Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224712 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Thomas Raith

High Concept: 'Redeemed' Prince of the Raith Family
Trouble: Fighting My Inner Demon
Loyal To My Brother
Justine Is My True Love and Dietitian
Lara, My Loving Sister
White Court Champion
Make Like An Action Movie


Fantastic: Guns, Weapons,
Superb: Athletics, Deceit, Discipline,
Great: Fists, Investigation, Resources
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Presence,
Fair: Alertness, Driving, Intimidation, Lore, 
Average: Empathy, Rapport, Scholarship, Stealth,


Sex Appeal (Rapport) (-1)
Takes One to Know One (Deceit) (-1)
Target Rich Environment (As the Guns Stunt) (Weapons) (-1)
Wall of Death (Weapons) (-1)
Windfall (Resources) (-1)


Emotional Vampire [–1]
Human Guise [+0]
Incite Emotion (Lust; At Range, Lasting Emotion) [–3]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Ritual (Divination) [-2]

Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting the following powers:
Supernatural Strength [–2]
Supernatural Speed [–2]
Supernatural Recovery [–4]
The Catch [+0] is True Love.

Total: -24 Refresh

Focus Items:
Mother's Pentacle [+2 Complexity with Divination]


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOOO
Hunger: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Armor: 1.

And here's Thomas circa Cold Days. I've gone with the interpretation that a member of the White Court who buys additional powers on top of his starting ones with the exception of Recovery powers can keep them outside the Feeding Dependency (to keep that from becoming an impossible roll). Lara will get a makeover in keeping with this (and maybe beefing her up slightly) in a bit.

Thomas's big Discipline bump is basically due to Justine and being extremely well-fed these days. His Resources are up due to his better relationship with Laura, and the Windfall stunt represents his 'Emergency Card'. The rest are just skills that went up one to put him on par with Harry (which he totally is). His combat skills particularly have been advancing quite a bit over the last several books. His new Weapons Stunt is because I thought he deserve it.

His Refresh is 4 or so at the moment, which seems right. He's pretty free-willed and able to resist temptation right now, y'know?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 11:03:03 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Molly Carpenter
High Concept: Rogue Wizard
Trouble: Not The Most Stable Person Ever
Carpenter Kid;
Harry Dresden’s Ex-Apprentice;
Subtlety Is Its Own Power;
Mentored by the Leannan Sidhe;
Sharp As A Knife;


Superb: Discipline,
Great: Conviction, Deceit, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Endurance, Rapport,
Fair: Alertness, Empathy, Intimidation, Stealth,
Average: Burglary, Fists, Guns, Investigation, Might, Presence, Scholarship, Survival,


Sensitive (-1)


Refinement [-2]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Lawbreaker (Fourth) [–1]

Total: -11 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Water, Spirit); Power (Spirit +2),  Control (Spirit +1)
Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Divination +1);

Focus Items:
Wand 1 [+2 Defensive Control and Power with Spirit for veils only]
Wand 2 [+1 Offensive Control and Power with Spirit]

Enchanted Items:
2 Potion Slots

Veil (6 shift Spirit Block, can be seen through on the inside, requires Wand 1)
Quick Veil (6 shift Spirit Block)
Distracting Lights (6 shift Spirit Maneuver)
Rave Party (7 shift Spirit Maneuver, requires Wand 2)


Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Armor: 0, or by spell effect.

And here's Molly as of Ghost Story/Cold Days. The stuff at Chichen Itza followed by a year of being tutored by the Leannan Sidhe have significantly toughened her in both body and mind. She does 8-shift Veils casually when she wants, and 6 shift ones you can see through, as well as being seriously dangerous offensively. Also, she's worked hard on being scary and it's borne fruit in a reasonable Intimidate score.

Events in Cold Days have likely left her changed somewhat, but stats for such changes are premature until we see her in action next.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And, there's Murphy, Thomas, and Molly. Circa Cold Days. I've also added one more note to Harry's updated sheet...though its spoilered. So yeah.

I actually re-read the book to be sure I did these right. I hope you people appreciate the sacrifices I make for you.  ;)

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Oh we do.

Only quibble is with Murphy only having average weapons - she tutored Harry in the staff so I thought it would be at least good.

A question - if you were creating a senior warden, just shy of Morgan power, would you say 17 refresh (and 12 skill "advances") would be excessive to represent a wizard around a century in age, with at least one World War behind him, wounded and demobbed from the Wardens in the Kemmler battle, re-drafted at the start of the Red War, present/involved at several big Red War events (Congo Hospital, Demonreach battle alongside Mai) and sundry experience as the regional commander for Sub-Saharan Africa and all the supernatural nastiness that entails... I like to create my NPCs organically... Or indeed is 17 refresh too low for this character?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Oh, good.  :)

Murphy uses her Fantastic Fists for every weapon we've actually seen her use due to her Armed Arts stunt. Check it out if you like.

As for that, 17 seems a little over the top (though only a little). I built Morgan with only 16 (assuming he's down to Refresh 1) and 52 skill points. I'm inclined to think I undersold him a bit, looking at him (I may go back and tack on one more level of Refinement, now that I think about it...ditto Luccio) and he may have a Refresh of more than 1...but still, at 17, you're looking at a legitimate that's around right, especially if he has a few less skills.

EDIT: And there, slight modifications to Luccio and Morgan made. She got better at Fire Evocation (she is the Warden Commander, she should be maxed out there) and he got some improved items (we don't see him use 'em, but that hardly means he lacks them).
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 06:43:03 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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And Lara Raith has been modified slightly (basically, I upped her Recovery and Weapons) and had some advancement changes noted.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Going back through stuff that was posted after I stopped (making these) the latest responses that I've ever made to commentary (at over two years):

Sanctaphrax posted on giving the Senior Council mundane Stunts: I'm not against this idea, but I'm a little more skeptical as to who'd have what, which tends to make me leery of doing it. I also don't remember any references to Listens-to-Wind having a medical degree. If you can cite something I'd totally toss on Doctor and raise his Scholarship a rank to Great. Since I like to keep them on an even playing field, this'd probably lead to mortal stunts on the others, too.

Various people posted stuff on characters from Changes and particularly Ghost Story: I can't comment on the posted characters from Ghost Story who weren't in Cold Days (Mortimer Lindquist, Daniel Carpenter, Aristedes) or post my own as I'd need to re-read it. Ditto Susan from Changes. I suppose I could post stats for Bob...but I'd probably want to re-read Ghost Story for those too. I may do this re-reading, but it'll be a while.

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He is the White Council's premiere healer, and also has multiple degrees in modern medicine. He returns to medical school every decade or two to stay current with modern practise.

That aside, did you see the stats I made for Bob? Do they seems reasonable?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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That's not cited either, but I suppose it'll do. *halfhearted grumbling ensues*

As for Bob...I might be inclined to model his capabilities as magic as opposed to physical force, however they appear in the spirit realms...but maybe not, too. I'd need to think (and, as mentioned, re-read Ghost Story). I'd also give him crap Conviction (probably Average), though very high Discipline. He's not actually capable of independent will per se and high Conviction feels wrong for that reason among others. I admit that that's an aesthetic choice given his obvious negative Refresh, though. Other than that, I suspect my stats would differ in detail but be quite similar overall. Certainly a very workable version of the guy.

Offline Jebm

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I think Harry brought it up in Turn Coat when Listens to Wind was examining Lafortier's body.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Alright, I'm convinced. He's a Doctor. I've given the other Senior council Members a Mortal stunt or two to round them out as well. Most seem fairly self-explanatory.

Ancient Mai and Martha Liberty aren't quite done yet, but will be shortly.

EDIT: And they're up.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 12:33:34 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Oh, good.  :)

Murphy uses her Fantastic Fists for every weapon we've actually seen her use due to her Armed Arts stunt. Check it out if you like.

Far be it for me to question someone clearly vastly better with the character creation system than I wil ever be, but I could buy that if it was just her being good using weapons, with aptitude transfering from unarmed combat muscle reflex and experience, but she was teaching them, which requires more technical expertise. Just my opinion of course.

As for that, 17 seems a little over the top (though only a little). I built Morgan with only 16 (assuming he's down to Refresh 1) and 52 skill points. I'm inclined to think I undersold him a bit, looking at him (I may go back and tack on one more level of Refinement, now that I think about it...ditto Luccio) and he may have a Refresh of more than 1...but still, at 17, you're looking at a legitimate that's around right, especially if he has a few less skills.

46 in skills, so less than your interpretation of Morgan for sure. Thanks for the feedback.

Offline vultur

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On Morgan: TC says Eb is one of the only wizards expected to be able to take him down, so I'd figure he's much stronger, not that far short of the Senior Council (25+ Refresh maybe).

EDIT: Per OW, Harry is also a 14 base Refresh character by DB, and I think there's a pretty big gap between him and Morgan.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 08:47:11 PM by vultur »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Far be it for me to question someone clearly vastly better with the character creation system than I wil ever be, but I could buy that if it was just her being good using weapons, with aptitude transfering from unarmed combat muscle reflex and experience, but she was teaching them, which requires more technical expertise. Just my opinion of course.

Here's the thing, her weapon skills are explicitly part of her aikido training...which is what Armed Arts does, it allows you to use Fists because the weaponry training is part and parcel of your unarmed combat training, all of said training melding into one particular style of combat. No reason you couldn't teach with it.

46 in skills, so less than your interpretation of Morgan for sure. Thanks for the feedback.

Cool, then. And you're very welcome.  :)

On Morgan: TC says Eb is one of the only wizards expected to be able to take him down, so I'd figure he's much stronger, not that far short of the Senior Council (25+ Refresh maybe).

Well, Luccio is better (or was prior to her body-swap, which is what her stats as written represent)...and I interpret that as primarily Evocation prowess. Where he's actually not too far down from the Senior Council all things considered. 9 shifts vs. their 11-12. That's...really pretty close. And he never demonstrates the sheer scale of power they have (Listens-to-wind's duel with the skinwalker, or the Merlin putting up a Ward to stop an army, or Ebenezar smashing a compound full of Red Court with a satellite). All we hear about Morgan is that he's a scary customer in a straight fight (and fairly clever). No mention of the kind of raw power the Council wields.

Still, I suppose I could up both of them one shift in Evocation with Focus Items relatively cheaply (2 Refresh each)...but neither of them seem to use overt focus Items that much. Maybe I'll re-read the fight scene in Dead Beat and think about it. But that'd definitely be the only change I made.

Offline Jebm

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Can you do a write up of Cold Days level Toot-Toot , as the little guy clearly shows he's terrifying once he's taking on something in his own weight-class.