Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224852 times)

Offline narphoenix

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Just to help: Harry should be spending one of his refinements on getting access to Water evocations before Turn Coat, because it is in that book where we see him use a water evocation for the first time (against Demonreach during the sanctum invokation).

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Offline Mr. Death

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Just to help: Harry should be spending one of his refinements on getting access to Water evocations before Turn Coat, because it is in that book where we see him use a water evocation for the first time (against Demonreach during the sanctum invokation).
Eh, that whole thing was basically one big thaumaturgy spell, not an evocation.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Eh, that whole thing was basically one big thaumaturgy spell, not an evocation.

This. That's clearly Thaumaturgy, which can effect any element, regardless of your Evocation affinities.

Water isn't Harry's thing.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And I was mis-remembering, Harry doesn't get the ring quite yet in Death Masks, returning to potion-brewing. Advancements adjusted accordingly.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And I've added Ritual to both versions of Thomas. I was looking over Backup and he clearly possesses the ability to perform divinations, so, yeah. He might actually have full Thaumaturgy...but we lack evidence of that. He clearly lacks Evocation altogether.

More updates to Harry's advancement in, y'know, a bit.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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I think the Common Ritual trapping of Lore is more suited to Thomas than the Ritual Power, personally.

A Power is supposed to be a meaningful part of your character concept. Spellcasting isn't, for Thomas.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I think the Common Ritual trapping of Lore is more suited to Thomas than the Ritual Power, personally.

A Power is supposed to be a meaningful part of your character concept. Spellcasting isn't, for Thomas.

Except for the whole 'his mother was a Wizard' thing. Also, he does a tracking spell that works exactly as Harry's does (and mentions having some other low-key capabilities in his area). That's pretty clearly something more than Common Ritual.

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His mom being a wizard is part of his concept, but actually casting spells is a minor side note at best for him.

And a common ritual can work the same way as a normal spell. Really, the little "I'm not a real spellcaster but I know a few tricks" speech he gives sounded like a perfect way to describe using Common Rituals to me.

Offline vultur

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I think it's definitely more than Common Rituals. Common Rituals are incredibly rare (working ones, anyway) and are powered by some 'other' source (like a sponsor).

I agree it's kind of marginal to the character concept, but Thomas definitely does have some true spellcasting ability - his description of it in Backup makes that clear. I'd put him on the 'Kim Delaney' / 'hedge wizard' level maybe - its insignificance to him is because he has to worry about being a White Court vampire, not because it's next-to-nonexistent.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 02:24:49 AM by vultur »

Offline Mr. Death

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Thomas doesn't know how to do rituals. He knows how to do a "Find Harry" spell. Yes, his knowledge is that specific, as he describes it. That's not worth two refresh, for something we've seen him do all of once, and had to be thoroughly coached not to completely bollocks it up.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Thomas doesn't know how to do rituals. He knows how to do a "Find Harry" spell. Yes, his knowledge is that specific, as he describes it. That's not worth two refresh, for something we've seen him do all of once, and had to be thoroughly coached not to completely bollocks it up.

Nope, he can do a 'Find Anyone' spell. He uses it on the Stygian Sister, too. That's approaching worth it all on its' own, and he actually specifically states he can do several other useful things in the same way...that's just the only one he demonstrates, and thus the only one where we know what it is. I'm assuming his tricks are all Divination until it proves otherwise, but it's clearly a repertoire, and that's either Ritual or Thaumaturgy.

Common Rituals have very specific requirements (You must do X, Y, and Z, often at time A), which isn't what Thomas appears to do at all. Indeed, from description, what he does is pretty much exactly what Harry does, only he's worse at it.

An argument could be made that Common Rituals can accomplish this sort of thing...but I'm deeply skeptical of it, and even if it can, it'd certainly require high Lore...which Thomas manifestly does not have based on his knowledge base.

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And if he DID know a "Find Harry" spell specifically, it still probably wouldn't be a Common Ritual (unless it was a sponsored, etc. thing) - it would be a (probably zero-refresh) Minor Ability.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Harry's Advancement has been updated for Blood Rites. Dead Beat in a while.

EDIT: And modified slightly. Let this be a lesson to me: Never post one of these just because you're near the end of a book.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:00:26 PM by Deadmanwalking »

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Modified Kincaid to be a slightly less conservative version (he caps at Fantastic now).

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Shagnasty was looking a little too weak compared to some of the modifications on the heavy hitters (especially Morgan...who needed a nuke to kill one of his kind, remember), so I've adjusted him accordingly. Relatively small modifications, really. Check out his entry to see them.