Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224786 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Capirocorpus

High Concept: Body-Jumping Necromancer
Expert Among Novices;
A Little Too Certain;
Calm Sea Of Insanity;
Never Without My Minions;
Do As I Say, Fool;

Superb: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Scholarship,
Great: Deceit, Intimidation, Weapons, Presence,
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Investigation,
Fair: Burglary, Fists, Resources, Stealth,
Average: Driving, Empathy, Rapport, Survival,


Scholar (Anthropology; Amerind Cultures) (Scholarship) (-1)


Supernatural Mental Toughness [-4]
Refinements [-5]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
Sponsored Magic: Kemmlerian Necromancy [-2]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Lawbreaker (First) [-2]
Lawbreaker (Third) [-2]
Lawbreaker (Fourth) [-2]
Lawbreaker (Fifth) [-2]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]

Total: -27 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Water, Spirit);
Power (Spirit +2)
Control (Spirit +1)
Control (Necromancy +2*, Psychomancy +3); Complexity (Ectomancy +1 Necromancy +3*, Psychomancy +2);

Focus Items:
Corpsetaker generally disdains Focus and Enchanted Items as too tied to one body to be useful, or uses those of the bodies she steals. She might get ring of +2 Offensive Power for Spirit and a defensive item of some sort if it's convenient or she's in one body without distinctive Foci for a long while.


Mental: OOOO(OOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOO (Can vary)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 2 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

Notes: Endurance and Might vary wildly by body. Her current one in Dead Beat had Average Endurance and Mediocre Might. They're the only skills that so vary (well, and maybe Resources if it's higher than hers).

Having just re-read Dead Beat, I'm not feeling Corpsetaker is notably unstattable. She uses Thaumaturgy-as-Evocation to make 11 shift mental attacks, possibly taking Sponsor Debt to pay the Mental Stress Costs, and the Taking Out effect being a body swap. Just a couple of those and almost anyone goes down. One if she burns through some Sponsor Debt. I'll maybe make some notes for the later version once I hit Ghost Story in my reading list.

She's a 7 shift Evoker. More on offense if aiming to kill. Not bad, but not spectacular either (though a league or so past Harry at that point).

She's badder than Grevane (at 4 Refresh more), though a worse pure Necromancer to some degree, but she wasn't really even in Cowl's league (at a ridiculous 12 Refresh less). Her mundane Stunt and high Scholarship are because she successfully impersonated an Anthropology Professor for what seems likely to be quite a while (she had a Ghoul as a grad student).
On a separate note, I've updated Harry's stats as of the end of Dead Beat.

EDIT: Added Supernatural Mental Toughness (since she seemed tailor made for it).
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 07:06:12 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline narphoenix

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In the Our World (near Capriocorpus' official entry), Bob says that even contemplating the mechanism of Capriocorpus' body stealing treads on 7th Law territory... Shouldn't she have Lawbreaker 7th [-2] to reflect that?

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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In the Our World (near Capriocorpus' official entry), Bob says that even contemplating the mechanism of Capriocorpus' body stealing treads on 7th Law territory... Shouldn't she have Lawbreaker 7th [-2] to reflect that?

Possible, but it's by no means a sure thing that that's what's involved, and even if it is it appears to be the only thing she does regularly that violates the 7th Law, so it makes little difference for the most part. If you think she has Lawbreaker (7th) tack it on. She's already into negative Refresh anyway.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Charity Carpenter

High Concept: Tower of Faith
Trouble: Wife of Michael Carpenter, Wife of a Knight
Protective To A Fault;
Not Without My Child;
Big Freaking Hammer;
Through The Valley of the Shadow of Death;
What Am I Going To Do With Molly?;


Superb: Conviction,
Great: Craftsmanship, Weapons,
Good: Discipline, Endurance, Intimidate, Presence,
Fair: Alertness, Empathy, Lore, Scholarship, Stealth,
Average: Athletics, Rapport, Fists, Might, Resources,


Tower of Faith (Conviction) (-1)
Footwork (Weapons) (-1)


Bless This House [–1]
Guide My Hand [–1]
Righteousness [–2]

Total: -6 Refresh


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 0, usually.

There. Just finished reading Proven Guilty and, well, yeah. I thought her Presence, Weapons, and probably Endurance got undersold a bit. I left off her former spellcasting ability (probaly Ritual of some type) because it's atrophied completely by this point, leaving her very much without it.
In other news, Harry's advancement is now current as of Proven Guilty.

Offline vultur

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Can you do the Nightmare from Grave Peril? Despite it being used as an example for Mimic Abilities in YS, the actual stats in OW mysteriously lack Mimic Abilities.

Also they give Kravos 6 Refinements, which is way excessive considering he was a less skilled spellcaster than Harry, who probably has 1 at this point.

(I'd do it myself but don't have a 'resource' place to put it where it'll stay visible - like this thread.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Notes: Endurance and Might vary wildly by body. Her current one in Dead Beat had Average Endurance and Mediocre Might. They're the only skills that so vary (well, and maybe Resources if it's higher than hers).

She should have Mimic Abilities if she can mimic the abilities of her host. Two points ought to be plenty. That might also explain how she could pass for an anthropology professor...since the body includes the brain, it would make sense for her to be able to access the memories of her victims.

She uses Thaumaturgy-as-Evocation to make 11 shift mental attacks, possibly taking Sponsor Debt to pay the Mental Stress Costs, and the Taking Out effect being a body swap.

Too easy, I think. Swapping bodies should be harder than just killing or knocking unconscious, because otherwise consensual body-swaps are like cake for anyone with Thaumaturgy.

Offline Locnil

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Too easy, I think. Swapping bodies should be harder than just killing or knocking unconscious, because otherwise consensual body-swaps are like cake for anyone with Thaumaturgy.

How do you know they're not?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Since the game is a work of fiction...I think the question is not "are they" but "should they be".

And I don't think they should be, because they're a major effect with significant plot consequences. Easy body-swapping seems like a recipe for wacky-ass nonsense.

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Perhaps body swapping is something only possible with Kemmlerian necromancy.
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Offline Jebm

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Can we get an updated version of Lily and a build of Gard if possible?. I think the axe she used in Even Hand is a pretty neat enchanted item for her to have.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 06:01:18 AM by Jebm »

Offline Locnil

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Since the game is a work of fiction...I think the question is not "are they" but "should they be".

And I don't think they should be, because they're a major effect with significant plot consequences. Easy body-swapping seems like a recipe for wacky-ass nonsense.

Fair enough.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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She should have Mimic Abilities if she can mimic the abilities of her host. Two points ought to be plenty.

When taking someone out via Thaumaturgy as a means of transforming them, you can shift their skills around. I see no reason this wouldn't apply to yourself as well, and it's clearly what she was doing. She also didn't seem to really have a choice in doing so, so the Mimic Abilities would also come with Human Form [+2], and probably some other limitation for only working on Might and Endurance.

That might also explain how she could pass for an anthropology professor...since the body includes the brain, it would make sense for her to be able to access the memories of her victims.

I don't think so. She gave no indication of keeping memories or any such thing. Indeed, it was her obvious inability to effectively mimic Luccio that got her killed. I'd guess she just usually wore someone with similar qualifications to her own. Or grabbed 'em young and then wore 'em out...though the latter might take too long, I suppose.

Too easy, I think. Swapping bodies should be harder than just killing or knocking unconscious, because otherwise consensual body-swaps are like cake for anyone with Thaumaturgy.

How so? I mean, turning someone into a stag is equal to killing them, why wouldn't turning them into a different human being? I mean, I guess you can argue that Corpsetaker would need to take herself out, too, but that's pretty trivially easy with a zone-wide Evocation as her final attack or by taking an extra exchange to perform the magic. Would you argue that Biomancy couldn't swap two people's appearances perfectly? Because, in game terms, that and slight rearrangement of two skills are all that's going on. Luccio's long-term incapacity is likely an Extreme Consequence she took in the process, not anything inherent in body-swapping itself (or Corpsetaker would've fallen victim to it as well...clearly not a thing that happened). The only difference is which Laws are being broken.

I mean doing this inherently break the 4th and probably 5th Laws, and maybe the 7th as well. But yeah, I'd say consensual body swaps would be pretty easy if you're willing to do the Lawbreaking necessary. Capirocorpus's trick was never referred to as anything that wacky or unique, just 'something Necromancers do'. It's not Cowl or Grevane's bag...but then zombies aren't Corpsetaker's either.

Doing body-swaps on Supernaturals is a trickier issue...possibly impossible (or impossible without losing your magic, which is what I'd go with), or Capirocorpus likely would've been walking around in some sort of superhuman monster, not a young human girl. Indeed, given the difficulties Luccio underwent post-body swap (Extreme Consequence or not), I'd argue that in order not to lose both Evocation and Thaumaturgy as soon as you have the body both participants need to be human, and  the victim must have Thaumaturgy and Evocation, or at least Channeling and Ritual (ie: magical potential). Anything else the magical potentials screw you the hell up. Meaning it's only really a viable option on Wizards or those with the potential to be Wizards. So, much like the drumming with zombies, various in-world limitations built into the whole thing, not necessarily it being anything other than bog-standard Thaumaturgy rules-wise.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Can you do the Nightmare from Grave Peril? Despite it being used as an example for Mimic Abilities in YS, the actual stats in OW mysteriously lack Mimic Abilities.

Also they give Kravos 6 Refinements, which is way excessive considering he was a less skilled spellcaster than Harry, who probably has 1 at this point.

(I'd do it myself but don't have a 'resource' place to put it where it'll stay visible - like this thread.)

Kravos-the-sorcerer had maybe one Refinement (and probably not even that). Kravos-the-ghost was supercharged by the circumstances and eating Harry's magic...but yeah, the Refinements they give him seem seriously over-the-top and unnecessary. But sure, I'll stat him up. I might even go with Lawbreaker, despite Ghosts not usually getting it. It seems appropriate under the circumstances...

Can we get an updated version of Lily and a build of Gard if possible?. I think the axe she used in Even Hand is a pretty neat enchanted item for her to have.

Yeah, sure. Gimme a little time (especially for Gard. I'll want to re-read Even Hand and maybe Heorot [though I read the latter recently], and probably Small Favor for her) and I'll throw 'em up.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 09:47:11 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Locnil

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When taking someone out via Thaumaturgy as a means of transforming them, you can shift their skills around.

Not that I doubt you, but can I have a reference?
Doing body-swaps on Supernaturals is a trickier issue...possibly impossible (or impossible without losing your magic, which is what I'd go with), or Capirocorpus likely would've been walking around in some sort of superhuman monster, not a young human girl. Indeed, given the difficulties Luccio underwent post-body swap (Extreme Consequence or not), I'd argue that in order not to lose both Evocation and Thaumaturgy as soon as you have the body both participants need to be human, and  the victim must have Thaumaturgy and Evocation, or at least Channeling and Ritual (ie: magical potential). Anything else the magical potentials screw you the hell up. Meaning it's only really a viable option on Wizards or those with the potential to be Wizards. So, much like the drumming with zombies, various in-world limitations built into the whole thing, not necessarily it being anything other than bog-standard Thaumaturgy rules-wise.

Maybe shifting into a supernatural is either flat-out impossible, since they don't even have a soul for you to swap with? Alternatively, maybe you lose your free will if you do so. that is to say, you no longer count as mortal.

Also, your requirements for magical potential seem far too strict, based upon the comments the Corpsetaker made in Ghost Story, but that's always going to be a GM ruling anayway.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Not that I doubt you, but can I have a reference?

Hmmm. Not finding it per se. On the other hand, as per p. 283, you can bring them back in a new form with new of which could be a permanent Beast Change (which I'd definitely stat as a -0 power...the -1 version includes the ability to switch, after all), which would definitely cover this. I mean, how else do you turn someone into a hound or stag?

Maybe shifting into a supernatural is either flat-out impossible, since they don't even have a soul for you to swap with?

Possible...but might interact oddly with something like a White Court Vampire or changeling, which clearly does have a soul.

Alternatively, maybe you lose your free will if you do so. that is to say, you no longer count as mortal.

Not an issue for Corpsetaker, since she's already done that whole 'lost free will' thing. There has to be another reason for it.

Also, your requirements for magical potential seem far too strict, based upon the comments the Corpsetaker made in Ghost Story, but that's always going to be a GM ruling anayway.

Very possibly. I haven't read Ghost Story in a while.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 11:00:20 AM by Deadmanwalking »