Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224760 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Can you do a write up of Cold Days level Toot-Toot , as the little guy clearly shows he's terrifying once he's taking on something in his own weight-class.

Sure. Though I'd say a fair amount of that is legitimate advancement as he's kept growing, rather than simple comparisons of scale.

And having re-read the fight scene in Dead Beat...I'm not convinced either way on Morgan and Luccio. I really need to think about it.

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Re: Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions
« Reply #376 on: December 16, 2012, 09:40:23 PM »
Name: Toot-toot
High Concept: Pixie Minion
Major General of the Za Guard
Proud, But Loyal to the Za Lord
Doesn't Get Humans
Go Winter!


Great: Athletics, Contacts, Weapons,
Good:Deceit, Investigation, Presence,
Fair: Alertness, Lore, Rapport, Stealth, Discipline,
Average: Empathy, Endurance, Conviction, Fists, Survival,


Ear To The Ground (Contacts) (See OW p. 50)


Diminutive Size [-1]
Wings [-1]
Glamours [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Inhuman Recovery [–2]
The Catch [+3] is cold iron and the like.

Total: -8 Refresh


Mental: OOO
Physical: OO(OO)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1

And here's the Cold Days version of our favorite Pixie. His Stealth has gone down as he's gotten larger (though not, y'know, a lot) but his speed, combat skills, Contacts, Presence, and discipline have advanced significantly. He's right about a submerged level character at this point, actually (1 skill rank over in total). Befitting his growing into his new position. Don't mess with the little guy.

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Upon serious reflection, I've decided to go with improving Luccio and Morgan's Evocation. They're really good at that stuff, and the head of the Wardens being low-Senior Council level in that area made sense to me.

Offline vultur

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Looks great.

(Though comparing them to the SC, I think Mai and Liberty at least are too good at Evocation. I'd actually put them below Morgan or Luccio in that area.)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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We've never seen either of those two cut what are you basing that opinion on? I mean, Listens-to-Wind never demonstrated being badass as hell before kicking Shagnasty's ass, what makes you think they aren't similarly terrifying when angered?

Offline narphoenix

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Mai, probably (Jim said she's not really combat oriented) but just barely (Senior Council). Liberty I'd put equal (since she specializes in divination, per WoJ), but not below (since Jim hasn't quantified her for combat stuff like he did Mai, and again, Senior Council).

Paranet 2250

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Offline vultur

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We've never seen either of those two cut what are you basing that opinion on? I mean, Listens-to-Wind never demonstrated being badass as hell before kicking Shagnasty's ass, what makes you think they aren't similarly terrifying when angered?

- I'm pretty sure that Mai at least is by WoJ not much for Evocation/combat.

- Eb was supposed to be one of the only wizards that could beat Morgan, which doesn't sound like every member of the Senior Council could do it.

Offline vultur

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Also what does Gatekeeper's Supernatural Sense [-2] do? (It's not listed)

Quibbles aside, I really like these stats...

Offline narphoenix

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- Eb was supposed to be one of the only wizards that could beat Morgan, which doesn't sound like every member of the Senior Council could do it.

Not exactly. By WoJ, Eb could FLOOR Morgan. Not beat. FLOOR. I'm pretty sure that any of the Senior Council (Mai included: she seems to be skilled at encahnting items- see the Foo Dog statues- and could probably be not too behind Morgan in terms of Evocation- she's four hundred years old, which should count for something) could kick Morgan's ass. Especially Eb, Langtry, and (I CANNOT emphasize this enough) Rashid.

Paranet 2250

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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Mai, probably (Jim said she's not really combat oriented) but just barely (Senior Council). Liberty I'd put equal (since she specializes in divination, per WoJ), but not below (since Jim hasn't quantified her for combat stuff like he did Mai, and again, Senior Council).

Y'know where all that is said? It'd be helpful to work out exactly how their stats should interact with each other. For example, this is the first I've heard of Martha as a Divination specialist. Revising her stats to make that true is pretty casually easy...but also something I'd want a citation for.

- I'm pretty sure that Mai at least is by WoJ not much for Evocation/combat.

Well, by reasonable standards none of the Senior Council are (at least as I've statted 'em). They all focus much more on Thaumaturgy than Evocation. They're also unbelievably powerful and scary enough that that lack of specialization still leaves them ridiculously badass.

- Eb was supposed to be one of the only wizards that could beat Morgan, which doesn't sound like every member of the Senior Council could do it.

Where exactly is that said? Because I'm not finding it in a quick skim of Turn Coat. I remember him being badass and almost taking out the red King...but nothing about how only Ebenezar could take him out.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 02:29:51 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Also what does Gatekeeper's Supernatural Sense [-2] do? (It's not listed)

Quibbles aside, I really like these stats...

The answer to this question is a Cold Days Spoiler.

And thanks. Always happy to be useful and/or entertaining. :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 02:42:15 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline narphoenix

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Quote from: jimbutcher
Plenty of the wizards there have got precious little gift when it comes to actual combat magic--like Ancient Mai.

Ancient Mai not being a battle Mage.

Quote from: Bitten by Books
What kind of magic does Martha Liberty specialize in?

Thaumaturgy, specifically information-gathering. She’s got legions of contacts in the Nevernever and the mortal world alike.

Martha Liberty specialization.

Quote from: jimbutcher
Harry does not have Morgan's experience or expertise in a fight.  It doesn't mean that Harry isn't also an effective and dangerous opponent, but he has a completely different approach--and he generally has a lot more to learn, still, before he is as formidable as someone like Morgan.

Granted, Ebenezar makes /Morgan/ look like Harry.

The relevant Eb quote.

Paranet 2250

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Cool.  :)

Based on that, I think that Morgan's, Harry's, and Ebenezar's magic are about right. That I need to revise Martha Liberty slightly, and maybe ditto with Ancirent Mai...though she could to some degree just be 'bad at combat magic' the same way Molly is...which is to say not suited to it, not incapable per se.

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So, I redistributed the ladies on the Senior council's Thaumaturgy specialties somewhat, and tacked an appropriate Aspect on each of them as well. Mai's now only a 10 shift Evocater offensively (though she hits 11 on defense)...and that's as low as I'm comfortable taking a legit Senior Council Member.

Offline vultur

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Where exactly is that said? Because I'm not finding it in a quick skim of Turn Coat. I remember him being badass and almost taking out the red King...but nothing about how only Ebenezar could take him out.

It's right after the spiders on the Way, talking to Chandler. But the quote is actually  -

"What about Wizard McCoy?"
"Standing by with a strike team, when last I heard," Chandler replied. "He's one of the few who can reasonably expect to overpower Morgan."

- which isn't quite as strong a statement as I remembered it.