Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224660 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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that's fine by me. I've been re-reading his fight scenes and was curious on your opinion of whether he merits supernatural or merely inhuman strength.

Cat Sith? Definitely Supernatural, he goes through Sidhe like a damn meat grinder. The Redcap? Hard to tell. He's stronger than Harry...but that might be either supernatural Strength or Inhuman and a higher Might skill.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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You have powerful PCs then.


11 shift tracking spells done casually make that second part a very temporary state of affairs indeed.

Eh. Still needs some kind of link.

EDIT: And there, Ebenezar's Initiative is now stratospheric (if still less than, say, Kincaid's).


PS: I read CD recently. I'm thinking Harry might have some kind of limitation Power on his physical abilities, since he has to call upon Winter to get them. He might have Supernatural Strength so that he can bench 400kg. He probably lacks Toughness but he definitely has Recovery.
PPS: Toot-toot cuts pixies down fast enough to deserve Wall Of Death.
PPPS: I'd give Cat Sith weapon 4 claws, Inhuman Strength, and at least one combat/ambush stunt instead of Supernatural Strength. He's extravagantly lethal, but I think he's a finesse-over-force type.

Offline vultur

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PS: I read CD recently. I'm thinking Harry might have some kind of limitation Power on his physical abilities, since he has to call upon Winter to get them. He might have Supernatural Strength so that he can bench 400kg.

I think Inhuman is more than enough for that. Benching 400kg is way more than what a normal man Harry's build could do, but it's not up to "bench press a locomotive/juggle refrigerators" (as Harry describes superstrong stuff in SmF) level.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Yeah, my interpretation of Harry's stats is that he bought some Might and got Inhuman Strength. That pretty much covers that level of strength. 400 kg is...good, but just borderline inhuman, not completely outrageous.

And I firmly believe he has Toughness as well as Recovery, if only to represent the ability to completely ignore pain thing, and how much more iron messes him up than other stuff.

As for Cat Sith, it was his ability to just grab full Sidhe and take them away with him casually that made me think "He's way stronger than these people." and led to Supernatural on Strength.

And Toot-toot seems good to me at Great Weapons, that'll let him butcher pixies pretty well. I'll think about Wall of Death, but minions don't necessarily count enough for that Stunt to be needed, IMO.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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A higher Might skill would let Harry bench 400kg with Inhuman Strength, no question about it.

But you have him at Average Might, and I figured it'd be easier to increase the Power than the skill.

As for Sith, I think he found it easy to take them away because he'd already half killed them with his claws.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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A higher Might skill would let Harry bench 400kg with Inhuman Strength, no question about it.

But you have him at Average Might, and I figured it'd be easier to increase the Power than the skill.

He used to have Mediocre. I was going with it rising to Average and getting Inhuman managing that. Seemed workable. Especially if he can now use his High Concept on strength stuff (and couldn't before)...which sounds right.

As for Sith, I think he found it easy to take them away because he'd already half killed them with his claws.

But he did it silently, which to me implies more raw strength than that, at least to me. They were alive and kept from speaking/carried away.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Harry's lifting Might is Great now. That's not superhuman. It's pretty strong, sure, but your average weightlifter can probably lift more.

Given that Harry is clearly supposed to be superhumanly good at lifting now, that seems inappropriate.

Not sure why silent snatch-grabs would require vast physical force.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Harry's lifting Might is Great now. That's not superhuman. It's pretty strong, sure, but your average weightlifter can probably lift more.

Given that Harry is clearly supposed to be superhumanly good at lifting now, that seems inappropriate.

The average weightlifter does not have Great Might, that's near peak human ability. Nor does he have the other advantages of Inhuman Strength. Harry cannot pick up a motorcycle (as he could with Supernatural's Might +7 to do), nor smash through a metal door (doing that's only Might +6) without FP...nor can anyone with his stated lifting capacity. Any less Might than that level and he's in the 'human range' technically. At +4 he can casually carry a heavyset adult easily, throw heavy chairs a zone, and use full backpacks as thrown weapons. That's plenty for what he's got. The top theoretical level of unaugmented human strength in the DFRPG is just...really unreasonably high. I mean, someone with Superb Might and Mighty Thews can lift motorcycles, throw sofas a zone without rolling, and use human beings as thrown weapons.

Realism-wise, you should just cap Pure Mortals at Good or Great strength and no enhancements on lifting capacityor something like that.

Not sure why silent snatch-grabs would require vast physical force.

You tend to need to overpower someone completely to keep them completely quiet without rendering them unconscious (which they weren't given their later screaming).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Actually, 400 kilos is more than the weight of the vast majority of motorcycles.

And Harry can do sets with 400 kilos. He could lift a motorcycle over and over again.

There are real people who've benched that much, incidentally. But not in sets. And not without equipment.

Given the weightlifting is a specialization of Might narrow enough for a Stunt, I'd expect most serious mortal weightlifters to have Fair-ish Might and a stunt. Given how specialized athletes are, they probably get much of their ability from stunts. Like college professors.

Also you vastly underestimate how strong people can get.

PS: I don't think keeping someone quiet is a matter of force. Force matters a little, but it's be mostly about technique. I think.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Huh. For the record, I was thinking they were heavier than that, not underestimating human strength. Okay, I'll arrange...something.

EDIT: And raised his Might to Good. That's a total of +6...that combined with his ability to use Aspects on it should be sufficient.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 09:06:07 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Yeah, that oughta work.

Offline Jebm

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Can you do a writeup for Ace?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Hard to do. He operates in the background so much...he's got high Deceit and Craftsmanship, the decent combat stats, but power and stunt-wise? We know next to nothing (aside from likely being able to make explosives of some sort).

Offline Jebm

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He's got good contacts and knows how to use the little folk to his advantage as a hit squad. It's also implied he made Lacuna's weapons.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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True...but that just fits in with Craftsmanship and Contacts being high. We have a rough idea of his skill pyramid, but his Power/Stunt list is still maybe a stunt or two long, with no known powers. That's...not enough for a full sheet, I don't think.