Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224929 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Ah. Yeah, that doesn't sound like he's the only one. Luccio's weakened enough to not be his better, which pretty much, IMO, leaves the Senior Council...maybe minus ancient Mai. So 5 Wizards at that point, of which Ebenezar is the most combative. I'm comfy with that.

EDIT: I was looking through the Senior Council, who've now pretty much all been touched up, and reshuffled the Merlin's Thaumaturgy a little (I dropped his Divination a little for more Veils and Conjuration).
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 08:25:43 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Awesome work as always Dead.

One question as a relative n00b using the system compared to you, and it is about "pyramids". I was given to understand that to get a +3 in a specialization, you had to "build" on a foundation of a +2, which in turn had to have a +1 somewhere as well. Same goes for Thaumaturgy specializations if there are other specializations available in that category (crafting specs being an obvious exception).

Am I wrong here?

Offline narphoenix

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Listens-to-Wind is the Council foremost example of a water Mage per WoJ and the entropy magic he used against Shagnasty.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Awesome work as always Dead.

One question as a relative n00b using the system compared to you, and it is about "pyramids". I was given to understand that to get a +3 in a specialization, you had to "build" on a foundation of a +2, which in turn had to have a +1 somewhere as well. Same goes for Thaumaturgy specializations if there are other specializations available in that category (crafting specs being an obvious exception).

Am I wrong here?

No, you're right (aside from Crafting specialties being an exception. They aren't.). But it's one pyramid each for Evocation and Thaumaturgy, not separate ones for control and Power or Control and Complexity.

If there's anywhere I haven't done that it's an error on my part.

Listens-to-Wind is the Council foremost example of a water Mage per WoJ and the entropy magic he used against Shagnasty.

Awesome. I'll switch him up. You know elemental specialties for any of the rest?

Offline narphoenix

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I'll just put everything I know per Books and Jim about the Senior Council's stuff here, whether it's listed or not.

Arthur Langtry: Specializes in Warding, but is also really badass in combat magic per WoJ. How I don't know, but Warding seems to suggest Spirit.

Eb: THE combat master of the Council. Specializes in kinetomancy (Spirit), and I THINK I saw Earth Magic somewhere, too. Not sure.

Martha Liberty: Quote above.

Ancient Mai: Same

Listens-to-Wind: Water magic for evocation, biomancy for thaumaturgy.

Rashid: Probably has the highest Lore on the Council, followed by Martha Liberty. Worldwalking and Divination for slow stuff (but you already have that), no clue for evocation.

Pietrovich/LaFortier/Cristos: I have no freaking clue whatsoever.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Jebm

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I'm pretty sure Eb had a magnetic ring he used in Blood  Rites to rip Kincaid's gun from his hands. So maybe that's it?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Huh. Cool. That all looks about on par with what I've got (I went with Air for the Merlin's Evocations because the game did). I'll maybe adjust a few things a bit (dropping Ancient Mai's Lore to Fantastic, probably switching out a specialty or two on Listens to Wind, and switching what element Martha uses) and that should be good.

Offline narphoenix

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This is a personal opinion: I see Martha Liberty as an Earth Evocator. Just my two cents.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Sure. Why not.

There, changes made. Ancient Mai switches from Earth to Wood (and drops Lore to Fantastic), Martha Liberty from Water to Earth, and Listens-to-Wind gets a few more specialties in Thaumaturgy and rearranges them a bit. I figure that any Ebenezar is more badass than the rest in combat stuff is handled by him already being top tier and having the Blackstaff.

Offline narphoenix

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I like them a lot. Especially since you can tell that, at the end of the day, they can ALL turn you into a bloody spot on the floor.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Well, yeah. I mean, Senior Council and all. You don't get there by collecting bottlecaps.  ;)

Offline waddesdonbaz

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No, you're right (aside from Crafting specialties being an exception. They aren't.). But it's one pyramid each for Evocation and Thaumaturgy, not separate ones for control and Power or Control and Complexity.

If there's anywhere I haven't done that it's an error on my part.

That explains it - thanks.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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That explains it - thanks.

No problem, always happy to be of assistance.  :)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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I just remembered something that I really shouldn't have forgotten. Self-Sponsored Magic!

A while back on the board, somebody came up with the idea that you could have Sponsored Magic without a sponsor. The Compels would be ordinary Aspect Compels, not agenda Compels. The cost of the Power wouldn't be affected since all Compels are created equal.

Later on, I realized that that mechanic would be a great way to represent spellcasting expertise that isn't just "bigger numbers". In particular, I figured it would be a good way to model over-specialization in a field. I had in mind the scene where Langtry stonewalls an army with a ward cast in Evocation time and (maybe) no threshold.

So I came up with some Superior X Powers. Other people joined in and we came up with some stuff that'd fit the Senior Council (and Luccio).

So, let me show you the Powers.

Superior Warding for Arthur Langtry. Partially to represent that scene where he and the gatekeeper stop an army, partly just because he deserves some extra Warding tricks.
(click to show/hide)

Superior Biomancy for Listens-To-Wind. A guy who can shapeshift in combat ought to be capable of Evocation-speed biomancy. The extra benefits were designed to help him with his doctoring and with the disguises that True Shapeshifting makes him good at.
(click to show/hide)

Superior Worldwalking for Rashid. Because Worldwalker is kind of redundant with spellcasting. It even says so in Your Story.
(click to show/hide)

Superior Crafting for Luccio. The Warden Sword breaks the normal enchanted item rules, and the game doesn't really support the idea of enchanted items that only one person can make. This power explains that. Unfortunately it's questionably well-written.
(click to show/hide)

And Superior Divination for Martha Liberty because she might as well be a diviner and somebody wanted to write Superior Divination.
(click to show/hide)

Hope you find at least some of these useful.

PS: Martha Liberty is no longer a water mage, her notes should reflect that.
PPS: I've been thinking about Eb's role as the combat specialist of the group, and I don't think he really lives up to it. There are three things that bring victory in a wizard fight: big evocations, big defensive items, and high initiative. Eb's the best only at the first thing on that list. He could afford to spend more item slots to pump up the defence item easily enough, though. And an initiative stunt could work. Maybe let him spend a FP to automatically go first in the first round of a fight. Call it Quick On The Draw or something.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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In general, I'm not against Self-Sponsored Magic or something like it (Kemmlerian Necromancy is basically this)...but I think adding it to the Senior council is premature. We haven't ever seen them use it, and (based on some stuff Jim Butcher said) I'm not at all sure most of them don't have some sort of actual sponsored I'm withholding judgement until we know.

On the PS: Keep reading. I note changes without necessarily removing previous notes. It's at the bottom why I switched her element.

On the PPS: I don't necessarily agree, at least on Initiative. And his defensive item's pretty good...though I suppose it could be better. Alright, upgraded item will occur momentarily.

EDIT: And there, vastly beefed up defensive item. which, IMO, make initiative unnecessary to some degree.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 01:53:12 AM by Deadmanwalking »