Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224665 times)

Offline Jebm

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Ok, then is Sir Stu's build doable then?.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Um...who? I'm more than a bit unclear who you're talking about now. Of course I'm bad with names...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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That ghost in Ghost Story. Mort's friend, was a soldier back when he was alive. Here's a wiki link.

I could try statting up Ace, but as DMW says there's no way to know how accurate the stats I come up with would be.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh, right. Him. I was going through Cold Days characters in my head again and again trying to think...

Ghost Story characters will eventually show up, after I re-read the book and they're fresh in my head. Definitely Sir Stewart and Mort Lindquist, and quite possibly various others including Bob.

At the moment, I remember their existence, but it's been over a year since I read the statting them up's a bad idea until I do. We'll see when that happens...might be a little while, as I'm seriously considering re-reading the whole series. That'd be fun, but mean that Ghost Story stuff was a while off.

Offline narphoenix

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The Alertness you have for Ebenezar is equal to the canon stunt "On My Toes" in all but name.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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You're totally right, I was in a huge hurry and away from my books when I changed that. Fixed shortly.

EDIT: And fixed. Thanks.  :)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 02:09:07 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Jebm

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Hey, I've been curious about something, does Harry's use of soul fire count as sponsored channeling?. We only ever see him use it for his evocation spells.

Offline narphoenix

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Wrong. The sanctum invokation at Demonreach was Thaumaturgy.

Paranet 2250

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Offline jalrin

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Also see Changes for a conjuration use of soulfire
« Reply #443 on: December 30, 2012, 10:01:02 PM »
Harry uses soulfire to augment his conjuration in the FBI building to make the "stunt doubles" for Murphy and co. more realistic and to do it quicker than he could with standard methods.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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What they said, basically.

Also, as a matter of principle, if a published power explicitly mimics one in the books, I'm usually inclined to say that people who have that power due to a direct book citation (ala Harry and Soulfire, Unseelie Magic, or Hellfire) have the standard version, not some lesser variant, even if they haven't used every possible part of the power (I can't remember Harry ever using Hellfire on Thaumaturgy off the top of my head, but would still give Proven Guilty era Harry the full power if statting him, for example). I tend to assume powers work as per the RPG rules barring direct evidence to the contrary in the books. There are one or two exceptions to this, but it's my general policy.

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PS: I read CD recently. I'm thinking Harry might have some kind of limitation Power on his physical abilities, since he has to call upon Winter to get them. He might have Supernatural Strength so that he can bench 400kg.
Maybe Human Guise or Human Form? Given how he gets odd looks when he really uses his power, it seems to me that his form changes somewhat (even if it's only being cloaked in ice), like the bit in the warehouse, when he punches Sharkface, etc.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Maybe Human Guise or Human Form? Given how he gets odd looks when he really uses his power, it seems to me that his form changes somewhat (even if it's only being cloaked in ice), like the bit in the warehouse, when he punches Sharkface, etc.

Seems to apply only to outright attacks though...maybe Claws with Human Guise? Or Claws plus Inhuman Strength governed by Human Form...

Or a Conjuration as Evocation effect to make brass knuckles out of ice...

Hard to tell, really. At the moment I'm assuming it's closer to the last than the first two, but as it continues to show up, that opinion might easily change.

In other news, I just finished Grave Peril in my re-reading, and am now tempted to do a full progression on Harry charting his advancement from starting character to the version in the beginning of this thread. Anyone interested in something like that?

He's probably the only character that can be done with, but it does seem a viable option for him specifically.

Offline narphoenix

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Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoi tdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdo itdoit

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Okay then. Advancement timeline through Summer Knight coming up in the near-ish future. Addenda coming as I finish the appropriate books (obviously). This might theoretically result in some slight stat changes...but I'll be making an effort to avoid that, so it should be very close to the same.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Okay, here's that list of Advancements:

Pre-Storm Front Harry is...well, basically like post Storm Front Harry, which is the default character sheet. See either YS p. 67 or OW p. 136.

In Fool Moon, Harry uses his Potion slots for super-coffee and the blending potion. He manages a Major milestone right at the end and picks up Average Guns and a fourth Evocation Element (Earth), plus a specialty in Spirit Power (Note: This isn't technically how buying new Elements works RAW...I really don't care).

In Grave Peril, Harry's potion slots are replaced with his sword-cane as a Focus for Earth Offensive Control. This doesn't last long (though we do see the cane again). He manages two Milestones, a Major in dying/devouring the Nightmare, and a significant in winning the day. His Athletics rises to Good and his Discipline to Great. He gets a second level of Refinement, picking up a Specialty in Fire Control and a second level of Fire Power.

In Summer Knight, Harry is still experimenting with Foci and adds a +1 Offensive Air Control to his staff. He achieves only a Significant Milestone (the first and only time this occurs), upping his Endurance to Superb.

In Death Masks, Harry goes back to Potions, whipping up two anti-Red Court venom potions (though he only uses's possible his unicorn hair rope used the other slot). He receives one each Major and Significant Milestone this book (though it can be argued exactly where), and his Lore rises to Great, while his Contacts go to Good and he makes a deal with his GM for Fair Weapons in exchange for not getting a skill point next Milestone (basically, just to keep the pyramid happy...his GM's a reasonable sort on this kind of thing), and keeping his point of spare Refresh free (the GM has plans for that Refresh).

In Blood Rites, Harry is finally foregoing Potions for Enchanted Items, and picks up his Armored Coat (4 shift Block or Armor 2, 1/session, 1 Item Slot) and his belt-buckle of endurance (probably built much like his super-coffee), and subs out his Blasting Rod for the Sword Cane as an Earth Magic Focus again (or more accurately, is generously alowed to do so after the Blasting Rod is broken). He also gets both a significant and Major Milestone again. His only skill-up is Guns, and he receives Hellfire, bringing him back down to Refresh 1. Any uses of Hellfire during this book are GM fiat events/clues as to what is starting to bleed into his spells. Or perhaps the GM let him buy only the Channeling portion of Hellfire, with the full version promised at another Refresh.

In Dead Beat, he's sans blasting rod and sword cane, but uses those slots to up his Coat to 3/session and allow it to be used by others (making it a 3 slot Item), while replacing the belt buckle by finally grabbing his Force Ring (Weapon 4 attack, 1/session, 1 Item Slot). He receives a Major Milestone and uses it to buy Refinement and improve his Control with Spirit by 1 (due to his experience in avoiding Fire-magic), as well as picking up another Item Slot (to maintain his new Enchanted Items even after re-making his Blasting Rod). His Deceit rises to Average under Lash's subconscious tutelage.

In Proven Guilty, his item load remains more or less the same as for Dead Beat only with a new Blasting Rod (this totals as Blasting Rod, Staff, and Shield Bracelet at one slot each, Coat at 3, and Ring at 1). He receives a Major Milestone, and uses it for yet another level of Refinement, this one getting him another Item Slot and his Crafting specialty. Under continuing physical therapy (and after picking his first lock), he manages to get Burglary to Average.

In White Night, his Crafting specialty allows for his coat to only be a two slot item, which in turn allows him to upgrade to multiple rings, making them 4 uses a session and two item slots. His new Item Slot is used to upgrade his Shield Bracelet to the current version. He undergoes yet another Major Milestone and uses it to grab one more Item Slots (which he'll eventually use to improve his Blasting Rod) and up his Spirit Power to +2 (improving his endurance with the new shield bracelet). He receives a level of Performance as something of a last gift from Lash. His Hellfire drops away, leaving him with Refresh 3, two of which he'll invest in Soulfire for Evocation only. Or, again, makes some deal where the GM throws it in as a prelude to the full thing.

In Small Favor, Harry uses his new Item Slot on the Doll, which applies a 5 shift effect of thaumaturgy-as-disguise to make anyone holding it look like Harry 1/session, making it a two slot Enchanted Item. In this one Harry gets yet another Major milestone, using it to finish off buying full Soulfire, and ups his Deceit to Fair as his lying/trickery continues to improve, and drops the doll afterwards to improve his blasting rod. This leaves him with the character sheet I demonstrate in the second post of this thread. Further Advancement is listed under his Cold Days character sheet (and is significantly more least for a bit, we'll see if that continues). His items remain consistent through Changes, then go the way of the dodo for Ghost Story and Cold Days.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 05:54:36 AM by Deadmanwalking »