer;
Wielder of Fidelacchius;


Epic: Weapons,
Fantastic: Conviction,
Superb: Alertness, Discipline, Presence,
Great: Empathy, Rapport, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Endurance, Fists,
Fair: Contacts, Scholarship, Stealth,
Average: Craftsmanship, Deceit, Driving, Resources, Survival,


Blessed Words (Conviction) (-1)
Devout Words (Conviction) (-1)
Occultist (Christian Milieu +1; Order of the Blackened Denarius +2) (Lore) (-1)
The Weight of Reputation (Presence) (-1)
Know The Blade (+2 to weapon rating when using his sword specifically) (Weapons) (-1)
Dueling Mastery (+1 to attacks when fighting one-on-one) (Weapons) (-1)
Footwork (Weapons) (-1)
Riposte (Weapons) (-1)
Target Rich Environment (Weapons) (-1)
Untouchable (+1 to all defenses while using a blade) (Weapons) (-1)
Wall of Death (Weapons) (-1)


Bless This House [–1]
Guide My Hand [–1]
Holy Touch [–1]
Righteousness [–2]
Sword of the Cross [–3]

Total: -19 Refresh


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Armor: 0, usually.

And because I felt like it, my version of Shiro. The basic point is that Nicodemus was physically frightened of Shiro despite being invulnerable. In context, he has to be afraid Shiro's a good enough swordsman to disable him and take his noose and/or coin. That's...a ridiculous amount of swordsmanship considering who and what Nicodemus is.

Also, this is how Knights of the Cross look at around Harry's current power level. 9 shifts attacks and defenses folks, be very afraid.

Offline vultur

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Forgot to post this earlier, but I really like your version of the Nightmare.

I really like this thread in general, actually.


I'm not sure Shiro really deserves Epic Weapons... counting in the stunts... that makes him at least 2 points higher than your Nicodemus with Fantastic Weapons and only Riposte as a stunt.

Also, as statted, Nic isn't actually immune to Swords of the Cross. (And Harry seems to think not, in SmF.)